Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where has the time gone? Does it seem that everything is going in fast-forward these days or what? Couldn't believe I haven't written in almost a month. Patrick starts back to school next Thursday, August 5. He has been at school at least 3 times a week since school let out last May. He has had weight lifting 3 days a week all summer, plus summer ball, and last week was band camp all week from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. He seemed to think that band camp went well. I am glad. I hope that the new band directors can boost their spirit. Lord knows they need it.

Jon has been to New Orleans for the AWS CWI seminar and exam. We are still praying for good results from it. He said it was the hardest thing that he had ever done in his life. He did put out a tremendous effort toward passing it, and I sure hope that he did. It will be so wonderful for him to have that certification and responsibility. It was nice to see that he will work hard for something that he wants that badly.

We managed to get in a last minute trip to Florida and it was so much fun. Seafood, sand, beautiful water, bicycles, ice cream.. you know, all the things that spell summer fun! It was nice to get away. Sid is off this week and working on QEIII's car. I think that he found the oil leak at last! Now...Mama's a/c compressor seems to be on it's last leg, so let's get proactive now, ya hear! Mama don't like to be hot! You know the old saying, "when mama's not happy, nobody's happy!"

Went to James Paul's wedding. Very nice, very pretty. It's just so hard to believe that one of Jon's oldest friends is married. He has married off 4 friends so far this year. Yesterday we got an invitation to Kaitlyn Carson's wedding. Sweet sweet girl. She and Jon have been friends since 4th grade. Never a gf/bf relationship, just really good friends! I am glad to see her so happy. Have never been to a wedding in a Church of Christ. They don't believe in instrumental music, so it should be "different"~! Sidney's cousin belonged to the Church of Christ, but they were married somewhere different. It's been a few years and a few husbands ago, so hard to remember!

Have been enjoying getting to know Julia Mounger! I think she might just straighten Jonathan Sidney Morrison out,( if the damage that I have done to him is not irrepairable! ) She has been down from Missouri visiting her Mississippi family for the past couple of weeks and participating in her sister's wedding. So beautiful! I think she and Jon looked extremely great together. what do you think?

I have 2 sock monkeys to make and can't get motivated to do it. I feel like I am dragging around 50 pound weights on my ankles. May be the diet..... NO CARBS=NO ENERGY!
Tons of laundry to do, always something to clean up. No help...go figure. Ok, I guess enough venting. won't do any good anyway. ;) I guess I am off to see what I can get into. Until later....