Friday, April 25, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame!

Well, we got to play ball tonight. The weather was perfect and the P-man's bat was hot. He went 3 for 3 with a triple, and 2 doubles. Anel defeated Carrollton 7-5, but it should have been by more. the errors killed them. Patrick's first hit was a beautiful hit to center field, nobody could touch it. His second was a high lob, but they couldn't get to it and the third was a fly that wasn't caught. Not even close to being caught. We celebrated the win with a trip to "mexico". We went to El Cabrito and got chimichangas. Enjoy the slide show from the few pictures that I took at the game!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday! Yea!!!! This week has been busy, plus I am still tired from last weekend! Jon got a pretty good progress report this week, so hopefully we are on track to graduate! patrick's was excellent, as usual. Patrick's first ball game was rained out on Tuesday, so hopefully they will get to play tomorrow night.

Monday, April 21, 2008

It was a crazy weekend. Jon's prom was saturday night. I think that he had a good time. He looked so handsome as you can tell by the slide show. The gym looked so good and the food looked so good, thanks to Libby Carson! Her cake was just beautiful. Some of the kids thought that it was fake! When Jon was presented during the senior presentation, he got some cheers, so he had to raise both fists high in the air! then he really got some attention! Sid and I got home around 1:00 am and crashed. We were awakened Sunday morning by Jon's ex-mother-in-law looking for her lying daughter. Apparently she went to the after prom party at CJ's farm, instead of where she was supposed to be. She, of course, lied to her mother about where she was. Jon came home a few minutes later and told us that yes, she was there, and that he and cj took her out there, but told her that she would have to find her own way home, because he was staying the night. I hope Leanne found her precious child and punished her accordingly! Maybe a lifetime of grounding, removal of cell phone and any other suitable punishment! Send her to France for college, or Siberia! Bless Charlie and Patty, they stayed up all night and policed the drunks, locking them in until morning. I heard there was quite a bit of vomiting going on! Jon swears that he had nothing to drink and Kaitlyn backed him up on it. He got about 2 hours of sleep Sunday afternoon and then went to bed around 10:00. I think that the lack of sleep has finally got him. He went to bed at 9:00 tonight! sid and I didn't make it to Sunday school, but we got up and went to church. It was really hard to concentrate. I got about a 30 minute nap after lunch and went back to finish the clean up. I dropped Patrick off at baseball practice, then went to the school, finished up and got him, came home and helped JOn write his rough draft for his research paper.
I was really busy at work today. We had a lot to do to catch up from last friday. Tomorrow will be a good day because we are feeding 45 people at Tommy Goodwin's house. They are architecture students from Mississippi STate. I have a lot to do tomorrow, too. I guess I better get ready to go to bed. I'm not sure that I have caught up on my sleep, either!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jon's prom

Friday, April 18, 2008

Twas the night before prom and all throught the school, mamas were scurrying to make the gym look cool! ha ha I'm a poet and don't know it!
I have been at the school since about 2:30 this afternoon. We decorated our food area and will start working on the food tomorrow morning at 8:00. The gym really looks good. The decorating committee has been working on it all week and they really have done a good job. I can't wait to see Jonathan walking through the big star and being presented! He looks so good in his all black tuxedo. I will post pictures from the prom afterwards. I really am getting a little emotional about everything. I am sure that he thinks that I am nuts, but maybe one day he will understand. probably when he has a little girl, all grown up and graduating high school.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It is only Thursday, but it should have been Friday twice. Whew, what a hellacious week. Monday was work, then baseball practice, Tuesday was the state Bible drill in Batesville. I left work at one and Sidney and Ruth Jensen went with me. I was so glad that Sid got to go see Patrick. ( I was really glad that I didn't have to drive!) All our boys did great. Some had a few more mistakes than others, but the important thing is that they knew the material. They have hidden God's word in their hearts and that will not return void. Scripture promises that. Patrick had absolutely no mistakes, which kinda surprised me since he didn't do all that great in practice Sunday night. He said that is was the new bandaid that he had to break in on his finger! plus he was just fooling around Sunday night. Thank you Lord for giving him all the abilities that you have given him, and please don't let him waste them! He has truly blessed Patrick with the ability to do whatever well. We give him all the glory. I am truly in awe of our blessings. That afternoon on the way home I got a text message from Jeanette saying our power was off. I didn't think much about it until we got to Carrollton and the power was still off and I realized that all the food in the cooler would have to be thrown out if we didn't get some power to the cooler soon. Sid prized the cooler over where we could reach the power outlet and Patrick prized the plug out of the outlet with a piece of metal I found in the mop closet. He tried to pull the cord out where we could plug an extension cord into it and get power from next door, but the cord was too short. We finallygot the cooler over far enough where he could reach in there and plug in the extension cord and the cooler sprung to life. Whew. We got power back that night and Mrs. Ray went over and plugged the cooler cord back into its home outlet! Of all things that could have been bad, guess what happened the next morning? Bill Carson sneaked in and gave us a health inspection. I asked him how he got in without me hearing the bell on the front door. He just grinned and said, "I'm a deer hunter!" ha Luckily, he was in a good mood and did his check and moved on. We got an "A". Whew, dodged a bullet that day. I just had to call Betty and fill her in. She said that she was afraid to answer the phone!
Yesterday I was so tired, that all I wanted to do was go to sleep, but I had to go to GA's last night. Jon had to go to Jackson yesterday for the start of the State VICA competition. They left school around 10:30 yesterday morning. He said that all they did yesterday was take a test. They had to be at school at 5:30 this morning to leave to be in Jackson at 7:30. It promises to be a long day. He didn't get home last year until after midnight. He has an outline due for his research paper in English today. I hope that Mrs. Perkins will be merciful, since he has been on a school trip for the last two days.
Today we had to cook for a North Mississippi Homemakers association. We cooked for 46. Catfish cakes with comeback sauce, broccoli salad, roasted herb potatoes, sour cream biscuits, and Key lime squares for dessert. This was in addition to our regular customers, so we had a pretty great day money wise. Tips were good! Pam Lee said that the ladies seemed to enjoy their meal, so that was good.
We don't have a whole lot to do tomorrow, which is great. I am ready for a break. I have to leave here in about 30 minutes to take Patrick to ball practice. I guess I'll read a book and watch. I have to read with one eye and watch with the other, just to make sure that I don't miss him doing something great! I watch with two eyes when he is pitching or batting!

Monday, April 7, 2008

It has been a while since I checked in here. Lets see.... last week Jon got his graduation invitations. I teared up just a little. I'm sure that I will do more than just a little on May 23. I just can't believe that my little tow-headed baby is a man now. Well, he has a man's body! He is working on his term paper and trying to pass geometry, or may 23 is moot.

Last Thursday Raphael came back through. I believe it was January 24 that I posted about him. Well it seems that about 2 weeks after he made it to Baltimore, the strike ended and he had to return to Los Angeles to sign a contract, so he flew. then he had to fly back to Baltimore to get his truck and drive it back across country. We were so surprised to see him. He called us today and told us that he is doing an article about Miss Sippy's and wanted to know how our names were spelled. He thought that it would run in the Baltimore Sun on Saturday, but he would let us know exactly when. Isn't that neat? We really get some interesting people in our little coffee shop off the beaten path in Carrollton Mississippi! I hope that it will be good publicity for us. Hmm. do you think that we'll get any Baltimore traffic in here? Who knows?????

Tomorrow is the state Bible drill in Batesville. I am to meet Pam in Batesville. She is getting Jeremiah and Patrick. I hope that they do well. They should do fine. I am proud that they are learning God's word, and I have to remind myself that that is what is important, not that they get a superior rating. The youth drill is so much harder for Patrick and Jonathan. The material is so much harder to find and in only 8 seconds. I am very proud of them. Connor really came in there as well. He will probably get a top rating. He really learned his stuff once he decided he would do it. He really did better on his own, than with me helping him.

spring is really in full bloom right now. The dogwoods are gorgeous and the azaleas are so beautiful. Our grass is really needing a cut! Patrick killed a copperhead in the woods last week. The garden is planted. It should be coming up before long. I need to go and buy my tomato plants and my pepper plants this week.

It is late and tomorrow is going to be a killer, so I am going to dry my hair and get in the bed.