Saturday, August 23, 2008

Finally the weekend!

Jon made it through one week of school! He had to come home on monday night, but finally on tuesday he got electricity. The bldg. permit office misplaced our request for permission to hook up electricity, so they got on it after we called. Didn't really want to call and worry them, because it might give them reason to find fault with the service. He is so lonely over there. He does have television, and the landlord's grandson has come by to speak and is real nice. He even invited Jon to go to church with them. He was really glad to be home and see his "girl", meaning Candy, the camaro. I wasn't able to send much in the way of food with him last weekend, other than non-perishables, since we didn't know when we would get lights. Yesterday I made chicken spaghetti, cheese soup, and beef stroganoff in large amounts so he would have plenty to take back. He kinda likes school, just not being over there!

Patrick had a good week at school. Monday night was open house, so we went and spoke to all the teachers. He and Jeremiah and Howard cut grass at the church yesterday and also the other ladies' houses where they cut.

Today is the big 175th birthday of our church. There is a parade this afternoon followed by a party at the pavillion. Hamburgers, chips, ice cream and cake are on the menu. Tomorrow Dr. Jim Futral will preach the 11:00 service. Looking forward to that. Don't really like the idea of a parade. It looks like we are pointing to ourselves instead of Jesus. I don't think that we should be in the business of promoting Carrollton Baptist Church. I think Jesus gets lost in the hoopla.

Liz called and talked for an hour wednesday night. She was really wound up! Enjoyed talking to her. Seems like she is very busy with school and working every spare minute.

I have worked a lot this week. I am tired. Jeanette had her second treatment wednesday. She is doing ok. Haven't talked to her today. Last time she had her treatment, the weekend was pretty bad.

Sid is getting his carpet and seats installed in his old purple truck. It is so pretty. He has worked so hard on it. He and Jon were down there this morning working on their respective projects.

The puppies arrived last Friday! There are 2 girls and 1 boy. They are so tiny and precious. They are 1 week old now and are doing fine. Mama has gotten her strength back and will leave them a little more now. I can't wait for them to open their eyes and start playing with each other. They will be fun.

this is one of the babies on the first day. This is a little girl.