Monday, February 25, 2008

Goodbye Bo

It is with sadness that I must say that Mr. BoJangles has left this world and joined his forefathers in the land of whereverdoggiesgowhentheydie. Sid left for work around 2:15 this afternoon and asked me to go down the hill and check out a dead animal, he thought it was a deer, but thought it could have been a dog. There wasn't much to make a positive identification with, but the "P" on his rear right flank proved it was Bo that met his demise on highway 82. Bo was given to Patrick by Mr. Wayne Nail the summer that Granddaddy died, 2004. He would have been 4 years old on June 1. Patrick picked him out because he was the best looking puppie. We said that he picked him out because he had the "p" marking on his back end-"p" for Patrick. Bo was a sweet dog, very loving, very playful. If he did not want to be caught, we would not be caught. He thought it was such fun to let you get within a few feet of him, then take off around the yard, looking as though he were laughing at you. He stayed in his pen most of the time, but lately we had been keeping him out, to keep the deer run off. He really enjoyed not being penned up. Sid said on Saturday that he had not seen Bo, but he had gone off hunting before and stayed gone a few days. Sid just knew that someone had stolen him. He was so friendly, that he would have gladly gone with anyone. Sadly, this was not the case. Patrick and I retrieved him from the highway and buried him under the sawtooth oak near the garden.

Bo and Patrick are rolling around in the grass. Patrick would lie down in the grass and then Bo would come plop down beside or on top of him.

I do not mind having my picture taken for all to remember. Notice the "P" on his side. That is why Patrick picked him out, plus Patrick thought he looked better than the other puppies. Bo did not ride well. He threw up in the car, in fact, everytime that he rode anywhere, he was going to throw up. We had to make sure that Sid tied him in the back of the truck when he was due his shots, because of that.

Another picture of Bo and Patrick enjoying a beautiful, warm February day. Those are few and far between.

I am about to take some pictures of Jon for the annual, when up comes Mr. BoJangles, so I took his picture.

Morrison's Mr. BoJangles

June 1, 2004-February 23, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Sidney, cont.

Yes, it is sunday, so we had steak and cake and ice cream. We invited Liz, but she didn't acknowledge our invitation, so Adrienne ate Liz's steak. Lunch was good. I have learned how to cook filet mignon better than the Crystal's so..... YEA!!!!!!!!!!

I made up a game for Bible drill tonight. I figured that I would quit pushing Connor to learn his material. If he wants to do well in the drill, he knows what to study and practice on. I am through pulling my hair out. He really seemed to enjoy the game, so maybe it will help. Only 4 more weeks until the church drill and the associational drill is the next sunday after the church drill.

I cleaned the house yesterday. I really did not feel good, but it needed doing. the basement and both porches were swept, as well as the house swept and mopped. I cleaned both bathrooms, and wonder of all wonders, Patrick cleaned up his room. It looks so much better! the house is not perfect, but much better.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Sidney!

happy Birthday to Sidney!

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful man who ever lived! Sidney is 51 today. The Ray's wanted to cook steak for Dr. Ray and he wanted Sidney included, since they have the same birthday. So... Sid had a pretty good surprise lunch today, with steak, potatoes, salad, homemade rolls and chocolate cake with chocolate icing and of course Ice cream! He had his own personal birthday cake tonight with the boys and me. I got him 2 new shirts and a pair of st. patrick's day boxers. Jon got him some mufflers for his truck. (he was more impressed with the mufflers, I think!)

I Love my car stuff!!!
Oh, well, he can't wear them out in public. Here is his new red shirt!

Here is the blue shirt

Ok, He really looks good in all of them. Don't think I'll get him to pose in his new boxers! I can hardly believe it! I have been married to this hunk since he was a youngster at 25! I love you, Mr. Sidney. Hope that you have many, many more!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines' Day.

Boy, after the rain yesterday it really turned COLD!!!!!!!! My thermometer on the tahoe said 28 this morning as I was going to work. After the clouds lifted, it was quite a beautiful day. tomorrow is supposed to be the same, maybe a little warmer.

Sid's Valentine

Tomorrow is valentines day! Sid bought me a dozen beautiful red roses and a couple of balloons. It was so sweet! I have a surprise for him, too. I will give it to him when he gets home tonight or first thing tomorrow. Patrick made me a pretty valentine in Visions today and Jon brought me two of the prettiest dark red rose buds! I am so blessed to have 3 wonderful, thoughtful sweet boys! They don't have school tomorrow because of a staff development day. Strange day to give them off, don't you think? They don't have presidents' day this monday, which they usually do have.

Patrick's Valentine

Jon's valentine

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It has been quite a busy week. I didn't get to attend the GA's tea party. Mrs. Ray fell and Betty had to take her to get stitched up, so I stayed at work instead of going to the party. I didn't mind helping out, but I hated to miss the party. I heard a lot of good things about it. Mrs. Ray felt so bad, like she could really help it! I just hate that she got hurt. She has 9 stitches in her hand and a black eye and messed up face on the right side. We ended up having a really busy day at Miss Sippy's, so it was good that I could be there, I guess. I left around 2:00 and I came home and crashed until about 5:30. I was soooo tired. Saturday night Sid and I met Betty, Jeanette and Alanna at the Carroll County Market. Betty wanted us to go hear Tricia Walker who is a songwriter. She works at Delta State and has a pretty voice. Her sidekick, I wasn't too impressed with. His stuff was so COOOUNNNTRY, and twangy. Betty bribed us by offering to pay for our ticket.

Sunday we went to Sunday school and left to go meet Margaret, Robbie and Knox at Pizza Inn for lunch. They were on their way back home from Robbie's parents' house in Senatobia. They were just getting around to having their Christmas get together. It was good to see them.

Knox and Patrick after lunch. I can't believe how much Knox has grown. He is 15 months younger than Patrick and almost as tall!

My "sistah" and me! do you see the family resemblence? I miss her and her family since they moved to the beach. We had such a fun time with them over labor day weekend. The water at pensacola beach that weekend was so pretty. I just couldn't get over it. It had been quite a while since I had seen it that pretty.

Robbie and Margaret-Aren't they a handsome couple? They had a milestone anniversary this year just as we did. They were married 15 years this past August 29.

Sid is waiting patiently for the family to arrive. He has come a long way in that patience in waiting does not come naturally for him! Doesn't he look handsome in that pretty white shirt?

Of course, no post would be complete without a brotherly love picture. They really do get along pretty well despite the age difference. Jon is 18 and Patrick just turned 12.

Jon went to MDCC today for a college day. He was disappointed in that they did not let him tour the vo-tech building. That is the only thing that he was interested in.

Patrick got his new trumpet today. It is so pretty. His band director said some very complimentary things about him. I was so proud. He couldn't wait to get home and get the valves oiled up so he could play it. It does have a nicer tone to it. I figured that it would take a while for him to get used to the new horn, but he seems to play it just fine.

Right now I am all alone in the house. Jon hasn't arrived from Adrienne's house yet and Patrick went to grandmother's to show her his new horn. Sid is at work. Haven't heard from Lizzie this week. Got a short text from her monday night.

Patrick is back and wants to watch the Fellowship of the Ring. Go figure! he watched them in reverse order!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jon had his VICA competition at MDCC today. He competed in automotive mechanics. He placed third and received a nice set of wrenches, a medal and a magic 8 ball! He will be able to go to the state competition. He was tickled to get a day out of school. He said that all the boys that went placed.

This is Jon in his VICA uniform!

Patrick will be able to get his step-up trumpet next tuesday night-a silver trumpet. He is so excited.

It was a beautiful day. Sunny and cool, but not too cold. just perfect.

we've had a busy week at work, been cooking lots of stuff. We are hosting the GA tea party this saturday. That should be fun to cook for. cupcakes, scones, cookies and sandwiches, and of course tea will be on the menu for the day.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Patrick!

Happy Birthday Patrick!!!

It is super bowl sunday. So, it doesn't really mean anything to me, I'd kinda like to see the Giants win, cause they're not supposed to, and I like Eli.

We celebrated Patrick's birthday today. He will 12 years old tomorrow afternoon. After church we cooked steaks and shrimp and had hot apple pie and ice cream. I had ordered a new stock for his gun, per his instructions, but got him the Lord of the Rings trilogy since his stock has not arrived yet. Liz came home and brought him the movie Shooter, which he had seen and really liked. It is kinda scary that he loves all that violence, but I guess he's all boy. That is a good thing.

Well, I took a break and watched a movie with sidney, came back and checked to see who won the super bowl. I was tickled to see that the Giants did upset the Patriots. Yea, now both the manning boys have super bowl rings. Archie and Olivia must be so proud. I would be.

Jon bought the pman a birthday card and put a gift card in it. He'll probably use it to buy more ammo. I sure can't believe that he is going to be 12 years old tomorrow. It just seems like yesterday that he was born. Don't I sound old. Isn't that what all old people say, seems like yesterday...? It is so true that our life on this earth is but a vapor, what really counts is eternity. I am so proud of the pman, He was given that name as a baby, and it stuck. cute, huh? He is so very smart, and talented and gifted. He is just a perfect child, wait, no scratch that......!!!!! He is so normal in many ways. Very hardheaded, sometimes lazy, true boy, loves adventure, the outdoors, all the guy stuff. He is, however a blessing; a wonderful surprise gift from God and we are so blessed to have been chosen to raise him. I just hope that we can do a good enough job with him so God will be pleased with us. We are so grateful that all the kids have been saved. Patrick was saved last summer. He called me into his room last year on wednesday night after the last revival meeting and told me that he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. I led him in a prayer and he did it. I was so happy and I cried tears of joy. He joined the church the next sunday and was baptized a couple of weeks later. Everybody came to rejoice with us. margaret, robbie and knox came up and bobby and tonie came, too. And of course, grandmother came. It was a wonderful time.

It is great to relive such wonderful memories. On the eve of his 12th birthday, I wish him a very happy one with many more to come!!!!

P-man, I love you!!!!