Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The week is half over. yesterday was an extremely busy day at work. I barely had time to leave and get Patrick. Today was busy, not with customers, but with cooking stuff that we ran out of yesterday. I managed to leave in time to visit with Sidney before he had to go to work. He told me yesterday that he missed me. I felt bad. This was only supposed to be a part time job, and it is getting bigger all the time. I'm not sure what to do. I really enjoy what I do, but I do miss being home with Sidney, snuggling in the morning, getting up and doing stuff together. I also miss volunteering for Patrick's class parties and field trips. It would be nice if someone would come along and would work like every other day for me. What little money I make is fun. I feel like I can spend some of it without feeling guilty. I am surely not getting rich, by no means.

Today I had to go to pick up Patrick, go to Walmart, go to the library to get Jonathan some books for a research paper, go to Winona Printing to get Connor a gift for Bible drills, go to NAPA to get an oil filter, go to McDonalds to get me some lunch/supper and home!!!!!!!!! We had our church Bible drill tonight. The boys all did well. Connor shocked me and everybody else. He had very few errors. The last time we met he did not know the last 3 verses, plus the references for the last 12 and couldn't find the key passages in 10 seconds. I was shocked, really! Patrick did well. He had a few errors, but he had his finger on the correct passages almost every time, but did not step out in time. I told him to be sure to step out and let the judges decide if he was in time or not. He said that he didn't do as well because he had to pee really bad! I couldn't believe that he didn't go to the bathroom before time. Jeremiah did perfectly, of course. He always does. It was a good drill. All of them advance to the associational drill this Sunday afternoon at our church.

When we got home, Jon was working on his source cards for his research paper. I was proud that he actually did some work on it a day before it was actually due.