Friday, December 26, 2008

We had a nice Christmas. The news is saying that everyone has spent less on Christmas. The headline in the Greenwood paper says that people are focusing more on Christ's birth. Imagine that...Actually celebrating Jesus's birthday instead of trying to buy more junk to impress people that you don't even like! ha

My favorite part of Christmas is the Christmas Eve service at our church. It is so beautiful with candlelight and communion and focusing on Jesus's birth. Not only his birth but the gift of eternal life that God gave to us on Christmas.

We finally did get a tree! I asked for a tall skinny one, but got a tall monstrosity! It is about 11 feet tall and 8 feet in diameter. We had to put it in front of the bookcase, because if we put it in the usual spot, you couldn't use the front door.

I cooked stroganoff for Christmas Eve supper. We watched Miracle on 34th street. I don't think that Santa arrived until about 7:00 am christmas morning, because the "little ones" would not go to bed until after midnight. Santa doesn't bring much to our house anymore, just fills the stockings and back up the chimney! ( or back in the bed! ) We really did scale down Christmas gift giving this year, but you know, I don't think anyone felt left out. We are really blessed.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I can't believe that it is less than 2 weeks until Christmas Day. We don't even have a tree yet! Maybe this afternoon we'll get one up. Sid and Jon are fast asleep. I have been up since 6, since I had to have Patrick at the school at 7:30 this morning so that he could take the ACT. We are so proud of the fact that The Lord has blessed him with such a sharp mind. He is one of seven 7th graders who are taking it today. He starts exams Monday and will be finished Wednesday at 9:25. Jon finished Wednesday and came home. Liz is finished, but won't be coming home until Christmas, I'm sure.

We attended the band concert last Sunday afternoon. It was wonderful! The Junior high band went first and I was so amazed at how much they have improved. We stayed for the high school concert, too and they are very good.

We have some little escape artists. I have been watching them out the window and they are trying to tunnel under the fence. They are so bad, but so cute!

well, short, but sweet, I'm gone to clean up, so maybe Sid will cut me a tree!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is upon us! We had a nice Thanksgiving. Liz came home and spent 3 days with us! I don't believe that she has spent that much time home in several years! She gets bored so easily and we are boring people!

The deerslayer struck again! Patrick has killed his 3 does for the year, now for the elusive buck. I personally wish he would get rid of all of them. They have kept me from enjoying fresh greens for 2 years now and last summer they ate everything in the garden except the jalapenos.

Jon got a little work in while he was home for thanksgiving week. He only has this week and next and then he will be home for a month. I know that he won't want to go back in January.

Patrick marched in the Winona Christmas parade last night.! He said that the guy in the mustang in front of them had to be tired of jingle bells! They played it constantly for 30 or more minutes! He was well bundled up, underarmour, turtleneck, long-sleeved t-shirt and the band shirt on top and long johns and his khakis on the bottom! He said that he didn't get cold. I sure did! They are having their Christmas concert this Sunday afternoon and I am anxious to hear them.

The P-man is in the middle of the picture. I hope that Becky Dees got a better picture of him. I'll gladly buy all she'll take. Her pictures always turn out well.

The youth are cooking supper tomorrow at church. I was informed of this this morning when the youth director asked if I could make a dessert! My child doesn't tell me anything! He probably just hasn't gotten around to it. He'll remember tomorrow night about 15 minutes until time to go to church. ha

Not a whole lot else is going on here. Just the usual. Maybe I'll get into the Christmas spirit and start to put up some decorations before Christmas is here!