Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy birthday to Jon

Well, I blinked my eyes and Jonathan turned 21. I remember going to the dr. on Tuesday and he told me that if I was not in labor by Thursday to come to the hospital and he would induce. (he had plans for the weekend and didn't want for me to have to put up with his horrible partner.) Well, I did wake up in labor but he broke my water anyway around 10:00. Jonathan Sidney Morrison arrived at 3:37 pm, during Oprah. Of course, by that time I wasn't paying much attention, if any, to Oprah. At 8 pounds 10.7 ounces, Jonathan was the largest of my three babies, but he was so skinny and had such a narrow head that he was by far the easiest to deliver. He was 21 1/2 inches long and had a 3 inch foot. I fell in love immediately! He was so sweet and quiet. Hmmm. That didn't last long. Elizabeth told me, "Mama, I like my little brother; when am I going to get my little sister?" ha ha.

I can't believe that it has been 21 years! He can, of course! He has been waiting on this particular birthday for a while now. I told him that once you hit the 20's, the birthdays really start flying! I mean, I was just 21! I really was!!! I got an engagement ring on my 21st birthday! I remember it well! It can't be that I have fast-forwarded all the way to 49. Horrors. Next march will be 50. Half century. Golden age. AARP canes and walkers!

Oh well time stands still for no man. I am fondly remembering the birth of my sweet Jon.