Friday, March 28, 2008

Finally Friday!

We had an interesting guest at Miss Sippy's on Wednesday. Douglas Johnston from Naples, FL is riding his bicycle from Naples to Juneau Alaska. He came in and we fed him. We finally found a place that he could take a shower and sleep on an actual bed in Greenwood.. We got Susie James to come in and interview him and the story appeared in yesterday's Commonwealth. He is single, 45 years old, a veteran of Desert storm and spent 6 years in the navy. Very interesting.

Patrick went to a birthday party tonight. It was a campout, but he refused to stay all night. He has baseball practice in the morning anyway, so I went and picked him up around 10 tonight.

CJ came and visited Jon tonight. He had a new girl with him. A very young girl. Jon went with him to take her home.

Sid had to go to Greenville tonight. The mechanic over there took off tonight to take his family camping.

I wore my hair in dog ears today. It made Alanna so happy yesterday that I just had to repeat it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The week is half over. yesterday was an extremely busy day at work. I barely had time to leave and get Patrick. Today was busy, not with customers, but with cooking stuff that we ran out of yesterday. I managed to leave in time to visit with Sidney before he had to go to work. He told me yesterday that he missed me. I felt bad. This was only supposed to be a part time job, and it is getting bigger all the time. I'm not sure what to do. I really enjoy what I do, but I do miss being home with Sidney, snuggling in the morning, getting up and doing stuff together. I also miss volunteering for Patrick's class parties and field trips. It would be nice if someone would come along and would work like every other day for me. What little money I make is fun. I feel like I can spend some of it without feeling guilty. I am surely not getting rich, by no means.

Today I had to go to pick up Patrick, go to Walmart, go to the library to get Jonathan some books for a research paper, go to Winona Printing to get Connor a gift for Bible drills, go to NAPA to get an oil filter, go to McDonalds to get me some lunch/supper and home!!!!!!!!! We had our church Bible drill tonight. The boys all did well. Connor shocked me and everybody else. He had very few errors. The last time we met he did not know the last 3 verses, plus the references for the last 12 and couldn't find the key passages in 10 seconds. I was shocked, really! Patrick did well. He had a few errors, but he had his finger on the correct passages almost every time, but did not step out in time. I told him to be sure to step out and let the judges decide if he was in time or not. He said that he didn't do as well because he had to pee really bad! I couldn't believe that he didn't go to the bathroom before time. Jeremiah did perfectly, of course. He always does. It was a good drill. All of them advance to the associational drill this Sunday afternoon at our church.

When we got home, Jon was working on his source cards for his research paper. I was proud that he actually did some work on it a day before it was actually due.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Where did last week go? The kids were out on spring break and Sid was off. He spent all last week getting his truck ready to paint. He got it painted and it is so pretty! My favoritest color-purple. Now he has a million other things to do to it before he can drive it. It needs seat belts, tail lights, headlights re-wired, wheels and tires, bed liner, and most importantly insurance. Jon worked every day except Wednesday.
We had the Auction for Annie this past wednesday. It was very successful. the kids raised $1935.00 for the mission offering. It was so much fun. Patrick made his own desserts this year, a lemon meringue and a fresh granny smith apple pie. His lemon went for $105, and the apple for $65.
Liz came home sat. night. We didn't know whether or not she would show up, but she did. We all crowded into church yesterday. After lunch we had a lunch of baked ham, deviled eggs, potato casserole, greens and green beans. We bought a dessert from the GA bake sale and it was not good. Way too sweet.
Today was back to normal for Sid and me. Liz had to work tonight and the boys go back to school tomorrow. Patrick is supposed to find out whose baseball team he got on soon. I had a very busy day today. I had to make 2 double batches of tomato soup. I had an order for a gallon of that and a gallon of vegetable. I will make the vegetable tomorrow. I finally got to come home this afternoon at 3:30.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Patrick's zoo trip

It has been a whole week since I last posted. Wow, where did that week go? The boys got report cards wednesday. Patrick's was very good and Jon is still failing geometry. I am trying to help him, but he is so depressed about it. I sure hope that he will not give up. He can pull this off if he will work really really hard. He is still upset about his broken engagement. His ex needs help, I believe.

Patrick's class went to the zoo in Memphis today. It was supposed to rain, but I asked the Lord to smile on the WES 6th grade and he sure did. Today was absolutely beautiful. He brought back some neat pictures and a coolie hat! We picked up a couple of pizzas and a few movies to pass the weekend with. The boys are out on spring break next week. Sid is taking off, too. I guess that I will work.

I am so proud of Jon. He tried to fix Jeanette's truck, since she has been walking to work. He said that it broke his heart to see her walking to work and no one to help her. He put spark plugs in it, but that wasn't the problem. He has a fuel pump ordered for it. She asked him how much she owed him and he wouldn't take any money. I was so proud of him. He really has a good heart. He knows that the cost of the fuel pump will be hard for her, so he got his buddy to get it for him at a discount. WE tried tonight to get it cranked to get it to the house, but we couldn't keep it running long enough to get out of the parking lot, much less to the house. The battery was getting weak, so we quit for tonight. Maybe Sid will help him get it to the house tomorrow.

I got a birthday present this week from my bestest friend, Sally. She sent me a book by Joyce Meyer and a sweet card. I told her she didn't have to get me anything, but I really appreciated it. Sally and I go wayyyyy back! We have known each other since the 9th grade. we took piano from Mrs. Wooten and our lessons were always on Friday. We roomed together in college.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

No more Snow!

Well the yard was beautiful when we first awoke this morning around 7:00, but now there is not a trace of snow. Sid and I left the boys sleeping and went to the grocery store, I fixed them some lunch and they are in the shop, working on car/truck stuff. The ball tournament was cancelled around 10:00 last night, so we didn't have to get up so early. The reason the tournament was cancelled was that some teams from north mississippi had worse weather than we did, but we could have played today. It is a little cool, but the beautiful sun is making it rather nice! Here are some pictures from late last night and early this morning!

Patrick is scooping up enough snow to pelt Daddy when he got home from work last night.

The front yard this morning

the gazebo this morning

Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, the week is over and it is snowing!!! It hasn't snowed in ages and it is coming down thick and white. Patrick is supposed to play in a tournament in Eupora tomorrow. The snow will probably be gone by then.

I had a great birthday. I heard from all my siblings. Bernard and Bro. Gary sang Happy Birthday to me! Mrs. Ray brought me some balloons and a card. I recieved cards from Judd and Gloria, Janice Watson, Mrs. Cooper, Linda Perkins, Bobby and Tonie, and Margaret. My precious Jonathan sent me flowers at work. It was quite a great surprise, and they are beautiful, all my favorite colors-pink and purple and yellow. My handsome man brought me flowers and balloons. He also brought me an orange cake and a card from his mother. She gave me an arbor for the yard. I think a Lady Banks rose would look quite fetching on it! My long lost daughter texted me a happy birthday. To top off the day, Jon took me to eat last night at Pizza Inn. they even had my favorite pizza, pepperoni and onions. I really felt special!

My flowers from Jon.

My flowers from Sid

Balloons from the Rays(flower and pink and green) and Sid,(the purple and yellow)

The boys have finished 3rd nine weeks tests this week. Report cards come out this coming Wednesday, the 12th. I am hoping and praying for the best.

"Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

That was our verse at work last week. Isn't it a great one? How often do we forget that we have a loving God that is with us wherever we go. I do forget and get terrified at times, and discouraged at times, but I need to always remember that He is with me, always and only a prayer away. Thank you Jesus! I can't go a day without you beside me. Help me not to be terrified of report card day!

Only nine more weeks of school. Boy, this year has really flown past. Patrick will soon be out of elementary school and into junior high. He will go through so many changes in the next few years. He is so smart. I am so proud of all he has accomplished in his short life. He can play the trumpet! He is a pretty darn good baseball player! He is a good student and a pretty well behaved boy. I am finding out that the more familiar he is with a teacher, the worse he acts. he has been with his visions teachers for the past 3 years and had not been showing them the respect that they deserve. I made him apologize, and stressed to him the importance of treating persons of authority with respect. I will find out wednesday if my little speech did any good. I told them that a long-handled wooden spoon works pretty well for me! I am so glad that he asked Jesus into his heart last summer and we will spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. I am finding it hard to swallow that Jonathan will be graduating May 23. It seems like no time has passed since he came home from kindergarten, upset because they made him color and his fingers were so tired! I am so proud of Jon. He really hates school and would have probably dropped out if I hadn't "encouraged" him not to give up. I will cry tears of joy on the night he graduates. I love them all so much. He was really discouraged at midterm with 2 "F"'s and both classes are required for graduation. The English has really improved with the forced tutoring sessions. I am concerned about geometry. Hope he can still pull a rabbit out of a hat. I believe that he will.

Well, I guess I must do some more laundry. Patrick's red underarmour shirt needs washing for the tournament tomorrow, and the dog peed on my bed, so I had to change my sheets! I really felt sorry for the dogs, and wanted to let them in where it is warm, and she does that! UGGHHHH! Can you say, Snow Dogs????

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It is almost my birthday. Happy Birthday to Belinda!!! Almost 47 years old. Look what my sweetie made me for my birthday!

I never thought about a pot rack until I got these nice pots and no space for them. They can't be nested, because of the non stick finish, so they took up a lot of room on my counter. I thought that a pot rack would be a perfect solution. Sid made this for me. I really really love it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Wow, it is March.... MY month! ha. Yesterday was so sunny and warm, just perfect. Today is windy and raining. They say it is gonna snow tomorrow. Even if it does, it won't stick. It has been much too warm.

My poor Jon has had quite a week. Wednesday night his woman broke up with him again. I think that this is probably the 8th or 9th time. I had to cancel his tuxedo when I went to winona thursday. Luckily it had not shipped yet, so he got his deposit back. She already has a prom date, or so she's telling her classmates. I am so tired of seeing him hurt like this. She is bad news and he needs to walk, NO, run away from her as fast as he can go. I am still praying!

This weekend he was invited to a party and he and his friend were beaten up pretty bad, plus his friend's truck was damaged. All because Taylor spoke to a girl. I asked if she looked that good! I'd like to get my hands on the guys that were beating up on my baby. I'd take their heads and bang them together. Can you say, uh oh, here comes the mama bear? I'd like to do that to a certain girl, too, but that is another story.

This is nine weeks test week. Report cards come out next wednesday. I am praying for Jon. I keep telling him, only 9 more weeks of school! Less than 3 months! Just get through it! Spring break is week after next. The boys and sid will be out. Sid always takes off during spring break. He is planning to paint his old truck that week, that is, if the weather cooperates. I guess that I will be working... blah. I hope that it is warm and pretty.

I have a busy day tomorrow. We are out of everything, and tomorrow is chicken pot pie day.

Haven't heard from Liz since she got mad at us on Sid's birthday. I guess she is punishing us.

Well, not much else is happening in our world. Jon is the only one with the excitement.