Friday, March 18, 2016

last week I held a precious boy for 2 days!  Poor little Jacob had the flu and BB came to visit him while he was sick.  Thursday the little guy was so pitiful.  He slept and snuggled.  I loved the snuggles, but hated that he wasn't feeling like his very active little self;  no food other than a small amount of fruity yogurt, just some juice.  Friday morning started out more of the same.  just sad little snuggly guy.  we sat and watched TV, rocked and slept.  after awakening from a nap about midday little man seemed a little different.  when he woke up, he sat up in my lap and looked around with a frown on his sweet face.  I gave him more juice, and he seemed like he wanted something else.  We went to the fridge and when I would point to something, he'd shake his head no.  finally he pointed to a container of tortellini, so I plopped him down in his high chair, heated the food and he started eating for the first time since I'd been there.  he ate like he was hungry!  after lunch we snuggled a little more, and then he acted like he wanted down from my lap.  he toddled over to his toys and proceeded to dig in.  we got down in the floor and I saw him blossom like a wilted flower that had been given a cold drink of water.  we went into his play room and pulled out all the toys and played!  I saw my precious angel laugh.  It was so nice to see him feeling better.  I was excited to send videos to his Mama and daddy!  I know that they were so happy to see him back.  that night I went back to Carrollton, glad to know that my little guy was on the mend. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

BB Camp 2016

Well I was a little sad last night.  A little piece of my heart left me yesterday afternoon.  Sid and I had the privilege of taking care of our precious grandson, Jacob for a long weekend while his parents were away for a work function.  We lovingly referred to our time together as "BB Camp" with Jacob as the only special camper.  I traveled to Jacob's house Wednesday night so that his Mama and Daddy could have one last kiss before they departed for Orlando.  shortly after they departed, we took off for our adventure.  Our first stop was in Batesville for gasoline, since I forgot to fill up earlier.  The Tahoe is really good at reminding me that it is hungry!  That didn't take very long, and soon we were back on the open road, heading south on I55.  Winona Mississippi was our next stop where we stopped through the drive in window at the Bank of Winona to meet Miss Laura and Miss Nan.  I guess Miss Shirley was gone somewhere, because I know that if she knew Jacob was there, she'd have come out to speak.  Well, they absolutely loved our little guy.  Miss Laura slipped Jacob a sucker, which he managed to consume with a plethora of drool down the front of his little onesie.  Walmart was our next stop, since I can't go to town without stopping there for something.  after loading up on coke zero and some more of that squirt baby food stuff, we headed west for Carrollton.  After arriving at camp, Poppa Sid helped us unload our stuff and then we decided to celebrate the opening of camp with lunch at El Cabrito.  Jacob was a little worn out from our morning escapades, so he opted to nap while we grabbed lunch. Thursday afternoon we hung around camp, enjoying the beautiful weather and playing with the pups and toys.  Jacob did well Thursday night, falling asleep and sleeping most of the night in his pack and play.  Friday morning he was up bright and early ready for action.  We tried to get an appointment to visit Cotesworth farms to see Miss Kat, but she was busy with visitors.   Friday afternoon after Poppa Sid left for work, we decided to pay a visit to our neighbors' house.  Carolyn and Johnny were so excited to meet Jacob and little man loved them too.  He made himself right at home, trying on Mr. Johnny's glasses and checking out his books.  Annabelle and Cole were there since they stay with their grandparents during the week.  Annabelle made a fast friend with Jacob, since she bribed him with animal crackers.  We couldn't stay long, since we were due at a surprise birthday party for Brittany.  Jacob was Mr. Personality, charming everyone at the party.  I think he had several offers from pretty girls to go home with them, but he held out for BB!  Actually he fell asleep coming home from the party and slept the rest of the night.  Saturday morning started super early around 4:00 am I believe.  I couldn't get him to go back to sleep, so we got a little breakfast and a bath before waking Poppa Sid up.  Patrick didn't hang around too long after he got up, since he and Brittany had planned a picnic and boat ride at McIntyre Scatters.  Patrick did take a minute to ride Jacob around the yard on the four wheeler. after he left Poppa rode him some more.  Johnny and Carole Morrison came by around 3:00 with their granddaughter Bailey.  Johnny is Sid's first cousin and I'm not sure what that makes Bailey, but I know she is some kind of cousin.  She is around 5 and Jacob thought he was just as big as she!  They had so much fun, feeding the goat, running through the front yard, sitting in the gazebo and hiding in the magnolia tree.  Sammie was a little rambunctious when Bailey found her fetching rope.  She got wilder and wilder until we had to put her up so that she wouldn't hurt the kids.  Poor Jacob already had a bump on his head and Sammie would surely give him another.  Saturday night we all went to Nail's to eat supper.  Again Jacob was the life of the party, entertaining everyone in the restaurant!   Little Man slept well Saturday night and we started Sunday bright and early with breakfast and Sunday school.  Miss Pam and Mr. Howard were tickled to see little man again and he played peekaboo under the table with them.  We started off in the sancturary for worship, and Jacob made his rounds, speaking to everyone he met with his adorable grin.  I decided he'd be happier in the nursery so out we went.  Miss Becky and Miss Ashely were helping Miss Elmira in the nursery that morning and are super sweet.  Miss Elmira tempted our boy with froot loops.  The boy band in the corner consisting of Shawn and Brycen got him interested and lured  him away from me.  When he was sufficiently distracted, I slipped out.  I waited a while and heard no tears, so I mosied back to the sanctuary.  After church Poppa Sid fed Jacob some macaroni and cheese and fruit while I fried fish, hushpuppies, and fries.  before we finished lunch, Jacob's Mama and Daddy appeared to whisk our boy away.  We surely hated to see him go.  It was a great experience for BB and Poppa  anyway.  I know Jacob won't remember it, but we still have our pictures and memories.  That is why I wrote this down before I forgot our adventures.  I sure hope They let him come back again!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Dear Mama and Daddy,

       It's been quite a while since I talked to you guys.  over 18 years.  Guess what?  Yesterday was the first anniversary of me, yes ME being a BB!  or that's what I call myself, the little wild man may change my name, just like Lizzie changed yours!  Mama, you wanted to be Granny, and you called Daddy, Granddaddy.  Liz made you Danny and Knox!  and you loved it.  I am proud that you got to see all 4 of your grands before you left this world. 
       Y'all, you would LOVE this little Great grand-guy.  He is amazing.  Mama, you remember how much you loved it because Jon would sit in your lap!  You really ate it up.  You loved Lizzie, but she was not a cuddly kid, nor is she a cuddly adult.  You didn't have much time with Patrick, but he was pretty cuddly.  He did not like strangers though.  Sometimes, our little Wild man looks just like his daddy and sometimes I see his mama.  Oh, I never told you his name.  Jacob Taylor Morrison!  Isn't that the best name.  I'm sure Daddy would change it to his own little pet name for him, though.  Daddy you did that to all of us!  I was Baboo, Bobby was Rookie, Jim was Bub and Margaret was tiny baby.  You called Elizabeth Lizzie first, I believe and you named Jon JO-Nathan, like the Ole Miss football player.  You didn't hang around long enough to name Patrick, but we call him P man sometimes.  I believe a family friend did that.  Oh, and you both left right after Knox was born.  He is in college now. Patrick, Brittany and I were able to go to his High school graduation last May! 

     Daddy, you would love where Margaret lives!  Spanish fort!  You always wanted to retire to Gulf Breeze, and it is pretty close!  She and Robbie make regular trips to Pensacola beach!  and Remember the Villa Celeste?  We have been vacationing in the same area on 30A for a few years now.  You would LOVE IT!!!!!
    Daddy, you always said that having 2 sons didn't guarantee that your name would live on.  You were right!  But Margaret and I both named our last born sons "Knox".  Patrick Knox and William Knox.  We did our part to let your name live on.
     Mama, Daddy, I miss you both so much sometimes.  I wish you could be here for the good times.  I hope God shares them with you.   All my babies are grown up.  the baby is a sophomore in college.  You would be so proud of them all.  Patrick is so smart, school really comes easily to him.  He is dating a beautiful Christian girl who we adore.  Jon is married and the daddy of our little Jacob.  He is a welding inspector in Holly springs.  Daddy, you would love to see the place where he works! They make some really BIG things there. Remember when you and Jon would ride around looking at tractors and construction equipment?  He loved that.  Remember how you talked about Jon's wisdom?  He still spouts some gems at times.  His wife Julia is a sweet beautiful girl, who we love so much.  (Daddy, she is a yankee, but she's ok!) She is so smart and she has her master's from Ole Miss!  thought you'd like that!   Liz taught school for a couple of years, Mama, but it has changed so much since you were teaching.  She was miserable.  She is now a morning supervisor with UPS.  Pretty cool, don't you think?  Remember Daddy when Mr. Cade called you and told you about the mechanic job opening in Greenwood and you told Sidney to go apply for that job!  Well, he has been there 28 years.
      We are all ok.  I think about you guys a lot and miss you.  I know where you are, though and I know you wouldn't come back for anything.  I wouldn't want you to.  I will definitely see you someday across the Jordan, as you told me in your will, daddy!  All your kids and grands will see you in glory one day.  I am so glad of that.  I'll bet you already knew that, though didn't you?  If the angels in Heaven rejoice when someone is saved, I'll just bet that they shared the good news with all of you up there too!
    Well, I was just thinking about you two a lot today and wishing you could have been there at Jacob's party Saturday.  Oh, Daddy, you'll never guess who one of Jacob's Great granddaddies is!  OAB!!!!  Your old buddy from Lawrence printing company!  It is truly a small world, isn't it. ok, I sure miss you a whole bunch.  wish I could give you another hug.  I love you both!

Friday, June 7, 2013

party time!

Have been cooking a lot this week for a party Sunday afternoon!  Made cheese straws, cookie dough, chicken salad, carved a watermelon, made punch.  tomorrow I'll bake the cookies, assemble the turkey roll ups, slice the croissants, wash fruit,and take the punch out of the freezer to start thawing.  This is exciting!

Busy Week!

wow, such a busy week we've had here.  Patrick started College Algebra on Monday, and has had weight lifting as well as working in the afternoons.  I have actually been very busy at home.  I've been getting ready for a party that I am making food for this weekend and I am excited about that as well.  Had a friend call and ask me to make her 2 batches of those "wonderful muffins" because the first batch went way too fast.  Sid and I have been working in our garden, trying to stay ahead of the grass!  We have had a lot of rain this year, so maybe those green beans will flourish!

Last year when we helped Liz move to her new place, there was an old broken table and chairs in her house..I asked her what she was going to do with it.  She told me that her landlord was going to haul it to the dump.  I said, NOOOOOO!  It was too cute, so I took it home with me.  well, it sat in our basement for about a year before  I had time or the inclination to work on it.  It was not in as bad a shape as I first thought.  It just needed tightening up, a little glue and one spindle replaced.  I had been seeing this weathered looking furniture on pinterest and thought that little table would be so cute fixed up like that.  Well, I finished it and delivered it to Liz this week.  Had a really nice visit-got to try out that cement pond!  I also hung blinds and a towel bar for her as well.  She bought me supper at the Hometown, which was awesome!  Love that place. 

Here it is!  She had nothing negative to say about it!  I think she liked it!  I thought it looked cute, kinda beachy! 

Love not working for someone else!  God is good and He will provide!  ;)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Where has the time gone?

Well, since my last post of January 2012, I'm down to a size 8 or 6 depending on the item. In addition to Insanity (R) I have completed, ChaLEAN Extreme, Les Mills Combat, RevAbs, Body Beast and have started Turbo Fire.  Not sure I like this new one yet.  I am a Beachbody Coach now!  YAY!!!  I try to help people reach their fitness goals, not that I am an expert or a professional trainer, but just mainly as a cheerleader, or encourager.  I have found that no matter how much you want something for someone else, they will not achieve success unless they want it for themselves.  I am here, though, for whoever wants me to be!

Since my last post, our family has grown to 6 Morrisons!  Jonathan married Julia Mounger on September 23, 2012, and we couldn't be happier.  They are a good mix and complement each other nicely.  We love her as one of our own.  They share a love of fitness and are both gym members.  I am glad to see them committed to being healthy at a young age instead of waiting until they were 50 like me!

Liz started teaching 2nd grade last August.  She had a classroom of lively kids whom I was able to meet the last week of their school!  I took some cupcakes over and met them and had a really fun afternoon!  It was really fun to put faces with the names and stories!  Mercedes and the pancake syrup/glued reading fair project!  Amaya, the one who hijacked Liz's phone to tell her mother that Miss Morrison is taking me home today, because she needs me to help her! Tinkerbell, the boy that flits all over the room and tattles on everyone else and others.  It was a fun day. 

Patrick just finished his Junior year and finished with a 98 average overall.  He played baseball and was a super scholar.  He is still doing Bible drills, achieving his 9 year award a year early!  Next year he will earn his Bible!  He is taking College Algebra this summer through Holmes Community college.  When he asked me what I thought about it, I told him anytime you can knock out a whole semester class in 3 weeks, go for it!  Doesn't hurt that his sweetie is also taking it!  I didn't know that you could take college classes while you were still in high school, but you sure can!

Sid is still plugging away at UPS.  He will have 26 years in this July2.  Looking forward to retirement in the near future.  I told him NOT until Patrick is done with college!  He is wanting to be a veterinarian, so We really need the income for a few more years.  God will provide, though.

I recently quit my cooking job.  Miss Sippy's was sold in February and became the Carrollton Cafe'.  I stayed for a while, but it was not enjoyable to me anymore, so I came home.  In the 3 weeks that I have been home, I have redone a bathroom, painted Liz's kitchen table and chairs and re-organized my pantry!  I am really enjoying being off...I went to Patrick's awards day without asking anyone to be off!  I took Sid to the skin doctor Thursday without asking off.  I've had a few job offers, too, but for now I am happy just doing my thing. 

Life is good, but mostly God is good, all the time...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Did I mention I totally lost my mind?

Yes, I went insane.                                             
Ordered Insanity even though I wasn't sure that I would be able to do it.  Patrick said that there was no way that I could do it.  He said his weightlifting class guys were dying doing the plyometrics and the pure cardio. I didn't tell anybody that I was ordering it and when it came in guess who met the mailman?  Patrick.  Of course it didn't come in a plain brown box, NO!!!!  Insanity written all over the outside.  So my secret was out.  I just thought I would sneak around while nobody was looking and try it and then if it didn't work out, I would send it back.  Now, I gotta do it.  He said I couldn't.  OH NO!!! It is onnnnn, buddy!  I started it last monday, the 16th.  It is everything that it claims to be.  Insane!  I am on  the second week and I really do feel stronger.  I was rather disappointed in the scales yesterday, but thanks to a great support system in Team Excel's fun and Fitness group, I feel much better.  I AM going to go the full 60 days and I am going to earn the Insanity t-shirt!  Insanity makes the pilates videos I was doing on netflix seem like kindergarten level stuff!  I walked this afternoon for 40 minutes after doing pure cardio this morning.  I made it!  I have been eating by the Insanity food guide and drinking lots of water as well.  I know eventually the scales will be kinder.  Even Sid has started exercising with me.  He has gone a whole week and seems to look forward to our workouts together.  I am so proud of him!