Saturday, June 1, 2013

Where has the time gone?

Well, since my last post of January 2012, I'm down to a size 8 or 6 depending on the item. In addition to Insanity (R) I have completed, ChaLEAN Extreme, Les Mills Combat, RevAbs, Body Beast and have started Turbo Fire.  Not sure I like this new one yet.  I am a Beachbody Coach now!  YAY!!!  I try to help people reach their fitness goals, not that I am an expert or a professional trainer, but just mainly as a cheerleader, or encourager.  I have found that no matter how much you want something for someone else, they will not achieve success unless they want it for themselves.  I am here, though, for whoever wants me to be!

Since my last post, our family has grown to 6 Morrisons!  Jonathan married Julia Mounger on September 23, 2012, and we couldn't be happier.  They are a good mix and complement each other nicely.  We love her as one of our own.  They share a love of fitness and are both gym members.  I am glad to see them committed to being healthy at a young age instead of waiting until they were 50 like me!

Liz started teaching 2nd grade last August.  She had a classroom of lively kids whom I was able to meet the last week of their school!  I took some cupcakes over and met them and had a really fun afternoon!  It was really fun to put faces with the names and stories!  Mercedes and the pancake syrup/glued reading fair project!  Amaya, the one who hijacked Liz's phone to tell her mother that Miss Morrison is taking me home today, because she needs me to help her! Tinkerbell, the boy that flits all over the room and tattles on everyone else and others.  It was a fun day. 

Patrick just finished his Junior year and finished with a 98 average overall.  He played baseball and was a super scholar.  He is still doing Bible drills, achieving his 9 year award a year early!  Next year he will earn his Bible!  He is taking College Algebra this summer through Holmes Community college.  When he asked me what I thought about it, I told him anytime you can knock out a whole semester class in 3 weeks, go for it!  Doesn't hurt that his sweetie is also taking it!  I didn't know that you could take college classes while you were still in high school, but you sure can!

Sid is still plugging away at UPS.  He will have 26 years in this July2.  Looking forward to retirement in the near future.  I told him NOT until Patrick is done with college!  He is wanting to be a veterinarian, so We really need the income for a few more years.  God will provide, though.

I recently quit my cooking job.  Miss Sippy's was sold in February and became the Carrollton Cafe'.  I stayed for a while, but it was not enjoyable to me anymore, so I came home.  In the 3 weeks that I have been home, I have redone a bathroom, painted Liz's kitchen table and chairs and re-organized my pantry!  I am really enjoying being off...I went to Patrick's awards day without asking anyone to be off!  I took Sid to the skin doctor Thursday without asking off.  I've had a few job offers, too, but for now I am happy just doing my thing. 

Life is good, but mostly God is good, all the time...