Friday, December 26, 2008

We had a nice Christmas. The news is saying that everyone has spent less on Christmas. The headline in the Greenwood paper says that people are focusing more on Christ's birth. Imagine that...Actually celebrating Jesus's birthday instead of trying to buy more junk to impress people that you don't even like! ha

My favorite part of Christmas is the Christmas Eve service at our church. It is so beautiful with candlelight and communion and focusing on Jesus's birth. Not only his birth but the gift of eternal life that God gave to us on Christmas.

We finally did get a tree! I asked for a tall skinny one, but got a tall monstrosity! It is about 11 feet tall and 8 feet in diameter. We had to put it in front of the bookcase, because if we put it in the usual spot, you couldn't use the front door.

I cooked stroganoff for Christmas Eve supper. We watched Miracle on 34th street. I don't think that Santa arrived until about 7:00 am christmas morning, because the "little ones" would not go to bed until after midnight. Santa doesn't bring much to our house anymore, just fills the stockings and back up the chimney! ( or back in the bed! ) We really did scale down Christmas gift giving this year, but you know, I don't think anyone felt left out. We are really blessed.