Monday, February 25, 2008

Goodbye Bo

It is with sadness that I must say that Mr. BoJangles has left this world and joined his forefathers in the land of whereverdoggiesgowhentheydie. Sid left for work around 2:15 this afternoon and asked me to go down the hill and check out a dead animal, he thought it was a deer, but thought it could have been a dog. There wasn't much to make a positive identification with, but the "P" on his rear right flank proved it was Bo that met his demise on highway 82. Bo was given to Patrick by Mr. Wayne Nail the summer that Granddaddy died, 2004. He would have been 4 years old on June 1. Patrick picked him out because he was the best looking puppie. We said that he picked him out because he had the "p" marking on his back end-"p" for Patrick. Bo was a sweet dog, very loving, very playful. If he did not want to be caught, we would not be caught. He thought it was such fun to let you get within a few feet of him, then take off around the yard, looking as though he were laughing at you. He stayed in his pen most of the time, but lately we had been keeping him out, to keep the deer run off. He really enjoyed not being penned up. Sid said on Saturday that he had not seen Bo, but he had gone off hunting before and stayed gone a few days. Sid just knew that someone had stolen him. He was so friendly, that he would have gladly gone with anyone. Sadly, this was not the case. Patrick and I retrieved him from the highway and buried him under the sawtooth oak near the garden.

Bo and Patrick are rolling around in the grass. Patrick would lie down in the grass and then Bo would come plop down beside or on top of him.

I do not mind having my picture taken for all to remember. Notice the "P" on his side. That is why Patrick picked him out, plus Patrick thought he looked better than the other puppies. Bo did not ride well. He threw up in the car, in fact, everytime that he rode anywhere, he was going to throw up. We had to make sure that Sid tied him in the back of the truck when he was due his shots, because of that.

Another picture of Bo and Patrick enjoying a beautiful, warm February day. Those are few and far between.

I am about to take some pictures of Jon for the annual, when up comes Mr. BoJangles, so I took his picture.

Morrison's Mr. BoJangles

June 1, 2004-February 23, 2008