Friday, October 10, 2008

Long Weekend!

It's Friday! A beautiful fall day. Last day of midterm exams for Patrick. We checked him out of school at noon today and we all went to Pizza Inn for buffet. It had been a while since we had done that and it was so good! He did great on everything so far. The only one that hasn't been posted was pre-algebra, so we'll find out soon how that went. Report card day is next Thursday and it is a short day. They are out this Monday for Columbus day or fall break, so a nice long weekend for the P-man! He'll probably want to be in the woods trying for that elusive deer! Last Wednesday coming home from church we saw a spike down the road from the house. He just stood there in the middle of the road. Patrick got out of the car and walked toward him and he just stood there. Patrick threw a rock in front of him and he just looked at the road where the rock hit. Finally Patrick ran at him and chased him across the neighbor's yard. It was so funny!

Jon came home today and started back to work at Anel. I haven't heard yet how that went. He gets off at 11:00 tonight. I told him that he better come straight home and go to bed. Better not stay out with his buddies, or it will be really hard to rise in the morning. He and I are going to Birmingham tomorrow to see Dave Ramsey. Can you believe it was his idea to go? Sid and I saw him in Jackson a few years ago and we really enjoyed him, but Jon called one night and told me he wanted to go. I said, good, then go, then he says, I don't want to go by myself. I said, ask a friend. He said, I want you to go with me! ha. If he wants to learn to handle money God's way, then I am all for it, even if we have to spend 8 hours driving there and back! He's pretty smart with money anyway, so we may create a monster~!

Talked to Lizzie this afternoon. She had 4 more puzzles to work for homework. She doesn't like them, so she knew I'd bite. She had a cryptoquote, a jumble, a sudoku and a numbrix. I solved them pretty quick. she had already done the crytoquote, except for a few letters, so I helped her with it. She got caught in a parade going to work this afternoon and was a little late! Cleveland is celebrating Octoberfest, so there is a lot going on this weekend there. I am glad that she seems to be sticking with her schooling this time. Maybe seeing her friends graduating, getting jobs and getting married, has lit a fire under her. Wow, when I was her age, I was expecting her! We had been married 3 years when she arrived!

I made it to the dentist to get my crown glued in permanently yesterday. I spent a stressful week waiting for that thing to show up! Kinda embarrasing, but it fell off Friday night while I was asleep and I found it Tuesday. The dentist said if it made me feel better, I wasn't the first one to have that happen to! Glad I can eat and drink and brush my teeth again painfree!

Sid and Patrick are planning to go to the state fair tomorrow. This is the last weekend for it. We haven't been a couple of years. I told him to bring home some taffy. They like to see the cars and look at all the stuff. Patrick likes to ride, but not as much as Sid does. Nobody, but nobody can outride Liz, though! I don't ride anything that leaves the ground, or spins very fast!

WEll, this weekend is going to be busy and fast! I wish that I had monday off, too!