Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today was election day. I guess we'll find out tomorrow who'll be our next president. I voted for the team that lined up more with my beliefs, pro-life, pro-family, and against the socialist. Our family has done their part, hope everyone else's has, too. I have to remember, though no matter how it turns out, God is still in control and he can even use a bad situation to accomplish his perfect will.

I don't celebrate halloween. The Lord convicted me of this when Liz was about 4. The Bible takes such things seriously, so we should too. this year, however, I dressed up. ha ha At work we had John McCain, Sarah Palin, and a hippy. they knew how I felt about Halloween, so they didn't expect me to do anything. I surprised them by showing up with purple hair and a punk rock tatoo sleeve, black clothes and lots of heavy eyeliner. I have since repented! and the punk rocker disappeared in the bathtub! ( I got lots of compliments on my purple hair, though!) That was the extent of my involvement! No parties, No trick or treat, no yard rolling, no egg throwing! No scary movies!

We all just wanta be big rock stars!!!

The Winona Tigers are district champs!~! Yay!!! They start the first round of the playoffs this week at home against Cleveland Eastside. Best of luck Tigers!!!

The Winona Junior high Beta club is sponsoring "Operation Christmas Child" for their Christmas project. I was proud that they are doing such a worthwhile project. We have been doing this at church for the past several years and we have received letters from children in Burkina Faso, India, and another place that I don't remember. It is so awesome how a little box full of inexpensive toys can mean so much to a little child. It is so wonderful to hear of their faith in Jesus and how in some cases they led their parents to the Lord because somewhere around the world someone cared. Someone prayed. Someone gave to the Lord.

I am still enjoying this wonderful fall weather. The trees are getting pretty and will soon be bare. I don't like winter and I don't like summer, but I do love fall and spring!


Tonya said...

Girlfriend, You are a HOOT! (I'm LOVING the purple hair too) ;-)

I'm with you on your Halloween beliefs - we don't "celebrate" it either.. however, I don't see anything wrong with you dressing up for work. I bet your coworkers got a kick out of you - especially if you were the last person they expected to see dressed up. =-)

I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend... Oh, and as for the election... I've STILL not pulled my head out of the sand. I REFUSE to watch any news covering our "new president." I could RANT ALL DAY LONG about this, but in short, it breaks my heart that we, a Christian nation have moved so far away from GOD!