Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Christmas time at the Morrison house. We got a tree thanks to Patrick and Jeremiah. It is so beautiful. I love a fresh green cedar, the aroma of evergreen filling the house. It smells like Christmas. It is almost 12 feet tall and covered with colored lights and ornaments. I almost forgot to use my ornaments that I bought in Rome last year. I found them this afternoon. I would have to kick myself if I had totally forgotten them!
I have tried to make everyone on my special list a handmade item for Christmas. Just a little bit of myself, I guess. I am going to deliver a couple of things shortly. My dear friend who takes Patrick to school every day and her family will get a chocolate pie. I made her a "Santa" monkey ornament and got my other son a gift card to Huddle-house! That is because he loves to eat there when he is off at school at ICC. The Huddle-house is always open, 24/7 and he loves to stay up late and hang out with friends there.
I am excited about Christmas. I love celebrating our savior's birth and sharing a little of his love with others. When you think about it, though, we should, as Christians, be doing that everyday of the year, not just at Christmas time. We should treat others as we would like to be treated. We should be a little kinder, a little gentler, a little more patient. When the little old lady in line takes 10 minutes to write out her check for groceries, I need to remember that some day, God willing, that will be me! Probably won't be any such thing as checks by then, I hardly use them anyway, just the debit card.
A servant's heart. That is what Jesus had. He didn't sit around whining about what others could do for him. He took the initiative and did for others. He patiently waits for us. When we think that he is far away, it is not because of him straying from us, it is because we have strayed
from him.
I think that I should try to see how I can make a difference in my actions and not try to change others. The only person that I can change is me! I pray that I will become more like Jesus, more patient, kinder, gentler, loving. I pray that I can wait patiently for his blessings.
I pray that I not be a nagging wife. Proverbs 27:15 says, "A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet."I love Sid with all my heart. I hope that he doesn't see me as a "dripping faucet" Lord knows that nothing is more annoying that that! We have endured much in our 28 years of marriage and 3 years of dating. I have known him longer that I have not known him! I realize that over time I have changed for the better. I can be apart from him and enjoy the sweet reunions! I can let him have his space and he lets me have mine. I think that since I started working part time 4 years ago, he misses me more. He hates to go to work in the afternoons on the days that I work late and we have no time to talk and visit. I enjoy the days that I come home early and we have a few hours to have a "lunch date" or walk around the place or "whatever!" ;) I hope that the next 28 is even sweeter.
Merry Christmas! Life is good. When troubles come and they will come, I pray that I can face them with the help that comes from above. I pray that all my friends will also have a wonderful Christmas and Happy 2011!
Much love to all,