Friday, March 14, 2008

It has been a whole week since I last posted. Wow, where did that week go? The boys got report cards wednesday. Patrick's was very good and Jon is still failing geometry. I am trying to help him, but he is so depressed about it. I sure hope that he will not give up. He can pull this off if he will work really really hard. He is still upset about his broken engagement. His ex needs help, I believe.

Patrick's class went to the zoo in Memphis today. It was supposed to rain, but I asked the Lord to smile on the WES 6th grade and he sure did. Today was absolutely beautiful. He brought back some neat pictures and a coolie hat! We picked up a couple of pizzas and a few movies to pass the weekend with. The boys are out on spring break next week. Sid is taking off, too. I guess that I will work.

I am so proud of Jon. He tried to fix Jeanette's truck, since she has been walking to work. He said that it broke his heart to see her walking to work and no one to help her. He put spark plugs in it, but that wasn't the problem. He has a fuel pump ordered for it. She asked him how much she owed him and he wouldn't take any money. I was so proud of him. He really has a good heart. He knows that the cost of the fuel pump will be hard for her, so he got his buddy to get it for him at a discount. WE tried tonight to get it cranked to get it to the house, but we couldn't keep it running long enough to get out of the parking lot, much less to the house. The battery was getting weak, so we quit for tonight. Maybe Sid will help him get it to the house tomorrow.

I got a birthday present this week from my bestest friend, Sally. She sent me a book by Joyce Meyer and a sweet card. I told her she didn't have to get me anything, but I really appreciated it. Sally and I go wayyyyy back! We have known each other since the 9th grade. we took piano from Mrs. Wooten and our lessons were always on Friday. We roomed together in college.