Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Jon!

This afternoon at 3:37 pm our sweet middle child turned 19 years old. Can't believe it! Seems like he was just a baby, then a little toddler, then a kindergartener with tired hands from all that coloring! Then it was first grade, then fourth grade, new school, peewee football, jr. high, high school and then he was a senior. Then he graduated last may. Boy, the time flies. His little brother just started junior high, so I guess he'll be graduating in a couple of days! We went to church this morning, then came home and cooked steaks with the works and a homemade caramel cake for dessert. Grandmother came and ate with us and Liz came home and ate, too. Jon was tickled to get money from grandmother, new flip flops from Liz and a new tv from his daddy and me.

Tomorrow is Labor day and hurricane Gustav is due to make landfall in New Orleans in the morning. Last year on this particular weekend, we were enjoying a beautiful beach at Pensacola with Margaret and family. The weather on the coast this time is much different. We'll probably get rain by Tuesday, but probably tomorrow. All the hotels and motels in the state are booked with evacuees. Our neighbor has 10 in her house alone. Her family is from the coast and New Orleans.