Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I had a really nice Mother's day weekend. Between ballgames on Saturday I transplanted oleander and my flowering pomegranate bush that had been rooting in the keg for 2 years. When I pulled it up, half the dirt in the keg came with it! I tried to cut grass, but of course we can't have anything that actually works when you turn the key. Somebody left the gas on and flooded it, so we had to take out the spark plug and change the oil because it was full of gas, then we had to charge the battery before it would even crank. Sid did cut it after he got back from Starkville with Jon's camper. It was time to move it home, since he is out of school now. Anyway sprayed a little round up around the fences and flower beds and the electric fence around the garden. I sure hope that the electric fence works this year. I did it just like the man at High Grade told me. Knee level. Our ball game that evening was delayed until almost 10:00 and we didn't get home until very late. I, for once, did not set my Sunday alarm and as a result overslept and missed Sunday school. Once a year ought to be alright. WE took our time getting moving Sunday morning as we had a ball game at 12:30. won that game, but were disqualified for letting Jake pitch 1/3 of an inning too much. So sad. So, we went to El Cabrito for supper, all 5 of us! Liz even spent the night and stayed all day monday. She and Jon came by Miss Sippy's for lunch and then sent Jon off to Margaret's house! He made it, even though he just knew that he would get lost. Margaret called me tonight to tell me how much they enjoyed visiting with Jon. I know that he is enjoying them too. She told me that Jon is going to Knox's scrimmage game in Gulf Shores Thursday night. That is good, because he is going to Gulf Shores Thursday anyway! This time to start his vacation with his friends. I pray they will have nice weather and great attitudes!
I got my mother's day present in by UPS today! The kids got me some reebok runtones, in guess what color????? YES, PURPLE! and black! Love them. They feel so good.
Tomorrow night is GA recognition night at church. The little darlings will get their badges and show their parents what they have learned this year in GA. YES! School's out for the summer!!!! ha ha ha
Patrick is exempt, so he will get out this coming Friday. I think that this is the earliest that he has ever gotten out of school. They are graduating a week earlier than usual, too. They usually don't graduate until the Friday before Memorial day, but this year it is on the 21st.

My mama will have been gone 13 years on May 22 and Daddy on July 23. Almost 2 months to the day apart. I do miss them..... :( Sigh.......

I found out today that an old friend has breast cancer. I hate cancer. later.....