Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Well, I made it through the GA hospital tour without a hitch. We took them to eat pizza afterwards and made it back to the church in time to have our lesson before it was time to go.

I'm going to have to brag on my middle child this week. He has gotten letters from 2 honor societies this week asking him to join. If you remember, this child didn't know if he was graduating high school until 2 days prior to! The National Technical honor society and Phi theta kappa both have requested the "honor" of Jonathan's membership. I told him YES!!! It will look so good on a resume! To go through barely getting out of high school to a 4.0 is quite an accomplishment, I do believe. he is doing what he loves now, welding, and he doesn't understand why they are asking him to join these things, since the subjects that he is taking are not academic, but vocational. I told him that they see the 4.0! He never thought that he would be attending college, but he truly loves it. He loves his teachers, Mr. Gary Gammill and Mr. Ricky Collier and East Mississippi Community college. Answer to prayer!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Sidney

Friday February 20, was Mr. Sidney's #52!!! He had a lovely steak lunch with all the fixins' at the Ray's. We took him to the Pickled Okra in Cleveland Saturday night for birthday supper with the whole family. (Liz had the privilege of waiting on us!) His mother made him her famous fried peach pies and we got him parts for his old truck. Hey, that is what he asked for. He would definitely NOT rather have a new shirt!

Sat. at lunch I went to the church for Children's Ministry Day. Mrs. Pam Lee came and taught the girls about good nutrition and how to read labels. She also let them make homemade pizzas and wraps and icecream in a bag. The GA's and we made goodie bags for extended stay patients at the hospital in Greenwood. We are going to deliver them Wednesday and take a tour of the hospital. (I hate hospitals!) I am not looking forward to hauling them to Greenwood. UGGHHHH. Little girls are so loud.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

what a beautiful week! Other than Monday, which was nasty, the rest of the week was wonderful. patrick had a nice birthday party friday night. Afterwards Patrick, CJ, Jon and I sat around the fire pit and roasted marshmallows until everyone got tired.
Kristy's shower went well. Thanks to Tonie and Mable, the food was out of this world. Liz showed up and Kristy was so happy to see her. The new baby should be ready to come. He got a lot of nice stuff.
Sat. night Sid and Patrick went to FBC Kosciusko for their annual wild game supper. They have been going for a few years now and they really enjoy it. Jon asked me out to the Crystal. How could I refuse?
This week seems really long. Today should be more than Thursday! Thursday should have been days ago! Susie James did an article in the Commonwealth about my sock monkeys. It ran today. How about that? I am famous for my monkey business !!! ha ha

Thursday, February 5, 2009

happy Birthday Patrick

It is so beautiful outside. Beautiful and misleading! ha, it is so coldddd!!! I am thankful for a warm house and a nice toasy fire. I am thankful for 3 beautiful children and a loving husband. I am thankful for running water and electricity. I am thankful we have not been plagued with an ice storm this year.

13 years ago on February 2, 1996 an ice storm hit. I also went into labor! Well, thought it was anyway. Sid got up at 5ish and had to go somewhere to find some gas for the bronco because we were going to have to go to Greenwood to have a baby. At the time there were few places around Carrollton Mississippi to get gas at this time of the morning. It was before the days of pay at the pump anytime! But anyway, he found a place open. Around 8 I decided that the labor was over for now, but the bronco was gassed up and we were ready. Liz and Jon were out of school because of the weather and were having a ball with the neighbor kids getting pulled on an old truck hood behind a 4 wheeler. The next day we were still ok, the kids were still having a ball. Bright, sunny, cold and icy. Fortunately, the power lines were not suffering so we still had electricity and water. The next morning church was cancelled because of the weather, so we weren't worried about getting up at any certain time, but Patrick Knox Morrison decided it was the day. I woke up just like Friday, so cautiously optimistic I got a bath and warned Sidney that something might be happening. I offered to cook him some breakfast, but he thought that he would get something at his mother's when we dropped the kids off there. Liz and Jon had spent the night at the neighbor's-just couldn't get enough of the fun they were having. Sid called and asked for them to be sent home, so John Sanders decides it would be faster to bring them in his little S10 2 wheel drive truck. HAA big mistake. He made it about half way down our drive way before he just couldn't go anymore. Sid had to get the tractor out and pull him back home before we could get out to go to Greenwood. By the time we got in the road, which wasn't icy,(just the driveway!)It was 11:00. When we made it to Greenwood we stopped at the Morrisons' house to drop off our kids and Sid decides he is hungry, of course his mother offers to cook him some breakfast, but with my best possessed howl growled, you aren't eating anything! I am having a baby NOW! It was quite uncomfortable riding 4 people to town in a vehicle that only sat 2. Add to the fact that the kids were fighting and I was having contractions multiplied the misery! It took us over 2o minutes to get to the hospital from their house due to the fact that the streets in town were still pretty icy. We got to the hospital after noon sometime and they did indeed concur that I was in labor, duh. I had been promised by good old Dr. Meek that I could this time have an epidural, since I was denied the other times. The anesthesiologist (sp) didn't make it in time and I ended up having another natural childbirth. Well, to make matters worse, it was on Sunday and Dr. Meek was not on call, so Dr. Evans, his partner got to deliver Patrick. I hope that he treats his own patients better than he did me. He was the rudest, least compasssionate person that I have ever had dealings with. Well, despite all the drama, on Sunday February 4, 1996, Patrick made it at 1:29, not long after we got there. He was the prettiest thing with the largest roundest head of any baby I had the privilege of giving birth to! he had just now grown into it! All that to say, happy birthday my sweet baby, I can't believe that you are a teenager. I love you, Mama

Just a few minutes old, so sweet and so unhappy! (look at that head!) ouch.