Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today was interesting. Got to work this morning and starting cutting up potatoes for potato salad and celery for chicken salad. I just sharpened my favorite knife-razor sharp. Tammy is washing dishes. I made a point of placing the super-sharp knife in the open where she wouldn't grab it unaware. She gets it in the dishwater and slices the end of her right index finger off. I have never seen anyone bleed as much as she did. We tried to get it stopped. I got a band-aid and a finger cot over it, but the finger cot just filled up with blood. Locked the door and drove her to the Carrollton Clinic where they just wrapped a bandage around it and sent her to the ER. Got back to Miss Sippy's where Betty took over and drove her to Winona to the ER. Only 2 stitches, but I swear she needed a blood transfusion after all that. I had to go in the bathroom and clean the sink and dump the garbage. It looked like an axe murder had taken place in there! They got back about 11:00. I was prepared to stay late, since I wasn't sure she would be able to work after all that, but she did. I haven't heard how that went! I told her that I was eligible to give blood again and let me know if she can have O+!

So, She managed to chop 2 cans of water chestnuts, wash some dishes and cut her finger off! Pretty productive morning, I would say!

Despite all the excitement, I managed to finish up before lunch. My good buddy and former coworker Aaron showed up and wanted a sandwich. He helped me finish washing dishes and he washed lettuce and chopped green onions and tomatoes for taco salad. He is such a good friend. He tried to pay for his food, but I told him NO!!!!! I owed him more than that! I hope that he will stick with school now. He has brought his GPA up and will start his surgical asst. clinicals in the fall. He is so smart and such a hard worker. He is very creative.

Patrick gave me an update on Joey Carpenter. He is off the ventilator and is talking. Praise the Lord! What a miracle. He sure came close to leaving us with a leaking aneurysm in the heart. they worked on him all night. I sure prayed hard for him and his precious little family. they have a 2 year old daughter and a baby on the way. Only 34 years old. I think his wife is 25, around the same age as Elizabeth. God is good--All the time!

Patrick took me riding in his truck tonight! He sure loves his Granddaddy's old truck. Granddaddy promised that truck to every grandchild, but Patrick gets it! The others wouldn't want it anyway. Granddaddy did a pretty good job of beating it up before he gave up his keys. Patrick has cleaned it out, probably had close to 500 pounds of junk in the back! He wants to get the dents fixed and holes patched and get it painted before he starts driving. It should be ready in a couple of years!

Well, Patrick got to see his brother tonight. He didn't get to see him at all last weekend. They missed each other at every turn. They really do love each other! I hope that they will always get along.

Well, tomorrow is a new day.