Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I can't stop tonight without bragging on the other son. Patrick has always done well in school, always won many awards, gifted classes, Beta Club, you name it. He learns extremely fast and forgets nothing. He is very quiet to those who don't know him. Sometimes he is quiet to those of us who know him extremely well! A deep thinker. I got a call tonight (recorded message) from the principal of his school inviting me to awards day this Friday at 9:00 am. I then text messaged my boss and told her that I would be attending. She replied, "k". I told her from the start that my family is first and this job would not stop me from attending any important function that happened to occur during my regular work hours. She understands. I am glad,because I like what I do, but I can be happy at home, too! I was very happy at home for 17 years! anyway, I am proud of the P-man tonight!

I wish Liz would tell me something, but I never hear from her unless she wants for me to help her with something. I'd brag on her, too! I know that she has worked extremely hard this year and has slept little, fighting deadlines and trying to schedule working, observing the classroom and attending classes. she has done it on her own, with no financial help from us, so there I am very proud of the independent young lady she is becoming. I am very proud of her, too.

I love my kids!