Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am so glad that this has been a short week. I was able to leave this week at 11:00 from work. Betty hired more girls to work during lunch. I have baked bread, bread, and more bread. Judd is still here, Sid will take him to the airport this Saturday. Jon has been working 10 hour days, or should I say nights? from 3.00 pm to 1:00am. He is not used to working 8 hour shifts, so it has been tough for him to get used to those long hours. Patrick is even working today. He is helping Jeremiah with his lawn cutting business. He is in charge of the week eater. I hope that he doesn't cut down some little old lady's prize day lilies! Haven't heard from Liz this week. It has been gloomy and raining all week, but today the sun is peeking out and it is HOT! The corn is tasseling and we picked our first squash. I have picked several mammoth jalapenos. The flowers have been so gorgeous with all the rain. God has so richly blessed.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

We had such a good time at the tournament today. Our first game was at 9:00am and we won it 17-2 against Carrollton. The next game we tied Louisville 3-3. Louisville then had to play 3 in a row and we met them again in the championship game around 4:30. After a rain delay we won the last game 10-2. Patrick walked 6 times in a row. Did not get a hit, but never struck out! They got some pretty neat trophies. The boys were amazed because it had a spinning baseball nightlight in it! ha they are so easily amused! Above are the Winona Redsox first place winners along with the Louisville, Mississippi Mustangs, second place winners.

Graduation was last night. We have had a week of constant praying and studying. Jon had to re-take his geometry test because he didn't score high enough. He took it thursday morning and after much nail biting and sweating, he passed. He walked. When we woke up yesterday morning, it was raining. I prayed harder. By late yesterday afternoon, it was nice. They did graduate on the football field and it was beautiful. My heart swells with love and pride that he worked so hard and finished. Judd flew in from Charleston yesterday and Sid and grandmaw went and picked him up. We were glad that he was able to celebrate with us. I couldn't believe how packed the stadium was. We got there an hour early and it was filling up fast. I haven't heard from Jon this morning. He went to CJ's last night for an all-nighter. Liz stayed with Julie and Blaine last night. She figured there would be roadblocks! Good plan.

We are getting ready to play a tournament this morning. Going to Carrollton!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It is sad that a few words spoken in concern can cause such problems. I won't go into detail, because it just doesn't matter anyway. Liz is mad at me. Jon is mad at me. I never thought that someone that I love so much could talk to me the way he did tonight. What's funny, is that what I said apparently was turned around and taken the wrong way, definately not the way it was intended. He has such a chip on his shoulder and it really needs to be knocked off. He is mad at the world, and everything in it. I have cried for hours and now all I have to show for it is a swollen nose and red eyes. I really wonder sometimes if everyone would be better off if I were not in their world. All I ever did was care.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May sure is flying by. Last week Sid informed me that his uncle was coming to visit his mother. His uncle is a super neat freak and he really intimidates me! I worked like a trojan trying to clean up the house and neaten up the yard-then the weekend hit. by monday it looked not much better. Liz showed up on mother's day afternoon. She brought me a new pink "Ala Carte Alley" shirt and a big metal cross which I hung over the buffet. Jon bought me a pair of pink croc flops and took me out to the crystal grill sat. night. Sid bought me some croc sandles. We had a one day ball tournament on Saturday which totally wiped out the boys. they aren't used to playing so many games in one day, so they lost out to the team that they had beaten the previous weekend in Eupora. Jon started exams today. He took his English test and has geometry and economics on Tuesday. Patrick has been taking the MCT II this week. Tomorrow is spring fling at the coliseum. the t-shirts are cute, kelly green with mexican design. I can't believe that graduation is next Friday night.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Patrick had a ball game tonight. They lost 7-5, the other team was tricky. they walked all the good hitters and struck out the weak ones. oh well. we go to mathiston this friday. Last Friday we went to Mathiston and the boys won and had a great time. Shannon did his famous backflip.
Last thursday was his band concert. They really played well, you can see by the video!
This past weekend was the Gary Park classic which our boys won! We had to come back early Sunday and missed the championship game since we had Senior recognition night at church. It was nice, but Jon was hurt and disappointed that he did not get the church scholarship. The witch did. This Saturday they have a tournament in Winona and it is only one day, so that will be nice. Sid drove his truck today. He got some temporary liability on it, he is working on some classic car insurance. I made some pimiento cheese for sandwiches for the 6th grade teachers and I also made some cheese straws. Patrick really doesn't want to take it! He says that he will eat it himself.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

patrick's concert