Thursday, January 24, 2008


Aren't they sweet? sleeping beauties! Jimmy loves to sleep in with Sid in the mornings.

The week is almost gone-tomorrow is payday!!!! yea, Guess we better go and get those taxes paid before the first!

Poor little skinny puppy. See his little ribs? He is camped out in front of the fireplace.
Speaking of taxes, We did Jon's taxes last night. I can't do ours just yet, I have to wait for all the "stuff" to finish coming in.

It is soooo cold today. The thermometer says 42, but the wind feels so bitter. It is supposed to get really cold tonight. The weather site says 24 as a low.

We had a Hollywood screenwriter come in and stay with us at Miss Sippy's Tuesday. He set up his laptop on a table and wrote most of the day and ate lunch and drank espresso. His name is Raphael Alvarez and he was traveling to Baltimore to visit his parents. He was very nice and seemed to really enjoy some "sho nuff southern hospitality"!

Haven't checked in with Lizzie this week. I guess that I should send a text and find out what is going on with Miss Lizzie.

Jon is learning Hamlet's soliloquy by the 31st. He also has a Shakespeare project. He better do a good job on it, cause he needs lots of brownie points in there. Wonder if there are any geometry extra credit projects?

I just heard from Liz. She is bored, I told her to go for a walk. She'll probably say that it is too cold! ha She and I went for a walk one afternoon when it was 26 degrees. brrrrr. We walked all the way around our road. We were so cold that we stopped at Brenda McCaleb's house to use the phone and got Sid to come pick us up. He couldn't believe that we walked that far! This was probably 6 or 7 years ago.

My dog, Jimmy is looking kinda puny. He has lost weight and is acting either depressed or like he doesn't feel very good. I have been keeping him in the house for the last couple of days, because of the cold. I guess he might be shivering his weight off. I couldn't put Jimmy's photo where I wanted it. But, look at the picture, you can see his little ribs. He looks like he did when he went missing for 3 weeks when he was only a baby. We were lucky to find him again. He loves to sleep in in the mornings with Sid! See the other picture. I can't move it to where I want it, so I guess it will have to stay at the top of the post. I wonder if I have to stick all the pictures in then write below them? Hmmm..
