Monday, October 27, 2008

Had a great weekend. Since Sidney was off last week, He and I went to the movies Friday night. (Patrick tagged along, too!) We saw Fireproof, the new movie from Sherwood Baptist in Albany Georgia. It was so wonderful. I laughed, I cried, I'm gonna buy it when it comes out on DVD! I have the other 2 movies that they have done. They were great, too. God has really blessed them with a ministry to reach a widespread audience for Christ. This one was about the marriage relationship and how wives and husbands should treat one another. We ate greasy popcorn and drank coke, too. Gotta love movie popcorn!

Saturday was a mostly quiet, piddle around the house kind of day. Beautiful weather, perfect temperatures. Sid's brother and aunt arrived late Saturday afternoon. Patrick went to Starkville with the youth group from church to bowl. Jon went to a friend's house to work on his truck. Wow, alone at last?! We went out to eat, just the two of us and had a very enjoyable evening.

Sunday was our 175th anniversary celebration at church. It was nice. We didn't have Sunday School, but started registration at 10:00. Church started at 10:45 and I'm not sure when it ended. I really enjoyed the music and the historic moments and everything. I know it ended after 12:00, because my son let me know! ha We had a great lunch and ooddles of tempting desserts. I made a banana pudding and 3 lemon meringue pies. I saw just about everything you could imagine. After lunch we went home and slept it off! when we woke up, Liz had appeared. It was good to see her for a short time.

No, Jon is not praying, he's avoiding the camera!

Judd and Katie enjoying their lunch on a beautiful fall day

I have a little while before I have to go pick up Patrick today. He has a trumpet lesson this afternoon from 3:30 until 4:00. I am sure that he will be starving when I pick him up! He has to eat lunch so early, around 10:30 in the morning I think. He is always hungry when I pick him up.

I am watching the puppies playing outside in the back yard. We still have them all. They are so much fun. We've had them in the tradewinds for the last 3 weeks, but I guess no one is interested in a pup right now. Probably spending all their disposable income on gasoline. I am glad to see that it is coming down. Hope that it keeps on coming down! Sid told his brother that he probably saved a couple hundred dollars waiting 3 weeks to drive to Mississippi from Charleston, South Carolina!


Tonya said...

We've seen that movie too - AMAZING, isn't it??? I'm with you.. I wanna buy it when it comes out. =-)

I've also been trying to catch up on the sweet comments that were left on Brent's birthday. It was such a BLESSING to have YOU celebrate his life with us! THANKS SO MUCH for "being there".

Alrighty, my friend.. have a WONDERFUL weekend!
