Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Patrick!!!

It is super bowl sunday. So, it doesn't really mean anything to me, I'd kinda like to see the Giants win, cause they're not supposed to, and I like Eli.

We celebrated Patrick's birthday today. He will 12 years old tomorrow afternoon. After church we cooked steaks and shrimp and had hot apple pie and ice cream. I had ordered a new stock for his gun, per his instructions, but got him the Lord of the Rings trilogy since his stock has not arrived yet. Liz came home and brought him the movie Shooter, which he had seen and really liked. It is kinda scary that he loves all that violence, but I guess he's all boy. That is a good thing.

Well, I took a break and watched a movie with sidney, came back and checked to see who won the super bowl. I was tickled to see that the Giants did upset the Patriots. Yea, now both the manning boys have super bowl rings. Archie and Olivia must be so proud. I would be.

Jon bought the pman a birthday card and put a gift card in it. He'll probably use it to buy more ammo. I sure can't believe that he is going to be 12 years old tomorrow. It just seems like yesterday that he was born. Don't I sound old. Isn't that what all old people say, seems like yesterday...? It is so true that our life on this earth is but a vapor, what really counts is eternity. I am so proud of the pman, He was given that name as a baby, and it stuck. cute, huh? He is so very smart, and talented and gifted. He is just a perfect child, wait, no scratch that......!!!!! He is so normal in many ways. Very hardheaded, sometimes lazy, true boy, loves adventure, the outdoors, all the guy stuff. He is, however a blessing; a wonderful surprise gift from God and we are so blessed to have been chosen to raise him. I just hope that we can do a good enough job with him so God will be pleased with us. We are so grateful that all the kids have been saved. Patrick was saved last summer. He called me into his room last year on wednesday night after the last revival meeting and told me that he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. I led him in a prayer and he did it. I was so happy and I cried tears of joy. He joined the church the next sunday and was baptized a couple of weeks later. Everybody came to rejoice with us. margaret, robbie and knox came up and bobby and tonie came, too. And of course, grandmother came. It was a wonderful time.

It is great to relive such wonderful memories. On the eve of his 12th birthday, I wish him a very happy one with many more to come!!!!

P-man, I love you!!!!