Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goodbye, Shelley.

A friend of mine died early this morning. We were not best friends, but I still considered her a friend. Her son just graduated from high school in May and she owned a local restaurant. She and her family were members of our church. I have been thinking about how fragile life is and how none of us is promised tomorrow. Her son just returned from army training 2 days ago. I will just bet that he didn't realize that he would only have those 2 days with his mother. Her daughter just gave birth to her 3rd child on Thursday. I'll bet she didn't think that her baby would grow up not knowing her maternal grandmother. Shelley wasn't very old, not as old as I anyway. She should have had many more years to play with grandkids and watch her son finish college, get married and have a family of his own. I know one thing, though; she knew Jesus and she is with Him right now. Her family will see her again when it is their time to go. My heart goes out to them, though for how much we want our loved ones here with us. I still miss my folks, but I wouldn't want them to come back here and trade what they have in Heaven for this temporary life. Right now, I know that Shelley is the lucky one. Her sweet family is who needs our prayers for comfort.

If I knew today was my last day on earth, how would I live it? Would I gather my family close and have fun, or sit around and cry? Would my loved ones have regrets? Did I tell them enough that I loved them? More importantly, did I show them enough how much that I loved them? Did my life make a difference for eternity? Did I miss an opportunity to help someone who needed me? My boys aren't home right now. Will they come back? Same thing with Elizabeth; will I see her again? Did we leave each other on good terms? Right now, I can say yes. I saw her yesterday and I gave her a hug upon leaving. I think that I will send her a text and tell her I love her. Boy, she will think that I am losing it for sure! I really have no doubts when it comes to my boys. Both of them are so loving to me. Even Patrick, the shy one is not ashamed to tell me that he loves me-even in front of his friends. I know these aren't my normal thoughts. I guess we don't really think of our mortality until it hits home. Tell your loved ones over and over that you love them. You can't make them love you more, but you can do your part. Pray for them every day. You can't spend your life worrying if you will ever see them again, for only the Father knows that. Just live your life every day as if it could be your last.

Lord, please be with Andy, Nick, Larissa, and Amber and their families. I know that Shelley's untimely death will be so hard on each of them. I know that only with your love and comfort will they get through these next hard days. Guide them in the decisions that they will have to make and give them the strength to do the hard things. Surround them with your love and with loving friends to help carry this burden. I am so glad to know that Shelley is in your arms right now and she is not in any pain. Thank you for wiping away her tears. Show me what you would have me to do to help this family in their time of sorrow. In Jesus' precious name I ask this. amen.