Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another weekend at the ballpark. Lost the championship by 1 run. What a heart-breaker. Patrick says they aren't playing next weekend. He wasn't playing anyway because they were supposed to play in New Albany and he and Jon are going to be in Meggie and BJ's wedding next Saturday night. BJ lived with us 11 years ago when his mother kicked him out of the house because her husband didn't like him. He was a senior in high school and Lived here with us for about 2 years. Patrick was only 3 when he moved in with us. The boys loved him like a brother and He asked them both to be in his wedding. I thought it was very sweet. Patrick's first wedding! I'll have to get a picture of both my boy children dressed in their monkey suits! I'm sure they will be very handsome!

We went to "Mexico" after the ball game tonight. It was so very very good! I never tire of eating at El Cabrito. Hunter came along with us. When we got there, there were 3 more "gators" eating as well.

Last week work was kinda easy. I had no trouble keeping up with food demand. We tried a little something new last Wednesday. We made chicken Parmesan and Italian squash pie with fresh blackberry cobbler. YUM. Betty will be back one day this week- Wednesday and then be gone again for another long stretch. She is going to Milan so I need to get her the Italian phrase book that I've been in possession since January!

Elizabeth went with me last Monday to watch the Tigers play against Bayou Academy at Delta State. It was neat! Everybody got to play. Patrick played left field in the second game and got a hit. Dark brought out the mosquitoes. I guess I have lived in the hills so long, I had forgotten how big delta mosquitoes are! I told Liz that I had seen hummingbirds that weren't as large as these mosquitoes! It was fun.

Patrick has had a good time this week spending time at Hunter's house and hanging out with him after weightlifting. They went swimming a couple of days. Fun times.

It was so hot today. I know it had to have hit 100. The behind the plate umpire fell out! We had to give him a break and let the umps swap places and cool off.

It is 11:00. I guess I'll get ready to go to bed. I'm sure to have reflux if I don't go right now and take some acid reducer. It really sucks getting old!