Sunday, May 30, 2010

Where have the last 2 weeks gone? Lets see, school has been out for Patrick since the 14th. We attended WHS's graduation on the 21st to see our "honorary son" Jeremiah Burns graduate. Patrick has been working out in the weight room since school has been out. Jon graduated with honors from EMCC. Jon started to work at Anel on the 17th as the welding instructor. He loves his job, but has been a little hard on him since he has been used to staying up really late and sleeping late most mornings. I think that he only had one 8:00 class this semester. Of course stupidity has made it a little hard on him as well. He had an injured butt and foot the first week. This week he has an injured knee that looks horrible and has fever.

Elizabeth came home today and we went water skiing this afternoon after church. Jon and CJ came out with the jet ski, but it quit in the middle of the lake. We did a little taxi service and got him in to the dock. they both did a little skiing with us. I skied for the first time in years-got up the first time. sure glad that I have dropped a load of weight since last summer. Patrick has helped me by making me lift weights, too. We all skied and had a great time. Jon left after we got home to visit with friends and Sidney cooked hamburgers for us for supper. Really good.

I am so glad that I am off work tomorrow. Sid is off, too, so we can just be lazy and think about our veterans. I am missing one very special veteran myself. Daddy has been gone almost 13 years now. Sid's dad has been gone 6 years. Thanks guys for your service and sacrifice. Love you very very much. Miss you bunches. I will cook some ribs in your honor...