Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where has the week gone? It has been a gorgeous week. Sunny and cool. love it! Patrick and I walked 2 miles tonight around Carrollton. I really prefer walking on the asphalt to gravel. He actually ran the last mile. I couldn't run a mile, if I were being chased by a rattlesnake, but I did mix a little running in with the walking. Fun. He took me riding on the backroads in the old chevy. He sure loves that truck. When we got home he went straight to the shop and started sanding on it. Told me he had no homework, so we watched csi tonight. He took the state algebra test yesterday and said it wasn't too bad. I guess we'll find out in august how he did. I'm not really worried about him! Since he's in the 8th grade, he'll still have to take the Mississippi Curriculum test next week. They have a band concert this Sunday afternoon. He says it won't be pretty. It was very nice last year, but there has been a change in directors and none of the jr. high kids care for this person. She is mean to them and belittles them. Very disappointing.
Jon has 2 tests on Tuesday and will then be finished. We'll have to get his power cut off and Sid wants to get his service off the pole, since we bought it and he put it up. I think there is a $300 deposit involved as well. I believe Jon will miss Mr. Bolin. He was very good to Jon. I know that Mr. Bolin's grandson will miss him as well. JOn said that Cody would just come over and want to talk. He probably needed a male role model. I think that he told me that Cody is about 12 or 13.
It has been a very tiring week for me. My legs have really hurt me. I had to work 3 days all day and I'm kinda used to coming home early wed-fri. I had to lie down yesterday afternoon and rest. That helped a little. It hurts to stand up for 8 hours straight without a break. I guess I'm getting old. Isn't that what old people do, gripe about their aches and pains?

I have to plan what I am going to cook for Sunday. This Sunday is Sr. Sunday at our church. We honor the high school seniors with a lunch and a Bible. I'm thinking potato casserole and lemon pie. Strawberry pie might be good, too, but then I'll have to make pastry. With lemon, I can do a graham cracker crust. I don't know. Something will jump out at me before then! I hope Linda Perkins brings her crunchy slaw. It is soooo good! I won't have to cook much and there will be tons of food. then we can go to the band concert without rushing to clean up the kitchen.


Monday, April 26, 2010

What a nice night! Beautiful round moon shining in a sea of blue. Sixty degrees and free air conditioning tonight! Patrick drove me to Carrollton in his '82 Chevy! We walked 2 miles around the town and came home. Had some weird guy in a green jeep station wagon circle us about 6 times. I don't know if he was investing in the oil companies or just weirding us out! Patrick decided to pick up a large rock, in case he tried anything. I'll bet he would have pegged him with it if he had to! The creek was really rolling tonight, I'll bet that last Friday it would have been lethal.

Jon's camper was intact when he got there this afternoon. Unfortunately, his teacher, Mr. Collier suffered tornado damage to his home this weekend. Don't know how bad, but I sure hate it for him. He and his family are alright, though.

Sid just sent me the UPS safety tip of the day: SEAT BELTS! Too bad Jon didn't heed that! He got a seat belt ticket leaving school today. The boy just won't listen.

had a good day at work, slow though.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crazy boys...

It has been a good weekend all in all. Friday was really nasty weather and was forecast for Saturday as well. Saturday morning I heard a BOOM and sat straight up in the bed. I guess it was about 6:00 am. I went back to sleep and got up about 9:00. NO bad weather yet, not even a raindrop. I could hear thunder booming in the distance, but it never got bad here. Unfortunately, Yazoo City was devastated. Margaret texted me that afternoon and asked if Jon was at home or in Starkville, because that very same mile wide tornado was heading straight for starkville. Thankfully, he was home, but there was still the worry of "will he have a home Monday morning when he goes back to school?" We watched the and tracked the tornado heading northeast of starkville and Jon's house is southeast of Starkville. Mr. Bolin hasn't called to tell us the camper has gone, so hopefully all is well. I'd hate for him to have to commute for 2 weeks til school is out! The bad clouds cleared out mid afternoon and turned pretty. Jon went to a grill shower for a good friend of his that night. He has known James Paul since kindergarten. They moved next to us sometime afterwards. It is hard to believe that they are old enough to be grown, finishing school and getting married. Sure makes me feel old! I remember having James Paul, Adam and Jonathan in Sunday school when I had the first through third grade class. James Paul would get up in the middle of the story and just start walking around. One day he just raised the window and climbed out. Strange child. I remember one afternoon they came in the house with blood pouring from JP's head. "Miss Belinda, can you fix my head, I don't want mama to find out." They had been "pond jumping", which involved bicycles and really steep ramps and dirty hill ponds! Somehow he had cut his head on some part of the bike and needed stitches. Hmmm. what to do. I told him that I could super glue it, but that I would have to pour alcohol in the cut to kill the germs, since they had been in a dirty pond. He said ok. I poured a bottle of rubbing alcohol over that cut and he never even flinched. Jon said, "mama, he don't have any nerves!!!" We glued him up and Terri was none the wiser... I remember another time when he was riding our small 4-wheeler around the yard and just rode it off into a gully. He did manage to jump off before it went over the edge. Good thing, or he probably would have died. I remember the time when he and Jon went fishing in Mr. Bennett's pond around the road from us and a neighbor caught them with beer. They weren't very old, maybe 14 or 15. Seems the old Indian guy at the BP down the road didn't mind selling to children. I'm sure that if I thought about it long enough I could come up with some more JP stories. ha. I was told to write everything down when they were young, that I would forget. I guess at the time I thought, well, I'll never forget this! I'm glad that Ricky Wheat helped them make the you tube video, "The Hills of Carroll County". I laugh every time that I watch it. My sister can't believe that I'm not crazy, with all the junk that the boys have pulled over the years. I told her with boys, you sometimes just can't look! I wasn't looking when Jon ran over Patrick with the dirt bike, either! It was memorial day, the Monday after we buried Mr. Morrison and the boys were riding down in the back pasture behind their grandparents' yard. Patrick was on the little blue 4-wheeler and rode the wrong way up Jon's landing ramp on his big jump. Jon didn't see him until he was in the air and about to land on him. There was nothing he could do but hit him. Sid thought Patrick was dead. He was slumped over the handlebars and out like a light. Grandmother came and got me and by the time we got to her house Patrick was rolling around on the ground crying. I asked what happened, and did you have a wreck. He just screamed no, and cried. I thought we better take him and get him checked out. I took him to the house and put him in the tub to wash a little of the dirt off him and took him to the ER. They did a cat scan and said that he was very lucky. He had a motorcycle tire print on his back and up his head. Patrick said he was sleeping so good til I woke him up. I just asked, "Patrick, when did you wake up?' He told me he woke up in the tub. Chills went up my back. apparently he was still unconscious, but fighting. Poor Jonathan was so scared. He was crying, scared he had really hurt his little brother. It wasn't his fault, though, Patrick shouldn't have been riding backwards on the ramp, but little kids do things like that a lot. Didn't we all think it was cool to run up the slide? Time does fly when you are having fun.

Friday, April 23, 2010

finally friday!

Right now Patrick is asleep in front of the TV with Savage Sam playing. He is just worn out! He got out of school early and has been to South Pontotoc high with the baseball team. they were back before dark. Despite the bad weather, they did play and won. I think the game was cut a little short, though. He wanted to take me riding in his truck, but I told him not tonight. I'd hate to get around the road and the thing quit and a storm brews up!

Sid and Jon made a trip to Greenville this morning to pick up a refrigerator that Grandmother is buying. They got it delivered and Sid headed to work. Jon headed to Winona.

I managed to clean a little more today. I have a clean kitchen now, and 2 loaves of freshly baked wheat bread. Patrick ate a sandwich on it and I made a piece of cheese toast. Pretty good. I did get a big stack of papers organized and put into file folders. I just wonder how long I need to keep 401k statements?

We are enjoying the little kitten. She is so much fun, so frisky. Bobby and Tonie came by tonight. Bobby likes teaching the cat to fetch paper balls. He has a cat who use to fetch things, but not anymore, he's only 17!

I worked this morning. baked 3 batches of bread, a triple pot of tomato & roasted red pepper soup, baked cookies, and mixed up more cookie dough to put in the freezer. I got caught up, I guess.

I am looking forward to not having to get up early tomorrow. I probably will wake up at the same time, but I won't have to get up!

Sid should be home in a few minutes since he went in early. Glad he's getting in before the storms hit again.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today was interesting. Got to work this morning and starting cutting up potatoes for potato salad and celery for chicken salad. I just sharpened my favorite knife-razor sharp. Tammy is washing dishes. I made a point of placing the super-sharp knife in the open where she wouldn't grab it unaware. She gets it in the dishwater and slices the end of her right index finger off. I have never seen anyone bleed as much as she did. We tried to get it stopped. I got a band-aid and a finger cot over it, but the finger cot just filled up with blood. Locked the door and drove her to the Carrollton Clinic where they just wrapped a bandage around it and sent her to the ER. Got back to Miss Sippy's where Betty took over and drove her to Winona to the ER. Only 2 stitches, but I swear she needed a blood transfusion after all that. I had to go in the bathroom and clean the sink and dump the garbage. It looked like an axe murder had taken place in there! They got back about 11:00. I was prepared to stay late, since I wasn't sure she would be able to work after all that, but she did. I haven't heard how that went! I told her that I was eligible to give blood again and let me know if she can have O+!

So, She managed to chop 2 cans of water chestnuts, wash some dishes and cut her finger off! Pretty productive morning, I would say!

Despite all the excitement, I managed to finish up before lunch. My good buddy and former coworker Aaron showed up and wanted a sandwich. He helped me finish washing dishes and he washed lettuce and chopped green onions and tomatoes for taco salad. He is such a good friend. He tried to pay for his food, but I told him NO!!!!! I owed him more than that! I hope that he will stick with school now. He has brought his GPA up and will start his surgical asst. clinicals in the fall. He is so smart and such a hard worker. He is very creative.

Patrick gave me an update on Joey Carpenter. He is off the ventilator and is talking. Praise the Lord! What a miracle. He sure came close to leaving us with a leaking aneurysm in the heart. they worked on him all night. I sure prayed hard for him and his precious little family. they have a 2 year old daughter and a baby on the way. Only 34 years old. I think his wife is 25, around the same age as Elizabeth. God is good--All the time!

Patrick took me riding in his truck tonight! He sure loves his Granddaddy's old truck. Granddaddy promised that truck to every grandchild, but Patrick gets it! The others wouldn't want it anyway. Granddaddy did a pretty good job of beating it up before he gave up his keys. Patrick has cleaned it out, probably had close to 500 pounds of junk in the back! He wants to get the dents fixed and holes patched and get it painted before he starts driving. It should be ready in a couple of years!

Well, Patrick got to see his brother tonight. He didn't get to see him at all last weekend. They missed each other at every turn. They really do love each other! I hope that they will always get along.

Well, tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Short Wednesday!

Today was short Wednesday for Patrick. That means that he got out at 1:30 today and the baseball coach let them off! It was also progress report day. He has a little work to do before end of year grades. 3 B's... Never before! I feel sure that he will bring them up, though. He has a replacement grade to turn in tomorrow in Algebra, which was his lowest grade. Sid and I picked him up and we all went to El Cabrito for lunch. Sure was good. The salsa was especially good today. I like it hot!

I got in a size 14 pair of shorts yesterday!!! Yea! I am so excited. Excited over a 14, you say? YES, when 9 months ago it was a 20! Praise the Lord!

I pulled some weeds today, just had to be outside. I need to work inside, but not my favorite thing. I wish that I was a good housekeeper, but it is just not the case. I have to psyche myself up for it, like start now thinking about scrubbing those toilets and bathtubs and sweeping and mopping. Sometimes it helps to buy a new gadget, like a swiffer or something! or maybe a new garbage can with extra large yard size bags, or maybe a dumpster? hmm.. maybe not. I have lost my mind, I guess!

I promised Patrick that I would try to get on up and bake him some biscuits in the morning. He loves biscuits and even leftover ones, but fresh are best. I wish that I could eat about a half dozen or so, but NO NO NO!!!!! I passed the donut place in Greenwood yesterday and for a brief moment I almost caved, but I did not...Good thing that there's not a Shipley's real close! I'd be a goner!

Liz called and thought she had messed up big time. Her lesson plan was not on her jump drive and wanted to see if it was on our computer. It was. only thing, when I tried to email it to her, I couldn't find it. I found it in word, but when I tried to find it to attach it, I couldn't find it anywhere. She walked me through saving it somewhere else and I finally did it! She only had like 15 minutes, since the computer lab closes at 9:00, so she was getting a little antsy! You would think, since I only have 1 left in regular school, that I would be getting out of the homework business, but NOOOOOO! I had to teach Jon his online microcomputer applications class last semester, and he is just not self motivated enough to do online courses. I stayed on his butt the whole time. I learned a lot about the computer, though. Looks like I could remember how to find a file! ha ;) It seems that college is so much different from when I was there. Our teachers actually taught the class. There was no blackboard to find assignments on and turn them into. We did the work on paper and turned it in to the actual teacher. we went to their offices to say the prologue to the Canterbury tales and turn in research projects. Sometimes I wonder what the teachers purpose is in college anymore-email assignments and blackboard. Tests online, that are timed and if you are bumped offline, you have to call them to get them to reset the test. toooo stressful.

enough of a rant, I guess. I am glad that I am not a student, no I take that back. I love to learn things, I learn something new everyday. I learned a better way to make broccoli salad so that you can save it. I learned a better way to make biscuits recently. I learn from others. You can learn so much from others, that is, if you are only willing to listen and try new things. I learned from a co worker a better way to cook sausage so that it is not so dry and hard. I learned the hard way that milk really doesn't make me throw up! I was trying to throw up when I swallowed the crown that had come unglued from my back tooth. I drank a whole glass, because I used to not be able to swallow it, it made me gag. Didn't work this time, the ipecac syrup worked only too well, though. miserable. I learned that my parents really weren't trying to ruin my life! It takes having some of your own to realize how hard being a parent really is. No handbooks, just trial and error. Made lots of mistakes, but again that is how you learn, right? Don't know if I got it right, yet!

I have been accused of being a little wordy. Ya think?

Well, I reckon that I will go get a bath and go to sleep at a reasonable time for a change! Gotta get up early and make those biscuits! Then got the Baptist men's breakfast at Miss Sippy's!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

I miss the P-man. He went to Nettleton today with the baseball team. It is the first time that he has been able to leave school early to travel with the high school team. I didn't go because there was no junior varsity game and I know that there is not a chance that he will get to play, plus I didn't want to drive back from Nettleton by myself late tonight. I told him to give me a call when they are about 10 miles away and I would come get him. OH, I'd better get a nap! I hope that they win and have a great time.

OK, Sid is complaining, there is nothing to eat here! I started some pork chops and peas, but it won't do him any good today! I had planned on cooking last night, but Elizabeth came home and I helped her work on school stuff until 11:3o last night. I was exhausted, since I had been up since 6:00 am. Patrick came home last night and crashed about 8:00.

Talked to Jonathan yesterday. Anel offered him a job as a welder/welding instructor. They want for him to take the CWI test. Certified welding inspector, makes him much more valuable in the workplace. IF he decides to take the Anel job, he will start to work on may 17. they wanted him on the 10th, but he already had plans. I'm glad that he is going to go to the beach with his friends. Maybe he won't back out on this trip. I just hope that he will behave himself. Wow, less than a month. I'd love to go back to the beach again this year, but our traveling baseball team is planning on making the USSSA world series in Bentonville, AR this year. Arkansas just isn't Panama City Beach! Why can't they play on the coast?

I can't believe that a week from this Saturday is May. Patrick will be out the last week of May. If he keeps up his good grades, he will get out a week early and not have to take any exams. That's what I would like!

I think that Sid has a week off the end of May. He will probably want me to order his lift before then, so he can spend that week installing it.

I think that I will lie down for a little while. I need to go to Greenwood in a little while and am NOT looking forward to it-except for going to see MR. SIDNEY!!!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hi Julia! Hope we can meet you the next time you come south. Thank you for being sweet to Jonathan. He is my little sweetheart! (Even though he would rather spend time with his "winona family nowadays!) JK!

Well, today was a good day. I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up hurting about 3:00 this morning. Took a prescription pain killer and it just didn't even cut it. 4 ibuprofen and a heating pad and 3 hours later I went back to sleep, but had to get up for Sunday school this morning. Bro. Gary had a really good message this morning and I felt as if God was telling me to not doubt, but to clear my mind and trust with my heart. I guess you had to be there. Came home and grilled some burgers out for lunch.

Sid and I attended our first "Hill Fire" production and it was wonderful. I laughed, I cried! It was so good.

Went to survey the damage to the "race car" this afternoon. So sad, such a waste...... But, of course, I'm a girl that "just don't get it"! We came home, picked up the P-man and Jeremiah and went to El Cabrito for supper! Yummy, as usual. The best Mexican restaurante anywhere! Muy bueno!

home now and Sid is watching the country music awards. YUCK! I absolutely hate country music. Give me some classic rock anyday. gone are the days of Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, Journey, Rush, Yes, ELO, Ted Nugent! They live on on 102.5 the TIGER! ha ha. Love love love it!

We went to Charlie Ray's for some awesome BBQ last night. Sat around the fire pit afterwards with 2 of my favorite guys- Sid and the P-man. Muscadine wine and cheese and crackers. Beautiful night, clear and crisp, stars like little diamond studs on a navy blue velvet cape!

We have had an awesome spring this year. Most years it goes from winter straight to summer, with absolutely no spring. the flowers have been outstanding and my pink rose on the fence is about to burst into bloom. It only blooms once, but it is soooooo worth it!

Got a big day tomorrow. Catering job for the kidney clinic in Greenwood. They want lasagna with homemade garlic bread, salad, and Miss Sippy's mud cake. That on top of whatever they ran out of on Saturday that I will have to cook. Hope not a lot!

Guess I'll go visit with my tall one, since he came home for a while.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I drove to Ethel yesterday afternoon to watch the Jr. high's last baseball game. We won both games. Patrick played third base and got several hits. It was such a nice day to play baseball, (and watch!) Tonight they (8th graders) are moving up to the high school team, so I will be going to Winona soon to watch them play.

Jonathan finally came home. He had been helping build a race car and they painted all night. I guess after a nap, he'll be gone again.

Why don't they put pockets in yoga pants? They are so comfy,but I have no place for my car keys or phone, and I hate to carry a purse.

Sidney taught the new kitty how to eat. The poor thing was starving to death.

off to dry my hair.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I can't believe it's been over a year since I wrote on here. I think it's because I discovered "Facebook" and pretty much addicted to that! It's been a great year. Since I wrote last, Jonathan has received "outstanding welding techology student" at EMCC for 2 years in a row. He also received some scholarships which has helped with school this year. Patrick received awards at school last year, Liz is still plugging along, trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel of her education. We took the most awesome vacation ever last year at Seacrest Beach florida. I highly recommend it! So beautiful, so restful, so safe, so quiet. We ALL went and had a wonderful time. I don't even remember a fight. Hmm.. surely not! I think I posted over 300 pictures on facebook! Patrick made the jr. high baseball team this year. They played their last game tonight in Ethel, MS! They won both games in shutouts. He starts playing with the high school tomorrow night and will play summer ball with the high school as well. Patrick received a superior at State Bible drill competition at Emmanuel church this past Tuesday. Sid and I are still about the same, I have lost some weight, so that is good. I have decided that I WILL waterski this year! I probably need to work on my upper body strength first!

On a sad note, Earl, the best cat in the world went to Kitty Heaven last Wednesday. He leaves behind a family who loves him and misses him very much. We have adopted a new kitty, but it doesn't have a name yet. Very sweet, though.

We have the garden planted and some of it is up now. I have declared war on whitetails and have installed an electric fence to help with that war. I am tired of feeding deer, when I am running out of green beans and mustard greens. I still need to plant the okra, but Sid says we need to wait until we hear the whippoorwill, then it will be warm enough for okra.

We had a pretty cold winter for us. Never did get a proper snow, though. This spring, however, has been the nicest that I can remember in a long time. The flowers are beautiful and the weather is outstanding. I wish it would stay like this year-round. I suppose I would get tired of no fluctuations, but I'd like to see!

Jonathan says I need to write in this more often, but I never knew that he read it. Maybe I'll try to keep up better.