Friday, March 28, 2008

Finally Friday!

We had an interesting guest at Miss Sippy's on Wednesday. Douglas Johnston from Naples, FL is riding his bicycle from Naples to Juneau Alaska. He came in and we fed him. We finally found a place that he could take a shower and sleep on an actual bed in Greenwood.. We got Susie James to come in and interview him and the story appeared in yesterday's Commonwealth. He is single, 45 years old, a veteran of Desert storm and spent 6 years in the navy. Very interesting.

Patrick went to a birthday party tonight. It was a campout, but he refused to stay all night. He has baseball practice in the morning anyway, so I went and picked him up around 10 tonight.

CJ came and visited Jon tonight. He had a new girl with him. A very young girl. Jon went with him to take her home.

Sid had to go to Greenville tonight. The mechanic over there took off tonight to take his family camping.

I wore my hair in dog ears today. It made Alanna so happy yesterday that I just had to repeat it!