Sunday, January 13, 2008


It has been a very nice day. It has turned cold, but beautiful. We got up and went to Sunday school and Church. The fellowship hall was very crowded, since we are unable at this time to use our sanctuary. Hopefully the problems that are preventing us from using it will soon be remedied and it won't be so crowded. Even though we were snug, we had a family to join this morning and a couple to join tonight. One was a profession of faith, which we always praise God for. After church this morning Sid, Patrick and I went to Winona and did the Wal-mart thing, since the Mexican place was packed. After wal-mart we went to eat and had just enough time to eat before Patrick's baseball practice. Sid and I watched from the truck, since the wind was bitter. Seems the boys are a little rusty. I know that Patrick hasn't picked up a baseball since last summer, and now I think that he wasn't the only one. I can't wait for them to actually start playing. I love it. After they finished we stopped by sonic for ice cream before heading home for a few minutes before heading off to church. Sid and Jonathan went to church while Patrick and I went to Bible drills. Patrick does youth Bible drill, even though he is still young enough to do children's. He started a year early and has done very well with it. He has made superior every year in the state drills and we are so thankful that he is learning God's word and hiding it in his heart. Psalm 119:105 says "I have hidden your word in my heart so I might not sin against God." My prayer is that he will come back to the scriptures that he has learned throughout the years and let them guide his life. I work with the childrens' group which is only one boy this year. He is doing well learning the verses and only has 8 more to learn before the church drill in march. After church we had a business meeting. Thankfully it was short and sweet. We came home and searched out food for supper. Jon and Adrienne are watching a horrible movie. He will have nightmares for days. I am going to bed.