Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Short Wednesday!

Today was short Wednesday for Patrick. That means that he got out at 1:30 today and the baseball coach let them off! It was also progress report day. He has a little work to do before end of year grades. 3 B's... Never before! I feel sure that he will bring them up, though. He has a replacement grade to turn in tomorrow in Algebra, which was his lowest grade. Sid and I picked him up and we all went to El Cabrito for lunch. Sure was good. The salsa was especially good today. I like it hot!

I got in a size 14 pair of shorts yesterday!!! Yea! I am so excited. Excited over a 14, you say? YES, when 9 months ago it was a 20! Praise the Lord!

I pulled some weeds today, just had to be outside. I need to work inside, but not my favorite thing. I wish that I was a good housekeeper, but it is just not the case. I have to psyche myself up for it, like start now thinking about scrubbing those toilets and bathtubs and sweeping and mopping. Sometimes it helps to buy a new gadget, like a swiffer or something! or maybe a new garbage can with extra large yard size bags, or maybe a dumpster? hmm.. maybe not. I have lost my mind, I guess!

I promised Patrick that I would try to get on up and bake him some biscuits in the morning. He loves biscuits and even leftover ones, but fresh are best. I wish that I could eat about a half dozen or so, but NO NO NO!!!!! I passed the donut place in Greenwood yesterday and for a brief moment I almost caved, but I did not...Good thing that there's not a Shipley's real close! I'd be a goner!

Liz called and thought she had messed up big time. Her lesson plan was not on her jump drive and wanted to see if it was on our computer. It was. only thing, when I tried to email it to her, I couldn't find it. I found it in word, but when I tried to find it to attach it, I couldn't find it anywhere. She walked me through saving it somewhere else and I finally did it! She only had like 15 minutes, since the computer lab closes at 9:00, so she was getting a little antsy! You would think, since I only have 1 left in regular school, that I would be getting out of the homework business, but NOOOOOO! I had to teach Jon his online microcomputer applications class last semester, and he is just not self motivated enough to do online courses. I stayed on his butt the whole time. I learned a lot about the computer, though. Looks like I could remember how to find a file! ha ;) It seems that college is so much different from when I was there. Our teachers actually taught the class. There was no blackboard to find assignments on and turn them into. We did the work on paper and turned it in to the actual teacher. we went to their offices to say the prologue to the Canterbury tales and turn in research projects. Sometimes I wonder what the teachers purpose is in college anymore-email assignments and blackboard. Tests online, that are timed and if you are bumped offline, you have to call them to get them to reset the test. toooo stressful.

enough of a rant, I guess. I am glad that I am not a student, no I take that back. I love to learn things, I learn something new everyday. I learned a better way to make broccoli salad so that you can save it. I learned a better way to make biscuits recently. I learn from others. You can learn so much from others, that is, if you are only willing to listen and try new things. I learned from a co worker a better way to cook sausage so that it is not so dry and hard. I learned the hard way that milk really doesn't make me throw up! I was trying to throw up when I swallowed the crown that had come unglued from my back tooth. I drank a whole glass, because I used to not be able to swallow it, it made me gag. Didn't work this time, the ipecac syrup worked only too well, though. miserable. I learned that my parents really weren't trying to ruin my life! It takes having some of your own to realize how hard being a parent really is. No handbooks, just trial and error. Made lots of mistakes, but again that is how you learn, right? Don't know if I got it right, yet!

I have been accused of being a little wordy. Ya think?

Well, I reckon that I will go get a bath and go to sleep at a reasonable time for a change! Gotta get up early and make those biscuits! Then got the Baptist men's breakfast at Miss Sippy's!