Tuesday, October 19, 2010

guess what we had for dessert?????? YES! Sugar free Java Chillers! WE made them with espresso and blue bell low fat sugar free vanilla ice cream. Patrick put chocolate and caramel syrup in his. It was yummy! I cooked a pork loin with sweet potatoes and mustard greens for supper. The boys finally finished cutting wood for today. Or, should I say, they ran out of daylight? Sid is off this week and traditionally this is his annual woodcutting week. Since we heat with wood, we have to have plenty for the winter. We got a little rain today, supposed to have a little more tonight. MC told me today that the fire that we saw on the hill east of town a couple of weeks ago burned down a couple of barns. That was pre-burn ban.

Patrick got his first 9 weeks report card yesterday. All A's! Quite an accomplishment especially for his honors classes. I am so glad that he does well in school and CARES! He even brought up his band grade to an "A"! His tuning slide was stuck tight and we could not get the thing loose. We soaked the trumpet in warm water for an hour, used penetrating oil. Carefully tapped it with a hammer. Still wouldn't budge. I even went to Dollar General and bought some PB Blaster. Jon said if that wouldn't budge it, nothing would. About the time Sid and I were playing tug of war with it, CJ called for Jon and Sid asked if he had ever had a similar problem with his horn. CJ said he remembered Charlie and a hammer! SCARY! Well, Sid wouldn't let CJ talk to Jon until he talked to Charlie first. Charlie told Sid what he did. He took a block of wood and set it on the slide bar and hit the wood block with the hammer. It finally budged. We got that booger out and Patrick slicked it up and regreased it. This particular slide doesn't move much. Only when you tune the horn, so We decided that it would be a good thing to clean and grease it a little more regularly.

Last week was crazy busy. Homecoming week which is always so much fun had us going in many different directions. Had a blast! Have really enjoyed seeing Patrick march with the high school band. They have gotten better and better every week. I am so proud of them.

I was remiss in my walking last week. Last night I walked while the P-man was at "I am Second". It really felt good. I meant to go again tonight, but it rained! Oh well, there's always tomorrow after church.

Went to First Baptist's judgment house Sunday night. I really thought it was good. There were 59 professions of faith Sunday night alone. I hope they were all sincere..... It was all worth it.

Tomorrow I am cooking chicken and dumplings, sweet and sour green beans, cornbread and caramel cake! Hope it turns out good. We have been so slow this week. I am supposed to mark the grocery list online through sams tomorrow. I've never done it, so this should be interesting. Betty said she would be in Salt Lake City tomorrow and would call me. wow.

Well, I must go for now. Poor sid is in the bed. Poor baby got up with me this morning and has been working steadily all day.