Friday, January 18, 2008

Finally Friday!!

It is Friday and they are predicting snow. I would love to see some snow. When I was a little girl it seemed that we were never able to start back to school after Christmas on time, because it would snow. Now it seems that the last accumulation of snow that I remember was when Liz was in the 9th grade. Eight years ago. Patrick barely remembers it. The time before that was when Jon was about 2 1/2 and we had a great snow. Danny, Sherry and Andy came up and spent the night. They brought 4 wheelers and they pulled everyone around on an old truck hood. We ate chili and hot chocolate and had a good ole time! A nice snow would be good. NO ICE, PLEASE!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is church picture day. Liz is coming home and Jon is acting a butt, not wanting to get a haircut. I guess I shouldn't care. If he wants to look like a thug, it is him, not us. He would rather work than take the picture, anyway. I guess he is going through a money is everything phase. He will learn sooner or later that your family will always be there for you.

We fed the men's prayer group a "real breakfast" yesterday. They were so surprised and thrilled. They cleaned their plates and seemed really appreciative. I think that we will start doing it once a month. They have really been faithful to support us every Thursday.

I got new hair yesterday! I went back to my natural color, only I told Julie to enhance it, because I really don't like my natural color. Ugly brown. She did a pretty brown with lighter brown highlights. I like it, but everyone says, It's dark! She trimmed a good bit off, too.
Patrick got a trim as well. His wasn't bad, just needed a little shaping and trimming

Our verse at work this week was: "This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17:3