Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, the week is over and it is snowing!!! It hasn't snowed in ages and it is coming down thick and white. Patrick is supposed to play in a tournament in Eupora tomorrow. The snow will probably be gone by then.

I had a great birthday. I heard from all my siblings. Bernard and Bro. Gary sang Happy Birthday to me! Mrs. Ray brought me some balloons and a card. I recieved cards from Judd and Gloria, Janice Watson, Mrs. Cooper, Linda Perkins, Bobby and Tonie, and Margaret. My precious Jonathan sent me flowers at work. It was quite a great surprise, and they are beautiful, all my favorite colors-pink and purple and yellow. My handsome man brought me flowers and balloons. He also brought me an orange cake and a card from his mother. She gave me an arbor for the yard. I think a Lady Banks rose would look quite fetching on it! My long lost daughter texted me a happy birthday. To top off the day, Jon took me to eat last night at Pizza Inn. they even had my favorite pizza, pepperoni and onions. I really felt special!

My flowers from Jon.

My flowers from Sid

Balloons from the Rays(flower and pink and green) and Sid,(the purple and yellow)

The boys have finished 3rd nine weeks tests this week. Report cards come out this coming Wednesday, the 12th. I am hoping and praying for the best.

"Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

That was our verse at work last week. Isn't it a great one? How often do we forget that we have a loving God that is with us wherever we go. I do forget and get terrified at times, and discouraged at times, but I need to always remember that He is with me, always and only a prayer away. Thank you Jesus! I can't go a day without you beside me. Help me not to be terrified of report card day!

Only nine more weeks of school. Boy, this year has really flown past. Patrick will soon be out of elementary school and into junior high. He will go through so many changes in the next few years. He is so smart. I am so proud of all he has accomplished in his short life. He can play the trumpet! He is a pretty darn good baseball player! He is a good student and a pretty well behaved boy. I am finding out that the more familiar he is with a teacher, the worse he acts. he has been with his visions teachers for the past 3 years and had not been showing them the respect that they deserve. I made him apologize, and stressed to him the importance of treating persons of authority with respect. I will find out wednesday if my little speech did any good. I told them that a long-handled wooden spoon works pretty well for me! I am so glad that he asked Jesus into his heart last summer and we will spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. I am finding it hard to swallow that Jonathan will be graduating May 23. It seems like no time has passed since he came home from kindergarten, upset because they made him color and his fingers were so tired! I am so proud of Jon. He really hates school and would have probably dropped out if I hadn't "encouraged" him not to give up. I will cry tears of joy on the night he graduates. I love them all so much. He was really discouraged at midterm with 2 "F"'s and both classes are required for graduation. The English has really improved with the forced tutoring sessions. I am concerned about geometry. Hope he can still pull a rabbit out of a hat. I believe that he will.

Well, I guess I must do some more laundry. Patrick's red underarmour shirt needs washing for the tournament tomorrow, and the dog peed on my bed, so I had to change my sheets! I really felt sorry for the dogs, and wanted to let them in where it is warm, and she does that! UGGHHHH! Can you say, Snow Dogs????