Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where has the week gone? It has been a gorgeous week. Sunny and cool. love it! Patrick and I walked 2 miles tonight around Carrollton. I really prefer walking on the asphalt to gravel. He actually ran the last mile. I couldn't run a mile, if I were being chased by a rattlesnake, but I did mix a little running in with the walking. Fun. He took me riding on the backroads in the old chevy. He sure loves that truck. When we got home he went straight to the shop and started sanding on it. Told me he had no homework, so we watched csi tonight. He took the state algebra test yesterday and said it wasn't too bad. I guess we'll find out in august how he did. I'm not really worried about him! Since he's in the 8th grade, he'll still have to take the Mississippi Curriculum test next week. They have a band concert this Sunday afternoon. He says it won't be pretty. It was very nice last year, but there has been a change in directors and none of the jr. high kids care for this person. She is mean to them and belittles them. Very disappointing.
Jon has 2 tests on Tuesday and will then be finished. We'll have to get his power cut off and Sid wants to get his service off the pole, since we bought it and he put it up. I think there is a $300 deposit involved as well. I believe Jon will miss Mr. Bolin. He was very good to Jon. I know that Mr. Bolin's grandson will miss him as well. JOn said that Cody would just come over and want to talk. He probably needed a male role model. I think that he told me that Cody is about 12 or 13.
It has been a very tiring week for me. My legs have really hurt me. I had to work 3 days all day and I'm kinda used to coming home early wed-fri. I had to lie down yesterday afternoon and rest. That helped a little. It hurts to stand up for 8 hours straight without a break. I guess I'm getting old. Isn't that what old people do, gripe about their aches and pains?

I have to plan what I am going to cook for Sunday. This Sunday is Sr. Sunday at our church. We honor the high school seniors with a lunch and a Bible. I'm thinking potato casserole and lemon pie. Strawberry pie might be good, too, but then I'll have to make pastry. With lemon, I can do a graham cracker crust. I don't know. Something will jump out at me before then! I hope Linda Perkins brings her crunchy slaw. It is soooo good! I won't have to cook much and there will be tons of food. then we can go to the band concert without rushing to clean up the kitchen.
