Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crazy boys...

It has been a good weekend all in all. Friday was really nasty weather and was forecast for Saturday as well. Saturday morning I heard a BOOM and sat straight up in the bed. I guess it was about 6:00 am. I went back to sleep and got up about 9:00. NO bad weather yet, not even a raindrop. I could hear thunder booming in the distance, but it never got bad here. Unfortunately, Yazoo City was devastated. Margaret texted me that afternoon and asked if Jon was at home or in Starkville, because that very same mile wide tornado was heading straight for starkville. Thankfully, he was home, but there was still the worry of "will he have a home Monday morning when he goes back to school?" We watched the and tracked the tornado heading northeast of starkville and Jon's house is southeast of Starkville. Mr. Bolin hasn't called to tell us the camper has gone, so hopefully all is well. I'd hate for him to have to commute for 2 weeks til school is out! The bad clouds cleared out mid afternoon and turned pretty. Jon went to a grill shower for a good friend of his that night. He has known James Paul since kindergarten. They moved next to us sometime afterwards. It is hard to believe that they are old enough to be grown, finishing school and getting married. Sure makes me feel old! I remember having James Paul, Adam and Jonathan in Sunday school when I had the first through third grade class. James Paul would get up in the middle of the story and just start walking around. One day he just raised the window and climbed out. Strange child. I remember one afternoon they came in the house with blood pouring from JP's head. "Miss Belinda, can you fix my head, I don't want mama to find out." They had been "pond jumping", which involved bicycles and really steep ramps and dirty hill ponds! Somehow he had cut his head on some part of the bike and needed stitches. Hmmm. what to do. I told him that I could super glue it, but that I would have to pour alcohol in the cut to kill the germs, since they had been in a dirty pond. He said ok. I poured a bottle of rubbing alcohol over that cut and he never even flinched. Jon said, "mama, he don't have any nerves!!!" We glued him up and Terri was none the wiser... I remember another time when he was riding our small 4-wheeler around the yard and just rode it off into a gully. He did manage to jump off before it went over the edge. Good thing, or he probably would have died. I remember the time when he and Jon went fishing in Mr. Bennett's pond around the road from us and a neighbor caught them with beer. They weren't very old, maybe 14 or 15. Seems the old Indian guy at the BP down the road didn't mind selling to children. I'm sure that if I thought about it long enough I could come up with some more JP stories. ha. I was told to write everything down when they were young, that I would forget. I guess at the time I thought, well, I'll never forget this! I'm glad that Ricky Wheat helped them make the you tube video, "The Hills of Carroll County". I laugh every time that I watch it. My sister can't believe that I'm not crazy, with all the junk that the boys have pulled over the years. I told her with boys, you sometimes just can't look! I wasn't looking when Jon ran over Patrick with the dirt bike, either! It was memorial day, the Monday after we buried Mr. Morrison and the boys were riding down in the back pasture behind their grandparents' yard. Patrick was on the little blue 4-wheeler and rode the wrong way up Jon's landing ramp on his big jump. Jon didn't see him until he was in the air and about to land on him. There was nothing he could do but hit him. Sid thought Patrick was dead. He was slumped over the handlebars and out like a light. Grandmother came and got me and by the time we got to her house Patrick was rolling around on the ground crying. I asked what happened, and did you have a wreck. He just screamed no, and cried. I thought we better take him and get him checked out. I took him to the house and put him in the tub to wash a little of the dirt off him and took him to the ER. They did a cat scan and said that he was very lucky. He had a motorcycle tire print on his back and up his head. Patrick said he was sleeping so good til I woke him up. I just asked, "Patrick, when did you wake up?' He told me he woke up in the tub. Chills went up my back. apparently he was still unconscious, but fighting. Poor Jonathan was so scared. He was crying, scared he had really hurt his little brother. It wasn't his fault, though, Patrick shouldn't have been riding backwards on the ramp, but little kids do things like that a lot. Didn't we all think it was cool to run up the slide? Time does fly when you are having fun.