Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Hot,-- way too hot!

Yes it is hot. It is August. It is Mississippi. It is hot. I thought the other day; I know why there are more churches in the Bible Belt-We already know what Hell feels like and really don't want to experience it for eternity! I think that I came up with that on my own. woo hoo!

I am really not liking being fat. I really am not liking the south beach. I really am tired of working at this. Okay, I am not as fat as I was last summer, which is a good thing. My knees are truly thanking me. My clothes are smaller-by 6 sizes-another good thing. It's just that I have lost hundreds of pounds over the years and I am so afraid that I will revert to my bad habits. I want fried okra. I want tortilla chips and queso dip. I want a bacon and tomato sandwich on nasty old white bunny bread! I was so disappointed last night when I stepped on the scales and after 2 awful weeks on phase one of the south beach only 3 pounds gone. I guess I should be thankful that they were gone. Lord help me not to give up and revert to my bad habits. Help me to realize that food is fuel and I should eat to live-not live to eat.

Really enjoyed "The Book of Eli". Finally got to finish it yesterday afternoon and it was really good. you gotta watch to the end, though.

I really had some deep thoughts to write down, but they have left me. Perhaps I am not in the pensive mood that I was in earlier.

A sweet friend asked me recently why Sid and I seemed so happy. I have really been thinking on that. Are other couples not happy? I am not sure. I know that when I agreed to marry Sid I really meant my vows. I promised to always love him and never forsake him. I still mean them. I think when you give someone your promise, it should mean something. Til death do us part doesn't mean, "til I find someone better". There have been studies done on different reasons why marriages last. Commitment. hmmm. Big word, means a lot. Both have to be truly committed. Not living together before getting married was another. Marriages have a much higher risk of failing when a couple lives together as husband and wife without being married. It breaks my heart to see young couples "trying each other out" to see if they can live together. It is not the same when there is no commitment to stay. Sex before marriage was another reason marriages fail. hmmm. Sex was a gift God gave to married couples. I know that I am old fashioned and outdated, but God's word is still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and he knows what is best for us. He knows that a sexual relationship carries tremendous emotional attachment and should not be taken lightly. Is our marriage perfect. HA HA! Absolutely not. why? because we are 2 imperfect people! Do we argue? Oh yeah! I guess it would be very boring if we agreed on everything. It is only through compromise that we learn not to be selfish. I can finish his sentences and he can sometimes finish mine. Through the years we have learned each other pretty well. He is a wonderful man and a great father. I have never heard him utter a curse word and he is not a womanizer, smoker, nor drunkard. He puts up with my moods, which nominates him for sainthood. I trust him wholeheartedly. He loves God more than he loves me, which is the only way that a relationship will survive. Jesus has to be the most important thing, for if one doesn't know the unselfish love of our savior, how can one learn to truly love another person? I believe he loves his wife as Christ loves his Church. I guess those are some of the reasons why we are happy. We are content with our circumstances and with each other. We find time (not often enough) to have date nights! I treasure our mini "honeymoon" trips that we started doing when Liz was about 7th grade. I guess that has been about 12 years now. We haven't made a trip every year since then, but we try to! On our 25th anniversary I surprised him with a weekend at the Alluvian. Even though it was only in Greenwood 20 miles away, we had a great weekend. My sister sent champagne and we ate at Lusco's for the first time ever. We exchanged silver bands and privately ;) renewed our vows for at least another 25 years! Great memories. Last year we went to Natchez and stayed in the historic Eola hotel and walked everywhere. Saw some really pretty old buildings and ate some pretty great food, too. It was so much fun-no kids, just us! Loved the tour of the Old South winery there! Yummy! Muscadine wine is my favorite! The sunsets over the Mississippi River were breathtaking. One year we went to Vicksburg. I really enjoy the historic places! I have been trying to come up with somewhere to go this year. It has to be close! Our anniversary will be on a Saturday, the actual day we were married 28 years ago on August 21! Too bad we don't have any of that awful dry cake left to celebrate with!

I must go and feed myself and my "little P-man". I love that little guy so much. He has been such a blessing to me! I don't want him to grow up and he is doing just that anyway!

SO many words for someone who couldn't find any words earlier! until later.....