Friday, August 27, 2010

Men of character

I was thinking this morning of what makes a man a man of good character. Is it Education? Is it money? Is is social status? I think not necessarily any of the above. I had a couple of men come to mind this morning as I was pondering what makes a man of noble character.

Sid's dad, Mr. John Taylor Morrison was one who came to mind. Was he an educated man? Nope. He dropped out of school before 8th grade to work on his father's farm. He was the youngest of 3 boys born July 20, 1920 to Albert Sidney and Mary Gertrude Powell Morrison. His mother died a few days after his birth due to complications of the birth. "Granddaddy" lived with his grandparents until he was about 6 years old and then came home to live with his father and older brothers. He was expected to get up and get the fire going in the morning and help with the chores before school. He told me one time that he remembered it being so hot that by the time it finally cooled off enough to go to sleep, it was time to get up. He joined the army when he was old enough and volunteered for a special mission. Anything to get him out of KP! What he didn't know is where they were going and what they were going to do. He was seasick from the time the boat hit the first swell in the pacific headed for Asia. He fought in the Pacific theater as one of Merrill's Mauraders in WWII. He met his bride at an army base in Georgia where she was working at the time. They were married April 4, 1947. After the war was over he came back and worked in various jobs, ending up working for what was at the time Mississippi Power and Light Company. When he retired, I believe he became busier than ever. He never failed to help someone who needed him. He grew enough vegetables in his garden to feed an army and shared with anyone who wanted them. He wired houses for people, including us, installed water heaters and helped his friends fix their equipment. He was a Christian and loved God more than anything. I believe this is the reason he was able to treat people the way that he did. This man would give you the shirt off his back. He never cared how he dressed, mostly wearing old faded MP&L uniforms until you could see through them. You would think that he was homeless by looking at him. He loved his family and especially his grand kids. Elizabeth was his pride and joy and he was one of the few people that she loved from birth! He is greatly missed. He died May 28, 2004, one year after Elizabeth graduated from high school. Was he rich? not by the world's standards, though he managed to earn a good living for his family. Was he educated? nope. Was he of high social status? Again by the world's standards, no. He probably would have been looked down upon in some circles. Was God pleased with him? I think so! I believe that Jesus looked at him as he entered Heaven and said "well done, good and faithful servant! When I was sick, you visited me; when I was hungry you gave me food and when I was in prison, you came to visit me. For what you have done to the least of these, my people, you have done to me." Sort of a gospel according to Belinda paraphrase, but fitting nonetheless!

We miss you, Granddaddy!