Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy birthday to Jon

Well, I blinked my eyes and Jonathan turned 21. I remember going to the dr. on Tuesday and he told me that if I was not in labor by Thursday to come to the hospital and he would induce. (he had plans for the weekend and didn't want for me to have to put up with his horrible partner.) Well, I did wake up in labor but he broke my water anyway around 10:00. Jonathan Sidney Morrison arrived at 3:37 pm, during Oprah. Of course, by that time I wasn't paying much attention, if any, to Oprah. At 8 pounds 10.7 ounces, Jonathan was the largest of my three babies, but he was so skinny and had such a narrow head that he was by far the easiest to deliver. He was 21 1/2 inches long and had a 3 inch foot. I fell in love immediately! He was so sweet and quiet. Hmmm. That didn't last long. Elizabeth told me, "Mama, I like my little brother; when am I going to get my little sister?" ha ha.

I can't believe that it has been 21 years! He can, of course! He has been waiting on this particular birthday for a while now. I told him that once you hit the 20's, the birthdays really start flying! I mean, I was just 21! I really was!!! I got an engagement ring on my 21st birthday! I remember it well! It can't be that I have fast-forwarded all the way to 49. Horrors. Next march will be 50. Half century. Golden age. AARP canes and walkers!

Oh well time stands still for no man. I am fondly remembering the birth of my sweet Jon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Men of character

I was thinking this morning of what makes a man a man of good character. Is it Education? Is it money? Is is social status? I think not necessarily any of the above. I had a couple of men come to mind this morning as I was pondering what makes a man of noble character.

Sid's dad, Mr. John Taylor Morrison was one who came to mind. Was he an educated man? Nope. He dropped out of school before 8th grade to work on his father's farm. He was the youngest of 3 boys born July 20, 1920 to Albert Sidney and Mary Gertrude Powell Morrison. His mother died a few days after his birth due to complications of the birth. "Granddaddy" lived with his grandparents until he was about 6 years old and then came home to live with his father and older brothers. He was expected to get up and get the fire going in the morning and help with the chores before school. He told me one time that he remembered it being so hot that by the time it finally cooled off enough to go to sleep, it was time to get up. He joined the army when he was old enough and volunteered for a special mission. Anything to get him out of KP! What he didn't know is where they were going and what they were going to do. He was seasick from the time the boat hit the first swell in the pacific headed for Asia. He fought in the Pacific theater as one of Merrill's Mauraders in WWII. He met his bride at an army base in Georgia where she was working at the time. They were married April 4, 1947. After the war was over he came back and worked in various jobs, ending up working for what was at the time Mississippi Power and Light Company. When he retired, I believe he became busier than ever. He never failed to help someone who needed him. He grew enough vegetables in his garden to feed an army and shared with anyone who wanted them. He wired houses for people, including us, installed water heaters and helped his friends fix their equipment. He was a Christian and loved God more than anything. I believe this is the reason he was able to treat people the way that he did. This man would give you the shirt off his back. He never cared how he dressed, mostly wearing old faded MP&L uniforms until you could see through them. You would think that he was homeless by looking at him. He loved his family and especially his grand kids. Elizabeth was his pride and joy and he was one of the few people that she loved from birth! He is greatly missed. He died May 28, 2004, one year after Elizabeth graduated from high school. Was he rich? not by the world's standards, though he managed to earn a good living for his family. Was he educated? nope. Was he of high social status? Again by the world's standards, no. He probably would have been looked down upon in some circles. Was God pleased with him? I think so! I believe that Jesus looked at him as he entered Heaven and said "well done, good and faithful servant! When I was sick, you visited me; when I was hungry you gave me food and when I was in prison, you came to visit me. For what you have done to the least of these, my people, you have done to me." Sort of a gospel according to Belinda paraphrase, but fitting nonetheless!

We miss you, Granddaddy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary to us!

At 2:00 pm Saturday afternoon August 21, 1982, I became Mrs. John Sidney Morrison. Our Anniversary doesn't fall on a Saturday very often, but this year it did. I think it is kinda neat when it actually falls on the right day. Kinda like when my birthday falls on a Monday! That was the day I was born on many years ago. It's really hard to believe that I've been married for 28 years. It just doesn't seem like it. I guess if we can have a 25 year old daughter, then it's really possible! Time sure does fly when you're having fun. Most of the time it is fun. I won't lie and say it's always fun, but for the most part, yes, it is.
I love to remember back and see the little Indian guy at the holiday inn in Hattiesburg telling us, "you lucky, it got king size bed!""" I know my face was 40 shades of red! We stopped in Hattiesburg because we didn't want to drive all the way to Panama City beach on our wedding night. Unfortunately we didn't think about Camp Shelby and National Guard camp going on. All the hotels were full. We started to leave this Holiday inn after they told us that they were all full and a lady ran after us and told us that we could have their room. Something about not getting their military discount, so they were not staying. That's when the desk clerk made his announcement to the amusement of all the folks standing in the lobby! It was kinda embarrassing because I just knew all these people were looking at us and thinking, I know what they are up to tonight! Well, 28 years later we spent the night in our own bed with the sounds of gunfire going on in the den, with Patrick and Jeremiah playing modern warfare! I wonder if they were thinking like the folks in the lobby? "we know what you old folks are doing in there with the door shut! you are sleeping"! Because parents don't have sex! Nah, they were probably not thinking about us at all, too busy killing enemy soldiers! Probably too much information, huh? oh well! We're married, so we have the right! LOL!

I got to see my baby march in the high school band Friday night. He looked so cute out there just blowing his trumpet. I thought that they sounded pretty good, too! I heard a few clunkers, but given the fact that a lot of kids had quit the band after last year and there were a lot of freshmen in there, they did alright. I know that they will just get better with time. I look forward to watching them add to their halftime show every week as they learn new stuff. Patrick even admitted that playing at the football game was pretty fun. Patrick said they are working on "Oye como va" right now, and that it was very hard and he didn't think that they could do it! He said they were also working on "Tusk". I told him if it was good enough for the USC Trojan marching band, it was good enough for the "Pride of Winona!" ha. I have a new respect for their new band director! Patrick said that they prayed before going out on the field Friday night and they stayed and played until everyone left the stands. If I had known that they would keep on playing, I would have sat there and listened. He said they played "Sweet sweet spirit" for their very last number. I was very impressed. (There's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know that it's the spirit of the Lord. There are sweet expressions on each face and I know that it's the presence of the Lord. Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly dove, Stay right here with us, filling us with your love. And for these blessings, We lift our hearts in praise. Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived when we shall leave this place.)

I think he will really start to like band this year; they are doing more fun stuff and the new director refuses to yell at them. He still won't practice his horn at home, but maybe that will change!


Jimmy has fleas. Jimmy has never had fleas, but Jimmy has fleas now. Poor baby-He is scratching and whining and is miserable. I sprayed him, put more flea stuff on his back and sprayed the back yard. I sure hope he feels better soon. He acts like his ears are hurting, too. I guess I need to take him to see good old Dr. Bailey and let him check him out. Only, Jimmy hates Dr. Bailey and will try to bite him! I am wondering if this extremely hot dry weather is causing us to have fleas. UGggh.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


You know my frustrations and my fears, you know I want to try to fix things. Help me to give it to you, and forget trying to fix things all the time. I know that you are much better at fixing things and your fixes are best. I am glad that you know exactly what I am talking about and are working it out as I speak. I love you.. AMEN

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have 340 friends. That is according to facebook! Do I really know 340 people? I know of most of them. Occasionally I will add a person whom I don't really know if they are a friend of a friend. Do I really know them? I would have to say no. We go through life with lots of acquaintances, but few true friends. A true friend doesn't care if your house is a mess! A true friend doesn't care if you live in a trailer or a mansion. A true friend loves you enough to tell you the truth. A true friend cries with you. A true friend will care enough to call because they think something is not right. They can come over anytime, day or night and it will be ok. I can not see one of my dear old friends for months or even years and when we do get together, it is like we just take up where we left off! I have another sweet friend who will pray for you if she knows to. If she tells you she is praying for you, she definitely is. She and Jesus have the sweetest friendship! She loves my family like her own, and I hers. I think that if you live your life and can say that you have a handful of real friends, you are blessed.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goodbye, Shelley.

A friend of mine died early this morning. We were not best friends, but I still considered her a friend. Her son just graduated from high school in May and she owned a local restaurant. She and her family were members of our church. I have been thinking about how fragile life is and how none of us is promised tomorrow. Her son just returned from army training 2 days ago. I will just bet that he didn't realize that he would only have those 2 days with his mother. Her daughter just gave birth to her 3rd child on Thursday. I'll bet she didn't think that her baby would grow up not knowing her maternal grandmother. Shelley wasn't very old, not as old as I anyway. She should have had many more years to play with grandkids and watch her son finish college, get married and have a family of his own. I know one thing, though; she knew Jesus and she is with Him right now. Her family will see her again when it is their time to go. My heart goes out to them, though for how much we want our loved ones here with us. I still miss my folks, but I wouldn't want them to come back here and trade what they have in Heaven for this temporary life. Right now, I know that Shelley is the lucky one. Her sweet family is who needs our prayers for comfort.

If I knew today was my last day on earth, how would I live it? Would I gather my family close and have fun, or sit around and cry? Would my loved ones have regrets? Did I tell them enough that I loved them? More importantly, did I show them enough how much that I loved them? Did my life make a difference for eternity? Did I miss an opportunity to help someone who needed me? My boys aren't home right now. Will they come back? Same thing with Elizabeth; will I see her again? Did we leave each other on good terms? Right now, I can say yes. I saw her yesterday and I gave her a hug upon leaving. I think that I will send her a text and tell her I love her. Boy, she will think that I am losing it for sure! I really have no doubts when it comes to my boys. Both of them are so loving to me. Even Patrick, the shy one is not ashamed to tell me that he loves me-even in front of his friends. I know these aren't my normal thoughts. I guess we don't really think of our mortality until it hits home. Tell your loved ones over and over that you love them. You can't make them love you more, but you can do your part. Pray for them every day. You can't spend your life worrying if you will ever see them again, for only the Father knows that. Just live your life every day as if it could be your last.

Lord, please be with Andy, Nick, Larissa, and Amber and their families. I know that Shelley's untimely death will be so hard on each of them. I know that only with your love and comfort will they get through these next hard days. Guide them in the decisions that they will have to make and give them the strength to do the hard things. Surround them with your love and with loving friends to help carry this burden. I am so glad to know that Shelley is in your arms right now and she is not in any pain. Thank you for wiping away her tears. Show me what you would have me to do to help this family in their time of sorrow. In Jesus' precious name I ask this. amen.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Hot,-- way too hot!

Yes it is hot. It is August. It is Mississippi. It is hot. I thought the other day; I know why there are more churches in the Bible Belt-We already know what Hell feels like and really don't want to experience it for eternity! I think that I came up with that on my own. woo hoo!

I am really not liking being fat. I really am not liking the south beach. I really am tired of working at this. Okay, I am not as fat as I was last summer, which is a good thing. My knees are truly thanking me. My clothes are smaller-by 6 sizes-another good thing. It's just that I have lost hundreds of pounds over the years and I am so afraid that I will revert to my bad habits. I want fried okra. I want tortilla chips and queso dip. I want a bacon and tomato sandwich on nasty old white bunny bread! I was so disappointed last night when I stepped on the scales and after 2 awful weeks on phase one of the south beach only 3 pounds gone. I guess I should be thankful that they were gone. Lord help me not to give up and revert to my bad habits. Help me to realize that food is fuel and I should eat to live-not live to eat.

Really enjoyed "The Book of Eli". Finally got to finish it yesterday afternoon and it was really good. you gotta watch to the end, though.

I really had some deep thoughts to write down, but they have left me. Perhaps I am not in the pensive mood that I was in earlier.

A sweet friend asked me recently why Sid and I seemed so happy. I have really been thinking on that. Are other couples not happy? I am not sure. I know that when I agreed to marry Sid I really meant my vows. I promised to always love him and never forsake him. I still mean them. I think when you give someone your promise, it should mean something. Til death do us part doesn't mean, "til I find someone better". There have been studies done on different reasons why marriages last. Commitment. hmmm. Big word, means a lot. Both have to be truly committed. Not living together before getting married was another. Marriages have a much higher risk of failing when a couple lives together as husband and wife without being married. It breaks my heart to see young couples "trying each other out" to see if they can live together. It is not the same when there is no commitment to stay. Sex before marriage was another reason marriages fail. hmmm. Sex was a gift God gave to married couples. I know that I am old fashioned and outdated, but God's word is still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and he knows what is best for us. He knows that a sexual relationship carries tremendous emotional attachment and should not be taken lightly. Is our marriage perfect. HA HA! Absolutely not. why? because we are 2 imperfect people! Do we argue? Oh yeah! I guess it would be very boring if we agreed on everything. It is only through compromise that we learn not to be selfish. I can finish his sentences and he can sometimes finish mine. Through the years we have learned each other pretty well. He is a wonderful man and a great father. I have never heard him utter a curse word and he is not a womanizer, smoker, nor drunkard. He puts up with my moods, which nominates him for sainthood. I trust him wholeheartedly. He loves God more than he loves me, which is the only way that a relationship will survive. Jesus has to be the most important thing, for if one doesn't know the unselfish love of our savior, how can one learn to truly love another person? I believe he loves his wife as Christ loves his Church. I guess those are some of the reasons why we are happy. We are content with our circumstances and with each other. We find time (not often enough) to have date nights! I treasure our mini "honeymoon" trips that we started doing when Liz was about 7th grade. I guess that has been about 12 years now. We haven't made a trip every year since then, but we try to! On our 25th anniversary I surprised him with a weekend at the Alluvian. Even though it was only in Greenwood 20 miles away, we had a great weekend. My sister sent champagne and we ate at Lusco's for the first time ever. We exchanged silver bands and privately ;) renewed our vows for at least another 25 years! Great memories. Last year we went to Natchez and stayed in the historic Eola hotel and walked everywhere. Saw some really pretty old buildings and ate some pretty great food, too. It was so much fun-no kids, just us! Loved the tour of the Old South winery there! Yummy! Muscadine wine is my favorite! The sunsets over the Mississippi River were breathtaking. One year we went to Vicksburg. I really enjoy the historic places! I have been trying to come up with somewhere to go this year. It has to be close! Our anniversary will be on a Saturday, the actual day we were married 28 years ago on August 21! Too bad we don't have any of that awful dry cake left to celebrate with!

I must go and feed myself and my "little P-man". I love that little guy so much. He has been such a blessing to me! I don't want him to grow up and he is doing just that anyway!

SO many words for someone who couldn't find any words earlier! until later.....