Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a great weekend!

This weekend has been so very nice. We spent all day Saturday watching Patrick play baseball, which was very nice (for me, anyway). Sunday we went to Sunday school and church and then ate a sandwich and got the boat ready to go skiing. Elizabeth came home and even behaved herself pretty well. We all skied. YES, EVEN ME~! I got up the first time on one ski. It was so fun, I couldn't believe that I got up the first time, being that it has been several years. I guess, too, that losing a few pounds really helped a lot. Jon had plans afterwards, so it was just Liz, Patrick, Sid and I! Sid grilled out some burgers and it dawned on me that even though the next day was Monday, I WAS OFF! what a great feeling! We cooked out some ribs and pork chops, made baked beans, cooked cabbage and homemade strawberry ice cream. Really did enjoy it. Liz left around 1:00 to meet her fella. Sid and I cleaned out Jon's home away from home and got it looking good. I guess 2 years in cramped quarters didn't hurt Jon too much. He didn't even damage the camper too much. It cleaned up pretty well.

It hurt going to work this morning. Not literally, though I was a little sore from the little bit of waterskiing that I did Sunday afternoon. I just didn't want to get up and go cook this morning. Tomorrow will be very busy, I'm sure. A local supervisor is on trial. Court house should be full. I guess that I will get up and go in very early, then leave to take Patrick to weight lifting at 8:00, than come back to work. Hopefully Sidney can wake up and go get him around nine. I was very tired this afternoon. I had to take a little nap, but now am feeling much better.