Monday, April 21, 2008

It was a crazy weekend. Jon's prom was saturday night. I think that he had a good time. He looked so handsome as you can tell by the slide show. The gym looked so good and the food looked so good, thanks to Libby Carson! Her cake was just beautiful. Some of the kids thought that it was fake! When Jon was presented during the senior presentation, he got some cheers, so he had to raise both fists high in the air! then he really got some attention! Sid and I got home around 1:00 am and crashed. We were awakened Sunday morning by Jon's ex-mother-in-law looking for her lying daughter. Apparently she went to the after prom party at CJ's farm, instead of where she was supposed to be. She, of course, lied to her mother about where she was. Jon came home a few minutes later and told us that yes, she was there, and that he and cj took her out there, but told her that she would have to find her own way home, because he was staying the night. I hope Leanne found her precious child and punished her accordingly! Maybe a lifetime of grounding, removal of cell phone and any other suitable punishment! Send her to France for college, or Siberia! Bless Charlie and Patty, they stayed up all night and policed the drunks, locking them in until morning. I heard there was quite a bit of vomiting going on! Jon swears that he had nothing to drink and Kaitlyn backed him up on it. He got about 2 hours of sleep Sunday afternoon and then went to bed around 10:00. I think that the lack of sleep has finally got him. He went to bed at 9:00 tonight! sid and I didn't make it to Sunday school, but we got up and went to church. It was really hard to concentrate. I got about a 30 minute nap after lunch and went back to finish the clean up. I dropped Patrick off at baseball practice, then went to the school, finished up and got him, came home and helped JOn write his rough draft for his research paper.
I was really busy at work today. We had a lot to do to catch up from last friday. Tomorrow will be a good day because we are feeding 45 people at Tommy Goodwin's house. They are architecture students from Mississippi STate. I have a lot to do tomorrow, too. I guess I better get ready to go to bed. I'm not sure that I have caught up on my sleep, either!