Tuesday, October 5, 2010

weird science

Today I am experimenting. My friend Pam's birthday is this Thursday and she like a lot of us are watching carbs! So...... I decided to try to make a sugar free peanut butter cheesecake. I used fat free philly cream cheese, smuckers all natural peanut butter, eggs, and truvia for sweetness. The batter wasn't as runny as my regular cheesecake, but the sugar tends to melt the cream cheese for some reason. I tasted the batter and it tasted pretty good. Not as sweet as a regular cheesecake, but then again, no sugar. It is in the oven now, so I hope that it will come out alright. If it works, I may branch out and try other flavors. Wish me luck!

AS soon as that cheesecake comes out of the oven, I am going for a walk. I have to be back by 7:00 because NCIS is coming on and it is the only show that I love. Oh, I guess I'd better cook something for supper, too! I came in from getting Patrick and cooked myself a couple of eggs. I was so hungry and I had to have something. I have ground chuck thawed, but Patrick ate a burger this afternoon for a snack. He hates meatloaf, so that's out. Maybe hamburger steak. Sounds pretty good to me. I still have lima beans and string beans in the fridge or I could bake them a potato. Jon is helping his friend Anthony by welding something for him. motor mounts?

Liz called and was hyper! She was on her way to work and had to tell me a little about their bachelorette weekend in NOLA. She said NOLA was very neat and there were lots of shops to go in and lots to see. Of course she did mention Pat O'Brien's, too! LOL I've never been there, but she seems to think that Sid and I would enjoy a weekend there sometime.

had to water my poor mustard greens this afternoon. I managed to get them up, but there has been absolutely no rain in weeks so I have been sprinkling them. I am ready to eat a mess of greens and sweet potatoes!

Beautiful day, loving the cooler temps. It was 34 this morning!