Sunday, January 27, 2008


Today is Baptist Men's day. We had an all men's choir today, which sounded pretty good and three men gave their testimony. They were all very moving. It is good to hear how God has worked and is still working in peoples' lives, even when we can not see it at the time.

Jonathan is still working on his Hamlet memory work. He just about has it. I think that he will pull it off fine. He also has that Shakespeare project due on Thursday that he hasn't even started on yet. Of course, about wednesday he'll want me to help him pull that rabbit out of a hat, because it is worth two grades, so is the memory work.

Patrick and Jeremiah are out with Sid shooting guns. It is a guy thing, I guess. They really enjoy it.

Liz says she started to come home, but everyone here goes to bed too early. Midnight is early? Hmmmm. I guess I am getting old, but some of us have work and school to deal with. Wonder what she'll do when ever she joins the real workforce and has to be at a job early in the morning?

I asked Sid to help me clean up our room yesterday, but he thought that it was more important to clean up the den, in case someone came in there would be a clean room to sit in, so we worked all afternoon until about 6:00 last night cleaning the den. I mean, he was taking books down and dusting them and took down the old tv that doesn't work anymore. It does look good, but his clothes are still piled 4 ft. high on the cedar chest on the end of our bed, and he doesn't have a clue where his 2 new pair of jeans are. (probably at the bottom of the pile) Oh well, at least we can impress those imaginary visitors whenever they get here. That is, unless Liz comes home and the den is destroyed again! ha Actually, Patrick is the worst culprit of all. Any given afternoon, there are 2 pair of shoes, his drum sticks, his backpack, his trumpet, and other assorted junk-all on the den floor, or the couch.

I cooked a roast in the oven all night and we ate it for lunch today. It was pretty good. I guess I need to cook for them more often. Eating out so much is just not good for us. We went and ate mexican last night.