Thursday, January 22, 2009

Well, this week is almost to a close. We left early Sunday morning headed to Albany Georgia for my uncle JEK's funeral. JEK is my Daddy's brother and the JEK is James Edgar Knox II. daddy always called him JEK, but then again, Daddy always had a name for everyone. It was a bittersweet weekend. We reconnected with cousins that I haven't seen since Daddy died in '97. Some I haven't seen in many more years and some I just met. It was wonderful to meet both of Gail's kids and also Ed's daughter Leah and wife, Julie. I have watched Casey and Jordan grow up through Gail's yearly pictures, but it was great to finally meet them and talk with them. Ed's little girl is so precious, too. We relived many hilarious moments from our childhood. When I asked Patrick what he thought of my family, He laughed and said they are so funny! I know that they will be fine. They know where their dad is and there is such comfort in that. I don't understand how people can bury a loved one without Jesus. I know that the coming days will be so sad for my aunt, Boo. They were married 54 years. I have read that losing a spouse is second only to losing a child. I still miss my folks, particularly my Daddy. He always had good advice and a quick wit! I wish that he could have lived to see my kids grown. Liz was 12 when he died and Patrick was only 17 months. Jon was 7. Patrick doesn't even remember my parents at all. It seems I miss them more when there is a milestone happening-Liz's graduation, Jon's graduation, awards days, baseball world series, band concerts. They would have been proud of them, I do know that. Well, back to the weekend. We made it just in time for the visitation Sunday afternoon and then went to Boo's house for supper and visiting. The next morning we went to the funeral and then to FBC for lunch. Their church families were so wonderful to prepare food. We left going home around 1:30 our time and got home around 10:30 our time. WE did stop in Tuscaloosa for supper for about an hour. It was nice to get out and stretch and rest. Tuesday was business as usual.
I joined facebook yesterday and it is so addictive. My sister in law had wanted me to join so we could keep in touch better, and some of my cousins have it, so it will be fun to keep in touch. I also found some old classmates that I haven't seen in 30 years. (They looked so old!!! ha ha not me!)
WEll, I just tried to bake a cake in my silicone bundt pan. It WASN'T SUPPOSED TO STICK!!! Guess what? Yep, it did. Guess I will try to dig it out and salvage what I can. Good thing it was just for us, not to give to anyone.


Anonymous said...

Do you believe in miracles?