Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Today was chicken pie day at work. We sold out before 12:00, so I guess I'd better make more next week! Tomorrow is meat loaf day. this is something new we are trying, so don't have a clue as to how it will be.

Jon had the longest day of the year yesterday. He had to spend the day in ISS because of having a cell phone in class last month. I tell him, only 4 more months, just behave, do your work and graduate. May 23!!! may 23 May 23.......

Patrick was challenged for his chair in band, and when I picked him up today I asked if he still had his chair. In his words, " I tore 'em up!" That is a yes, still king of the trumpet in the sixth grade band. He says he kinda likes being in first chair, and he thinks he'll keep it.

Finally got Knox's christmas box off to him today. ONly a little late. Part of his gift didn't get here until Christmas eve, so by the time I got it wrapped, the cheese straws I made for the others were old, and I was going to make more and well, you know what happens, nothing ever got done. I did re-bake the cheese straws and packed the box and Sid took it with him today. The advantages of being married to an ups mechanic. I just wish they would get some kind of employee discount on the shipping charges. Well, I guess it is cheaper than driving!

Sid is at work, Jon is at work and Patrick is in his room, wish I could say doing his homework, but I bet he's reading. I guess there are a lot worse things he could be doing.

This is so boring, maybe one year I'll figure out why I decided to start journaling our activities and it will be interesting then! ha

I need to check in with Liz. DD, her former roommate is in the hospital in Jackson and I have been praying for her. Maybe they have found out what is wrong and planned a treatment for her.

Until later,