Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wow, it is already wednesday. Jonathan made a 95 on his memory work. His teacher told me tonight at church that the tutoring really seems to be making a difference. She said that his attitude is so much better and so are his grades. He has a big test tomorrow. I hope that he has prepared enough.

I emailed some pictures of him to the yearbook advisor at school. We bought a senior ad for the annual. He really takes some good pictures. The one above is one of the ones we sent. Since he has hated school from the get-go, we decided to use the verse 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." Less than 4 months to go!
I don't know why God made my kids so different. Liz always took pride in her work and worked hard. If she needed help, she went after it and always made good grades and finished as an honor student. Jonathan is so different. If he gets a 71 he feels like he wasted effort. I don't understand why he is content to just get by. He strives for excellence in his job and his vo-tech classes, but feels academics are just a waste of time. Patrick makes excellent grades, but doesn't seem to have to work at all for them. He can memorize by just listening a few times. School comes so easy for him, and he is very competitive. He has a band test tomorrow and has been practicing for that. He hopes that he'll be able to retain his first chair. He is very lazy, though. Waits to the last minute to try to get up his homework and drives me crazy. I gave him a spanking this afternoon because he put off his homework last night, and looks as if he'll get another, because it is now 12:11 am and he is still working on it.
Liz texted me this morning. She is sick with the stomach mess. A friend brought her some yogurt, popsicles, and other assorted goodies
Linda Perkins spoke tonight to the GA's about her trip to Indonesia this summer. We will be studying Indonesia during the month of February, so it was very interesting. The girls really enjoyed hearing about her trip. We are having a mother/daughter tea party for them on Feb. 9. Should be fun.
I am going to bed.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Today is Baptist Men's day. We had an all men's choir today, which sounded pretty good and three men gave their testimony. They were all very moving. It is good to hear how God has worked and is still working in peoples' lives, even when we can not see it at the time.

Jonathan is still working on his Hamlet memory work. He just about has it. I think that he will pull it off fine. He also has that Shakespeare project due on Thursday that he hasn't even started on yet. Of course, about wednesday he'll want me to help him pull that rabbit out of a hat, because it is worth two grades, so is the memory work.

Patrick and Jeremiah are out with Sid shooting guns. It is a guy thing, I guess. They really enjoy it.

Liz says she started to come home, but everyone here goes to bed too early. Midnight is early? Hmmmm. I guess I am getting old, but some of us have work and school to deal with. Wonder what she'll do when ever she joins the real workforce and has to be at a job early in the morning?

I asked Sid to help me clean up our room yesterday, but he thought that it was more important to clean up the den, in case someone came in there would be a clean room to sit in, so we worked all afternoon until about 6:00 last night cleaning the den. I mean, he was taking books down and dusting them and took down the old tv that doesn't work anymore. It does look good, but his clothes are still piled 4 ft. high on the cedar chest on the end of our bed, and he doesn't have a clue where his 2 new pair of jeans are. (probably at the bottom of the pile) Oh well, at least we can impress those imaginary visitors whenever they get here. That is, unless Liz comes home and the den is destroyed again! ha Actually, Patrick is the worst culprit of all. Any given afternoon, there are 2 pair of shoes, his drum sticks, his backpack, his trumpet, and other assorted junk-all on the den floor, or the couch.

I cooked a roast in the oven all night and we ate it for lunch today. It was pretty good. I guess I need to cook for them more often. Eating out so much is just not good for us. We went and ate mexican last night.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The many faces of Jonathan


Aren't they sweet? sleeping beauties! Jimmy loves to sleep in with Sid in the mornings.

The week is almost gone-tomorrow is payday!!!! yea, Guess we better go and get those taxes paid before the first!

Poor little skinny puppy. See his little ribs? He is camped out in front of the fireplace.
Speaking of taxes, We did Jon's taxes last night. I can't do ours just yet, I have to wait for all the "stuff" to finish coming in.

It is soooo cold today. The thermometer says 42, but the wind feels so bitter. It is supposed to get really cold tonight. The weather site says 24 as a low.

We had a Hollywood screenwriter come in and stay with us at Miss Sippy's Tuesday. He set up his laptop on a table and wrote most of the day and ate lunch and drank espresso. His name is Raphael Alvarez and he was traveling to Baltimore to visit his parents. He was very nice and seemed to really enjoy some "sho nuff southern hospitality"!

Haven't checked in with Lizzie this week. I guess that I should send a text and find out what is going on with Miss Lizzie.

Jon is learning Hamlet's soliloquy by the 31st. He also has a Shakespeare project. He better do a good job on it, cause he needs lots of brownie points in there. Wonder if there are any geometry extra credit projects?

I just heard from Liz. She is bored, I told her to go for a walk. She'll probably say that it is too cold! ha She and I went for a walk one afternoon when it was 26 degrees. brrrrr. We walked all the way around our road. We were so cold that we stopped at Brenda McCaleb's house to use the phone and got Sid to come pick us up. He couldn't believe that we walked that far! This was probably 6 or 7 years ago.

My dog, Jimmy is looking kinda puny. He has lost weight and is acting either depressed or like he doesn't feel very good. I have been keeping him in the house for the last couple of days, because of the cold. I guess he might be shivering his weight off. I couldn't put Jimmy's photo where I wanted it. But, look at the picture, you can see his little ribs. He looks like he did when he went missing for 3 weeks when he was only a baby. We were lucky to find him again. He loves to sleep in in the mornings with Sid! See the other picture. I can't move it to where I want it, so I guess it will have to stay at the top of the post. I wonder if I have to stick all the pictures in then write below them? Hmmm..


Monday, January 21, 2008

goofin off with the camera

It is Monday. The kids are out of school today for a holiday. Sid and I had to work. We were not very busy today. We didn't have the courthouse crowd or the post office crowd, or the JZ George orders today. I got home around 1:45. Patrick has gone hunting with an antique gun. 45-70, I think that they call it. Jon is moving furniture for the mother in law. I think that Liz had to work today as well. We enjoyed having her home this weekend. Everybody pretty much behaved themselves, no major arguments, anyway. Had a good day at church yesterday. We voted to hire an architect from Eupora that specializes in old buildings to look at our sanctuary and make recommendations as to what the best plan of action is for the repair of the roof trusses. It is sad to have such a beautiful building and not be able to use it. It was good that they found the broken trusses before someone was injured or killed.

Today was so pretty, but so cold. I think that they high was around 44, was supposed to be around 50. I hear that sleet is predicted for tonight. Yeah, and snow was predicted for friday, too.

I tried to post a slide show on here, but couldn't get it to load. I know it can be done, I have seen it! I might try again.

I talked to Mag the other day. It was so good to talk to her and Knox. He seemed to enjoy his late Christmas gifts, and the cheesestraws were a hit!

It is just me and the dogs right now, although it will be dark soon and I'm sure that Pman will come traipsing in here, hopefully without a deer! Everyone has told him that if he kills one, he is on his own! They sure love to eat them, though. I don't mind cooking it for them, but I can not bring myself to eat it. Yuck.

I think that I will fry shrimp for supper.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jon always takes a good picure! Liz, too!
Daddy looks happy to see his little girl, doesn't he?

They got Mama! See my new hair?

Liz and Patrick acting goofy!

All Three of them acting like they like each other in the back seat of the car!

These are some of their cute little poses. If I ever figure out how to do a slide show, maybe I'll add the rest. I am sure they will thank me! haha

Sunday morning

Liz made it home yesterday and we all had our church picture made. I think that it went very well. Everybody seemed to be in a pretty good mood. We went to eat at the Crystal afterwards and ran into Brother Gary and Connie and their family that came up for the family picture.

The kids had a ball with the new digital camera. Here are some of their shenanigans!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Finally Friday!!

It is Friday and they are predicting snow. I would love to see some snow. When I was a little girl it seemed that we were never able to start back to school after Christmas on time, because it would snow. Now it seems that the last accumulation of snow that I remember was when Liz was in the 9th grade. Eight years ago. Patrick barely remembers it. The time before that was when Jon was about 2 1/2 and we had a great snow. Danny, Sherry and Andy came up and spent the night. They brought 4 wheelers and they pulled everyone around on an old truck hood. We ate chili and hot chocolate and had a good ole time! A nice snow would be good. NO ICE, PLEASE!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is church picture day. Liz is coming home and Jon is acting a butt, not wanting to get a haircut. I guess I shouldn't care. If he wants to look like a thug, it is him, not us. He would rather work than take the picture, anyway. I guess he is going through a money is everything phase. He will learn sooner or later that your family will always be there for you.

We fed the men's prayer group a "real breakfast" yesterday. They were so surprised and thrilled. They cleaned their plates and seemed really appreciative. I think that we will start doing it once a month. They have really been faithful to support us every Thursday.

I got new hair yesterday! I went back to my natural color, only I told Julie to enhance it, because I really don't like my natural color. Ugly brown. She did a pretty brown with lighter brown highlights. I like it, but everyone says, It's dark! She trimmed a good bit off, too.
Patrick got a trim as well. His wasn't bad, just needed a little shaping and trimming

Our verse at work this week was: "This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17:3

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well, the week is half over. My sweet friend Julie is making a house call tomorrow to fix my hair. I texted her today and asked if she could possible do my hair this week, because I have 2 inch roots and we have church pictures this coming Saturday.

Jon didn't work today and has been studying for a vocabulary test. The words are kinda hard. He said that he passed a geometry quiz yesterday. I was thrilled.

Sid went to work a little early today. He has an automotive manager coming in to meet him. This is his boss's boss. I haven't talked to him today. I am afraid to call him, because I don't want to get him into trouble.

I am going in early tomorrow. I am making a "real" breakfast for the men's prayer group that meets on thursday morning. They have been complaining for months that they want some biscuits and gravy, so I decided to do this for them. they are so faithful and just wanted to do something to let them know we do love them!! ha They will probably come to expect it, now. I am going to try sausage gravy. Have never made it, but it sounded like something a man would like to eat. Hope that it will turn out ok.

We made mexican meatloaf and jalapeno mashed taters for the lunch special today. It was a big hit, we just didn't cook enough meatloaf.

I am going to bed due to the early day I will be having tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Today was chicken pie day at work. We sold out before 12:00, so I guess I'd better make more next week! Tomorrow is meat loaf day. this is something new we are trying, so don't have a clue as to how it will be.

Jon had the longest day of the year yesterday. He had to spend the day in ISS because of having a cell phone in class last month. I tell him, only 4 more months, just behave, do your work and graduate. May 23!!! may 23 May 23.......

Patrick was challenged for his chair in band, and when I picked him up today I asked if he still had his chair. In his words, " I tore 'em up!" That is a yes, still king of the trumpet in the sixth grade band. He says he kinda likes being in first chair, and he thinks he'll keep it.

Finally got Knox's christmas box off to him today. ONly a little late. Part of his gift didn't get here until Christmas eve, so by the time I got it wrapped, the cheese straws I made for the others were old, and I was going to make more and well, you know what happens, nothing ever got done. I did re-bake the cheese straws and packed the box and Sid took it with him today. The advantages of being married to an ups mechanic. I just wish they would get some kind of employee discount on the shipping charges. Well, I guess it is cheaper than driving!

Sid is at work, Jon is at work and Patrick is in his room, wish I could say doing his homework, but I bet he's reading. I guess there are a lot worse things he could be doing.

This is so boring, maybe one year I'll figure out why I decided to start journaling our activities and it will be interesting then! ha

I need to check in with Liz. DD, her former roommate is in the hospital in Jackson and I have been praying for her. Maybe they have found out what is wrong and planned a treatment for her.

Until later,

Sunday, January 13, 2008


It has been a very nice day. It has turned cold, but beautiful. We got up and went to Sunday school and Church. The fellowship hall was very crowded, since we are unable at this time to use our sanctuary. Hopefully the problems that are preventing us from using it will soon be remedied and it won't be so crowded. Even though we were snug, we had a family to join this morning and a couple to join tonight. One was a profession of faith, which we always praise God for. After church this morning Sid, Patrick and I went to Winona and did the Wal-mart thing, since the Mexican place was packed. After wal-mart we went to eat and had just enough time to eat before Patrick's baseball practice. Sid and I watched from the truck, since the wind was bitter. Seems the boys are a little rusty. I know that Patrick hasn't picked up a baseball since last summer, and now I think that he wasn't the only one. I can't wait for them to actually start playing. I love it. After they finished we stopped by sonic for ice cream before heading home for a few minutes before heading off to church. Sid and Jonathan went to church while Patrick and I went to Bible drills. Patrick does youth Bible drill, even though he is still young enough to do children's. He started a year early and has done very well with it. He has made superior every year in the state drills and we are so thankful that he is learning God's word and hiding it in his heart. Psalm 119:105 says "I have hidden your word in my heart so I might not sin against God." My prayer is that he will come back to the scriptures that he has learned throughout the years and let them guide his life. I work with the childrens' group which is only one boy this year. He is doing well learning the verses and only has 8 more to learn before the church drill in march. After church we had a business meeting. Thankfully it was short and sweet. We came home and searched out food for supper. Jon and Adrienne are watching a horrible movie. He will have nightmares for days. I am going to bed.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New year

Well, everyone here is back in the old rut, oh I mean routine. Sid is looking after sick UPS trucks, I am baking bread everyday, the boys are back in school, and Liz is up to her usual stuff. She is working a few days a week at Ala Carte and sleeping whenever we try to check in with her. We enjoyed seeing her for 24 hours during Christmas.

Report cards came in this Wednesday. One was good, one was not. Hopefully Jon will pull his out before May. I told him just 4 more months. He has a history of pulling a rabbit out of a hat at the last minute, but it strictly drives me nuts. God is so good to give me a genius child as the last one. He knew that I needed rest after getting Jonathan out of school.

Patrick made first chair trumpet this week in band. He was so excited, but so was I. It was the first time since he started band that he made first chair. He's been working on "Taps" at home. The high note is giving him fits, but he is very persistant, so I believe that he will get it down soon.
We may be having puppies in March. We had been keeping the min pins separated, but thought gator was through with being in heat. We put Jimmy back in the back yard and oops! Patrick found them in a "compromising position" this morning, so..... we'll see about the middle of march.
Today was such a beautiful day. It was about 65 degrees and sunny. Only in Mississippi can you wear fleece one day and shorts the next! I washed sheets and hung them out in the sun. I think that I am the only one left in the world that still uses a closeline, weather permitting. I just love sleeping on fresh, sundried sheets.

Patrick got a call from the baseball coach this evening. Practice tomorrow at 2:00. It is hard to believe that it is time to start practicing baseball already!

So much for Sunday being a day of rest! Get up, go to Sunday school and Church, find some lunch, baseball practice, Bible drill and church again. Then all of a sudden it is time to start over again!

We cooked steaks out for supper. It had been a while since we indulged in a good steak, and they were very good. I guess Jon will finish them up when he gets home from work around 11:30.

Yes, we wore short sleeves outside all day, but now we are sitting around the fireplace enjoying its warmth. It is nice, just doing nothing for a change. I think that I will join them.

Well, this is the end of my very first post on a blog. Maybe I'll get better at it!