Friday, April 23, 2010

finally friday!

Right now Patrick is asleep in front of the TV with Savage Sam playing. He is just worn out! He got out of school early and has been to South Pontotoc high with the baseball team. they were back before dark. Despite the bad weather, they did play and won. I think the game was cut a little short, though. He wanted to take me riding in his truck, but I told him not tonight. I'd hate to get around the road and the thing quit and a storm brews up!

Sid and Jon made a trip to Greenville this morning to pick up a refrigerator that Grandmother is buying. They got it delivered and Sid headed to work. Jon headed to Winona.

I managed to clean a little more today. I have a clean kitchen now, and 2 loaves of freshly baked wheat bread. Patrick ate a sandwich on it and I made a piece of cheese toast. Pretty good. I did get a big stack of papers organized and put into file folders. I just wonder how long I need to keep 401k statements?

We are enjoying the little kitten. She is so much fun, so frisky. Bobby and Tonie came by tonight. Bobby likes teaching the cat to fetch paper balls. He has a cat who use to fetch things, but not anymore, he's only 17!

I worked this morning. baked 3 batches of bread, a triple pot of tomato & roasted red pepper soup, baked cookies, and mixed up more cookie dough to put in the freezer. I got caught up, I guess.

I am looking forward to not having to get up early tomorrow. I probably will wake up at the same time, but I won't have to get up!

Sid should be home in a few minutes since he went in early. Glad he's getting in before the storms hit again.
