Sunday, September 5, 2010

I believe that I have been to more weddings in the past 12 months that in the other 48 years of my life! Last September was Liz's best friend, Julie. Julie gets the award for the longest Baptist wedding in history and the best reception! Next was Chase and Ali, who are Jon's friends. He was one of the groomsmen in that wedding. Short and sweet! Didn't go to the reception. Jon said Chase spent the evening trying to hide beer from his granddaddy, so it wasn't very fun. Next came BJ and Meggie McKay. BJ was kind of like an adopted child that lived with us for a couple of years 10 years ago. Both boys were in the wedding. This was Patrick's first wedding to be in. It was pretty. Took place in the Emmanuel church in Winona. Very cute, formerly Episcopal church, but now mostly used for weddings. The Episcopalians have died out there, I guess. Reception at the Country club had the most food I had ever seen! Meggie's aunt did all the work and I just don't know how she did it-or where she stored it! They must have rented a refrigerated warehouse! The next one was Jessica Brewer and James Paul Bowlin's wedding in July. Jon also was in that one. He and James Paul had been friends since 4 year old kindergarten and they live in rock throwing distance from each other. Nice traditional wedding. Jon was paired with his beautiful girlfriend and it kinda brought a tear to my eye to see all the boys that I had known for so long all grown up and all DRESSED up! Nice reception, but nothing much legal for south beach, so I went home very hungry. You know there was not even a diet coke to be found? Yesterday we went to another wedding. Kaitlyn and Jonathan had been really good friends since fourth grade when he started to Winona Elementary. She was always such a sweet person, very genuine. Jon was not in this one, but we all went as a family and Kaitlyn was very pretty. I am trying to get used to all this country music played over a loudspeaker, but I really prefer live instruments at a wedding and traditional music. Church of Christ doesn't allow live instruments; don't really understand why, since the music played had some instruments in it! Didn't go to the reception. Decided to go eat supper instead. We rode to Inverness to eat at the Hometown restaurant. Mark was so funny. He came out to see us and told us that we didn't have to dress up just for him! We were a little overdressed for the Hometown, but it was fun nonetheless! We were able to enjoy outdoor dining last night. Up until now, it had been way to hot to try out Mark's new additions of a courtyard and screened porch. Jon was excited to show his sister his new truck which she liked! It was good to see her and she got to spend a good bit of time with us, since their crowd had not arrived yet. We even arrived home before nine, which is not usual for us even when we eat out locally on a Saturday night. We usually don't get started quite so early, though. I don't think we have any more weddings that we are obligated to attend for a while! I think that all of Jon's friends are married now! CJ and Adam won't be doing that any time in the near future, I don't believe. We don't know any of Liz's Cleveland friends and all of her Winona friends are married. Maybe Allen Reed will come around and ask Liz to marry him. Then we'll have another one! Three years of dating should be enough! it was for Sidney and me!