Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Christmas time at the Morrison house. We got a tree thanks to Patrick and Jeremiah. It is so beautiful. I love a fresh green cedar, the aroma of evergreen filling the house. It smells like Christmas. It is almost 12 feet tall and covered with colored lights and ornaments. I almost forgot to use my ornaments that I bought in Rome last year. I found them this afternoon. I would have to kick myself if I had totally forgotten them!
I have tried to make everyone on my special list a handmade item for Christmas. Just a little bit of myself, I guess. I am going to deliver a couple of things shortly. My dear friend who takes Patrick to school every day and her family will get a chocolate pie. I made her a "Santa" monkey ornament and got my other son a gift card to Huddle-house! That is because he loves to eat there when he is off at school at ICC. The Huddle-house is always open, 24/7 and he loves to stay up late and hang out with friends there.
I am excited about Christmas. I love celebrating our savior's birth and sharing a little of his love with others. When you think about it, though, we should, as Christians, be doing that everyday of the year, not just at Christmas time. We should treat others as we would like to be treated. We should be a little kinder, a little gentler, a little more patient. When the little old lady in line takes 10 minutes to write out her check for groceries, I need to remember that some day, God willing, that will be me! Probably won't be any such thing as checks by then, I hardly use them anyway, just the debit card.
A servant's heart. That is what Jesus had. He didn't sit around whining about what others could do for him. He took the initiative and did for others. He patiently waits for us. When we think that he is far away, it is not because of him straying from us, it is because we have strayed
from him.
I think that I should try to see how I can make a difference in my actions and not try to change others. The only person that I can change is me! I pray that I will become more like Jesus, more patient, kinder, gentler, loving. I pray that I can wait patiently for his blessings.
I pray that I not be a nagging wife. Proverbs 27:15 says, "A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet."I love Sid with all my heart. I hope that he doesn't see me as a "dripping faucet" Lord knows that nothing is more annoying that that! We have endured much in our 28 years of marriage and 3 years of dating. I have known him longer that I have not known him! I realize that over time I have changed for the better. I can be apart from him and enjoy the sweet reunions! I can let him have his space and he lets me have mine. I think that since I started working part time 4 years ago, he misses me more. He hates to go to work in the afternoons on the days that I work late and we have no time to talk and visit. I enjoy the days that I come home early and we have a few hours to have a "lunch date" or walk around the place or "whatever!" ;) I hope that the next 28 is even sweeter.
Merry Christmas! Life is good. When troubles come and they will come, I pray that I can face them with the help that comes from above. I pray that all my friends will also have a wonderful Christmas and Happy 2011!
Much love to all,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Friends are so great to have. Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold! Charlie Flowers is gold. Sid had been working at Delta Chevrolet since 1976 and Charlie started in 1982. Sid would come home from work and talk about his friend "Maynard" and finally I got to meet "Maynard"! Ha, don't know where in the world that came from but Maynard was Charlie and we stopped by Charlie's house in Winona. Or, should I say where Charlie's house was going to be? Charlie and Patty lived in a tiny little camper on the lot where they were building their house. When I say tiny, I mean minuscule! It made Jon's camper seem like a mansion in comparison. We had not been married very long, but Charlie and Patty had been married 3 years. They got married when he was 19 and she was 16. Charlie was in the Air Force and Patty was still in high school. They lived on base in Arkansas until Charlie's term was up and then they moved back to Winona where they were both from. Charlie worked on building loads for the helicopters to drop and they used a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, which they cut off part of it to use for the loads. Charlie saved the scraps, and eventually used them on his house. Patty drew up the plans for the house and Charlie built it himself. The more we were around them the more we liked them. We would go out almost every weekend to eat somewhere and hang out at each others' homes. WE had the first child and Charlie fell in love with liz. He and Sid built a back porch on our house just in time for her first birthday and we had the party right there on the porch. He built her a toy box and a cute little bench with hearts cut in it. Jon came along next and I remember going to Pancho's and eating tons of their hot salsa. Charlie and Patty were there! WE were there when CJ was born! CJ and Jon grew up together and are still best friends to this day. CJ is a lot like his dad in that he would give you the shirt off his back and help you in any way possible. As life happened and our lives grew busier, we still are great friends, but don't see each other as much. Charlie and CJ stopped by this afternoon to pick up some parts that Jon ordered for him. They found Sid and Jon down at Sid's mother's house cutting up firewood. Charlie grabbed a saw and went to cutting and CJ grabbed the maul and went to splitting. Patrick and I stacked wood, Jon split wood with the splitter and Sid cut up a log with another saw. Even though he had worked all day, he stopped and helped us and Sid would do the same for Charlie. Charlie Flowers is indeed gold.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

guess what we had for dessert?????? YES! Sugar free Java Chillers! WE made them with espresso and blue bell low fat sugar free vanilla ice cream. Patrick put chocolate and caramel syrup in his. It was yummy! I cooked a pork loin with sweet potatoes and mustard greens for supper. The boys finally finished cutting wood for today. Or, should I say, they ran out of daylight? Sid is off this week and traditionally this is his annual woodcutting week. Since we heat with wood, we have to have plenty for the winter. We got a little rain today, supposed to have a little more tonight. MC told me today that the fire that we saw on the hill east of town a couple of weeks ago burned down a couple of barns. That was pre-burn ban.

Patrick got his first 9 weeks report card yesterday. All A's! Quite an accomplishment especially for his honors classes. I am so glad that he does well in school and CARES! He even brought up his band grade to an "A"! His tuning slide was stuck tight and we could not get the thing loose. We soaked the trumpet in warm water for an hour, used penetrating oil. Carefully tapped it with a hammer. Still wouldn't budge. I even went to Dollar General and bought some PB Blaster. Jon said if that wouldn't budge it, nothing would. About the time Sid and I were playing tug of war with it, CJ called for Jon and Sid asked if he had ever had a similar problem with his horn. CJ said he remembered Charlie and a hammer! SCARY! Well, Sid wouldn't let CJ talk to Jon until he talked to Charlie first. Charlie told Sid what he did. He took a block of wood and set it on the slide bar and hit the wood block with the hammer. It finally budged. We got that booger out and Patrick slicked it up and regreased it. This particular slide doesn't move much. Only when you tune the horn, so We decided that it would be a good thing to clean and grease it a little more regularly.

Last week was crazy busy. Homecoming week which is always so much fun had us going in many different directions. Had a blast! Have really enjoyed seeing Patrick march with the high school band. They have gotten better and better every week. I am so proud of them.

I was remiss in my walking last week. Last night I walked while the P-man was at "I am Second". It really felt good. I meant to go again tonight, but it rained! Oh well, there's always tomorrow after church.

Went to First Baptist's judgment house Sunday night. I really thought it was good. There were 59 professions of faith Sunday night alone. I hope they were all sincere..... It was all worth it.

Tomorrow I am cooking chicken and dumplings, sweet and sour green beans, cornbread and caramel cake! Hope it turns out good. We have been so slow this week. I am supposed to mark the grocery list online through sams tomorrow. I've never done it, so this should be interesting. Betty said she would be in Salt Lake City tomorrow and would call me. wow.

Well, I must go for now. Poor sid is in the bed. Poor baby got up with me this morning and has been working steadily all day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

weird science

Today I am experimenting. My friend Pam's birthday is this Thursday and she like a lot of us are watching carbs! So...... I decided to try to make a sugar free peanut butter cheesecake. I used fat free philly cream cheese, smuckers all natural peanut butter, eggs, and truvia for sweetness. The batter wasn't as runny as my regular cheesecake, but the sugar tends to melt the cream cheese for some reason. I tasted the batter and it tasted pretty good. Not as sweet as a regular cheesecake, but then again, no sugar. It is in the oven now, so I hope that it will come out alright. If it works, I may branch out and try other flavors. Wish me luck!

AS soon as that cheesecake comes out of the oven, I am going for a walk. I have to be back by 7:00 because NCIS is coming on and it is the only show that I love. Oh, I guess I'd better cook something for supper, too! I came in from getting Patrick and cooked myself a couple of eggs. I was so hungry and I had to have something. I have ground chuck thawed, but Patrick ate a burger this afternoon for a snack. He hates meatloaf, so that's out. Maybe hamburger steak. Sounds pretty good to me. I still have lima beans and string beans in the fridge or I could bake them a potato. Jon is helping his friend Anthony by welding something for him. motor mounts?

Liz called and was hyper! She was on her way to work and had to tell me a little about their bachelorette weekend in NOLA. She said NOLA was very neat and there were lots of shops to go in and lots to see. Of course she did mention Pat O'Brien's, too! LOL I've never been there, but she seems to think that Sid and I would enjoy a weekend there sometime.

had to water my poor mustard greens this afternoon. I managed to get them up, but there has been absolutely no rain in weeks so I have been sprinkling them. I am ready to eat a mess of greens and sweet potatoes!

Beautiful day, loving the cooler temps. It was 34 this morning!

Monday, October 4, 2010

What a great weekend

It was a great weekend. Even though I had to work, it was great. the weather was cooler and we were prepared for Pilgrimage. Friday didn't go as smoothly as Saturday, but then again, Mary Courtney wasn't there due to a fever blister on her cornea. OOH, how painful that must be. She was able to come on Saturday and it was great. The only thing we ran out of was Taco soup. I thought 5 gallons would be enough, but next year, we must do 10! Our Bible verse for the weekend was 1 Peter 4:9, "offer hospitality to one another without grumbling"! Great verse!

Friday night the poor Tigers were just annihilated by Aberdeen. It was pitiful. The last home game before homecoming. Next week is Mooreville at Mooreville. The band has contest on Saturday 10/9 in Grenada. I am looking forward to watching them perform their most awesome halftime show. Hope they get a superior rating!

Have been walking as much as possible. Tonight the boys and I went a couple of miles. Jon ran 1 and walked 1. Patrick ran 2 and I walked 2. Poor Jon was pitiful! I thought we were going to have to go get the truck and come back for him!

I had the day off today. It was absolutely wonderful. I slept late, went to the grocery store and spent time with Sidney. Last sunday afternoon we went riding, just the 2 of us! fun.

Not much else new happening here, just same old grind. staying busy keeping up with Patrick's activities, church, work, and whatever.

Loving this fall weather. Looking forward to the weekend, Hoping for good cool weather to sit around the fire pit!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Had an absolutely wonderful day. Very productive day at work, great walk this evening, supper with my boys! The little one abandoned us and ate at the table with his friends. (3 beautiful young ladies!) You go, P-man!!! Walked for about an hour and then went back to watch the band practice. I am so proud of them. They are doing an outstanding job. Can't wait to see them tomorrow night in uniform doing their completed show. This will be the first home game in 2 weeks, so we will get to see them perform, instead of looking at their backs while they perform for the home side! They go to contest on 10/9, so they are in the process of perfecting their show. I am amazed at the progress that I have seen in just one week, and I thought they looked super last week. I sure hope that someone with a video camera films them at contest. I would love a dvd.

At work we are gearing up for the Carrollton pilgrimage next weekend. I am starting tomorrow, cooking up chicken, dicing it and freezing it to make it faster to make chicken salad next week. I am cooking up a bunch of turkeys, slicing them and measuring them out for sandwiches to save time. Going to put the cheese on them and freeze until we need them. Should save a lot of time. Will do the ham the same way. Betty is going back to Sam's tomorrow to finish getting what we need. We are going all disposable dinnerware for the weekend. Last year, we had to wash and rewash dishes to have enough to use, so we are getting smart! I guess last year we really didn't know what to expect, but hopefully we will be ready for the crowds that we are expecting! I guess ole Belinda will be working A LOT next weekend.

Re-read a great book this week; QBQ by John Miller. QBQ is the "question behind the question". What to really ask yourself to eliminate blame, procrastination and complaining. You should never ask, 'why', 'when', or 'who', but 'How' and 'What'? I read it before, but was falling back into the "victim mentality" so re-read it. Did you know that the only person that you can change, is you? I decided instead of taunting my enemy, I would be overly helpful. I would change me. I decided instead of asking, "when is _____ going to do ____________?" I would ask, What can Belinda do to help this situation? I'll probably have to read it again before long, but maybe I'm back on track. There is a great definition of "wisdom" in this book. Wisdom is What we learn, after we know it all. I love it! Did you know that procrastination is the friend of failure? Sometimes if we don't take care of the little things while they are still little, then they escalate into BIG things that maybe catastrophic. Great little book takes about an hour to read, and is an easy read.

Tomorrow is Friday! I am so excited! Home football game. The Tigers are 5-0 and are looking to be 6-0 after they face the Whippets of Kosciusko tomorrow night. I hope they will be 6-0 anyway. They are looking great this year. I am looking forward to seeing Patrick perform at halftime more than anything. It's a great day to be a Tiger! Well, must go to bed, big day tomorrow; lots to do and see. God is great and God is good! All the time.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a beautiful morning that the Lord has blessed us with today! Patrick and Sidney are at Brotherhood breakfast this morning. Mr. Lazy butt wouldn't get up and go. Elizabeth came home last night after work. Allen Reed has been working nonstop getting his beans in, so she hasn't seen much of him in a while! Poor baby has been really sick this week and then had to take the Praxis II yesterday. I sure hope and pray that she did alright. She said it was 6 hours long! I read my sunday school lesson this week and it was really a great one. We are studying the Psalms of ascent and this week was Psalm 124. How beautiful is it that when God is for us, then what can our enemies do to us? Consider what a situation would have been like if God had not been in our lives. Awesome to think and chew on. Have a great day and remember Jesus loves you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I believe that I have been to more weddings in the past 12 months that in the other 48 years of my life! Last September was Liz's best friend, Julie. Julie gets the award for the longest Baptist wedding in history and the best reception! Next was Chase and Ali, who are Jon's friends. He was one of the groomsmen in that wedding. Short and sweet! Didn't go to the reception. Jon said Chase spent the evening trying to hide beer from his granddaddy, so it wasn't very fun. Next came BJ and Meggie McKay. BJ was kind of like an adopted child that lived with us for a couple of years 10 years ago. Both boys were in the wedding. This was Patrick's first wedding to be in. It was pretty. Took place in the Emmanuel church in Winona. Very cute, formerly Episcopal church, but now mostly used for weddings. The Episcopalians have died out there, I guess. Reception at the Country club had the most food I had ever seen! Meggie's aunt did all the work and I just don't know how she did it-or where she stored it! They must have rented a refrigerated warehouse! The next one was Jessica Brewer and James Paul Bowlin's wedding in July. Jon also was in that one. He and James Paul had been friends since 4 year old kindergarten and they live in rock throwing distance from each other. Nice traditional wedding. Jon was paired with his beautiful girlfriend and it kinda brought a tear to my eye to see all the boys that I had known for so long all grown up and all DRESSED up! Nice reception, but nothing much legal for south beach, so I went home very hungry. You know there was not even a diet coke to be found? Yesterday we went to another wedding. Kaitlyn and Jonathan had been really good friends since fourth grade when he started to Winona Elementary. She was always such a sweet person, very genuine. Jon was not in this one, but we all went as a family and Kaitlyn was very pretty. I am trying to get used to all this country music played over a loudspeaker, but I really prefer live instruments at a wedding and traditional music. Church of Christ doesn't allow live instruments; don't really understand why, since the music played had some instruments in it! Didn't go to the reception. Decided to go eat supper instead. We rode to Inverness to eat at the Hometown restaurant. Mark was so funny. He came out to see us and told us that we didn't have to dress up just for him! We were a little overdressed for the Hometown, but it was fun nonetheless! We were able to enjoy outdoor dining last night. Up until now, it had been way to hot to try out Mark's new additions of a courtyard and screened porch. Jon was excited to show his sister his new truck which she liked! It was good to see her and she got to spend a good bit of time with us, since their crowd had not arrived yet. We even arrived home before nine, which is not usual for us even when we eat out locally on a Saturday night. We usually don't get started quite so early, though. I don't think we have any more weddings that we are obligated to attend for a while! I think that all of Jon's friends are married now! CJ and Adam won't be doing that any time in the near future, I don't believe. We don't know any of Liz's Cleveland friends and all of her Winona friends are married. Maybe Allen Reed will come around and ask Liz to marry him. Then we'll have another one! Three years of dating should be enough! it was for Sidney and me!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

men of character cont.

I posted recently about my father-in-law and what a great guy he was. Well, I was so fortunate in life to have a wonderful father of my own. My dad was great; when I was little he could fix anything from broken barbie dolls to bicycles! It was later that I learned that he was really only human! I remember telling a friend that "My daddy is superman!" My dad was a little older than most of my friends' fathers. He was 34 when I was born and I was the oldest! My dad lost his own dad at the age of 9. He was murdered. I'm sure this affected Daddy very much, although he never talked about it. He was raised by a single mother and their home burned to the ground when he was a young teen. You know what though? He rose above it. He joined the Navy after high school graduation. After he was discharged from the service, he hitchhiked back and forth to Hinds Jr. College in Raymond. He then transferred to Ole miss and received his BBA. He went to work for Lawrence Printing for several years, retiring with them. He left for a short time during the fifties to open a service station in Cleveland, MS. My Daddy was a Christian and loved Jesus with all his heart. I still miss our discussions. If I ever had a question regarding morality or scripture, he was always there with an answer. If we missed him, he was usually in his study reading his Bible. If you asked him what denomination he was, he would tell you that he was a Christian who belonged to the Baptist church. He believed that the Baptist beliefs were the closest to the New Testament Teachings. He didn't quite hold to the tee totaling beliefs of the Baptists, though. He loved a cold beer! He taught 10 year old boys Sunday school for years. When asked to teach an adult class, he told them that nothing you teach a child is wasted, but an adult's heart is already hard and his mind is already made up. I learned after his death that one year for Christmas he bought Christmas presents for a relative who couldn't afford gifts for their children. He didn't want the kids to not have gifts at Christmas. He never told us this. I found out another time that a man came to our church in Greenwood looking for a little help. Seems this man worked in the printing industry and had a run of bad luck and was trying to get back home to chicago. Imagine, asking the church for help! Seems like a logical choice, but apparently not. The janitor, who knew the type man my daddy was, told the man to walk up the street to Lawrence Printing and talk to Robert Knox; he would help him. Daddy bought the man a bus ticket back to Chicago and fed him a meal before he left. He never told us this either. My daddy was a humble man who did things for other people just because it was the right thing to do. He never bragged about it, nor even mentioned it. I'm sure that there are other things that I never knew and may never know that he did for folks, but that's ok. He didn't do it for us. He did it for Jesus! He loved us and mama with all his heart; he provided for us and sent us all to college. He was so sweet. The last words I heard him say was, I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you. He died the next morning. I was devastated. It took me a good 9 months or so to get through church without crying. Every hymn reminded me of him. The worst time was when a soloist sang "The Holy City". Suzy Haynes sang this at Daddy's funeral because it was his favorite song. When I heard it again so soon, it just melted me.

The Holy City. S. Adams

"Last night I lay a sleeping, there came a dream so fair, I stood in old Jerusalem beside the temple there. I heard the children singing and ever as they sang, Me thought the voice of Angels from Heav'n in answer rang: Me thought the voice of angles from Heav'n in answer rang.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Lift up your gates and sing, Hosanna, in the highest, Hosanna to your king.
and then me thought my dream was changed, streets no longer rang, Hush'd were the glad Hosannas the little children sang. the sun grew dark with mystery, the morn was cold and chill. As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill. As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, hark! how the angels sing. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your king.
And once again the scene was changed; new earth there seem'd to be. I saw the Holy City beside the tideless sea. The light of God was on it's streets, the gates were open wide, and all who would might enter and no one was denied. no need for moon or stars by night, or sun to shine by day. it was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away. it was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, sing for the night is o'er! Hosanna in the highest, hosanna for evermore, hosanna in the highest, hosanna for evermore!

Goodbye my sweet Daddy. I love you and miss you still!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy birthday to Jon

Well, I blinked my eyes and Jonathan turned 21. I remember going to the dr. on Tuesday and he told me that if I was not in labor by Thursday to come to the hospital and he would induce. (he had plans for the weekend and didn't want for me to have to put up with his horrible partner.) Well, I did wake up in labor but he broke my water anyway around 10:00. Jonathan Sidney Morrison arrived at 3:37 pm, during Oprah. Of course, by that time I wasn't paying much attention, if any, to Oprah. At 8 pounds 10.7 ounces, Jonathan was the largest of my three babies, but he was so skinny and had such a narrow head that he was by far the easiest to deliver. He was 21 1/2 inches long and had a 3 inch foot. I fell in love immediately! He was so sweet and quiet. Hmmm. That didn't last long. Elizabeth told me, "Mama, I like my little brother; when am I going to get my little sister?" ha ha.

I can't believe that it has been 21 years! He can, of course! He has been waiting on this particular birthday for a while now. I told him that once you hit the 20's, the birthdays really start flying! I mean, I was just 21! I really was!!! I got an engagement ring on my 21st birthday! I remember it well! It can't be that I have fast-forwarded all the way to 49. Horrors. Next march will be 50. Half century. Golden age. AARP canes and walkers!

Oh well time stands still for no man. I am fondly remembering the birth of my sweet Jon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Men of character

I was thinking this morning of what makes a man a man of good character. Is it Education? Is it money? Is is social status? I think not necessarily any of the above. I had a couple of men come to mind this morning as I was pondering what makes a man of noble character.

Sid's dad, Mr. John Taylor Morrison was one who came to mind. Was he an educated man? Nope. He dropped out of school before 8th grade to work on his father's farm. He was the youngest of 3 boys born July 20, 1920 to Albert Sidney and Mary Gertrude Powell Morrison. His mother died a few days after his birth due to complications of the birth. "Granddaddy" lived with his grandparents until he was about 6 years old and then came home to live with his father and older brothers. He was expected to get up and get the fire going in the morning and help with the chores before school. He told me one time that he remembered it being so hot that by the time it finally cooled off enough to go to sleep, it was time to get up. He joined the army when he was old enough and volunteered for a special mission. Anything to get him out of KP! What he didn't know is where they were going and what they were going to do. He was seasick from the time the boat hit the first swell in the pacific headed for Asia. He fought in the Pacific theater as one of Merrill's Mauraders in WWII. He met his bride at an army base in Georgia where she was working at the time. They were married April 4, 1947. After the war was over he came back and worked in various jobs, ending up working for what was at the time Mississippi Power and Light Company. When he retired, I believe he became busier than ever. He never failed to help someone who needed him. He grew enough vegetables in his garden to feed an army and shared with anyone who wanted them. He wired houses for people, including us, installed water heaters and helped his friends fix their equipment. He was a Christian and loved God more than anything. I believe this is the reason he was able to treat people the way that he did. This man would give you the shirt off his back. He never cared how he dressed, mostly wearing old faded MP&L uniforms until you could see through them. You would think that he was homeless by looking at him. He loved his family and especially his grand kids. Elizabeth was his pride and joy and he was one of the few people that she loved from birth! He is greatly missed. He died May 28, 2004, one year after Elizabeth graduated from high school. Was he rich? not by the world's standards, though he managed to earn a good living for his family. Was he educated? nope. Was he of high social status? Again by the world's standards, no. He probably would have been looked down upon in some circles. Was God pleased with him? I think so! I believe that Jesus looked at him as he entered Heaven and said "well done, good and faithful servant! When I was sick, you visited me; when I was hungry you gave me food and when I was in prison, you came to visit me. For what you have done to the least of these, my people, you have done to me." Sort of a gospel according to Belinda paraphrase, but fitting nonetheless!

We miss you, Granddaddy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary to us!

At 2:00 pm Saturday afternoon August 21, 1982, I became Mrs. John Sidney Morrison. Our Anniversary doesn't fall on a Saturday very often, but this year it did. I think it is kinda neat when it actually falls on the right day. Kinda like when my birthday falls on a Monday! That was the day I was born on many years ago. It's really hard to believe that I've been married for 28 years. It just doesn't seem like it. I guess if we can have a 25 year old daughter, then it's really possible! Time sure does fly when you're having fun. Most of the time it is fun. I won't lie and say it's always fun, but for the most part, yes, it is.
I love to remember back and see the little Indian guy at the holiday inn in Hattiesburg telling us, "you lucky, it got king size bed!""" I know my face was 40 shades of red! We stopped in Hattiesburg because we didn't want to drive all the way to Panama City beach on our wedding night. Unfortunately we didn't think about Camp Shelby and National Guard camp going on. All the hotels were full. We started to leave this Holiday inn after they told us that they were all full and a lady ran after us and told us that we could have their room. Something about not getting their military discount, so they were not staying. That's when the desk clerk made his announcement to the amusement of all the folks standing in the lobby! It was kinda embarrassing because I just knew all these people were looking at us and thinking, I know what they are up to tonight! Well, 28 years later we spent the night in our own bed with the sounds of gunfire going on in the den, with Patrick and Jeremiah playing modern warfare! I wonder if they were thinking like the folks in the lobby? "we know what you old folks are doing in there with the door shut! you are sleeping"! Because parents don't have sex! Nah, they were probably not thinking about us at all, too busy killing enemy soldiers! Probably too much information, huh? oh well! We're married, so we have the right! LOL!

I got to see my baby march in the high school band Friday night. He looked so cute out there just blowing his trumpet. I thought that they sounded pretty good, too! I heard a few clunkers, but given the fact that a lot of kids had quit the band after last year and there were a lot of freshmen in there, they did alright. I know that they will just get better with time. I look forward to watching them add to their halftime show every week as they learn new stuff. Patrick even admitted that playing at the football game was pretty fun. Patrick said they are working on "Oye como va" right now, and that it was very hard and he didn't think that they could do it! He said they were also working on "Tusk". I told him if it was good enough for the USC Trojan marching band, it was good enough for the "Pride of Winona!" ha. I have a new respect for their new band director! Patrick said that they prayed before going out on the field Friday night and they stayed and played until everyone left the stands. If I had known that they would keep on playing, I would have sat there and listened. He said they played "Sweet sweet spirit" for their very last number. I was very impressed. (There's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know that it's the spirit of the Lord. There are sweet expressions on each face and I know that it's the presence of the Lord. Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly dove, Stay right here with us, filling us with your love. And for these blessings, We lift our hearts in praise. Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived when we shall leave this place.)

I think he will really start to like band this year; they are doing more fun stuff and the new director refuses to yell at them. He still won't practice his horn at home, but maybe that will change!


Jimmy has fleas. Jimmy has never had fleas, but Jimmy has fleas now. Poor baby-He is scratching and whining and is miserable. I sprayed him, put more flea stuff on his back and sprayed the back yard. I sure hope he feels better soon. He acts like his ears are hurting, too. I guess I need to take him to see good old Dr. Bailey and let him check him out. Only, Jimmy hates Dr. Bailey and will try to bite him! I am wondering if this extremely hot dry weather is causing us to have fleas. UGggh.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


You know my frustrations and my fears, you know I want to try to fix things. Help me to give it to you, and forget trying to fix things all the time. I know that you are much better at fixing things and your fixes are best. I am glad that you know exactly what I am talking about and are working it out as I speak. I love you.. AMEN

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have 340 friends. That is according to facebook! Do I really know 340 people? I know of most of them. Occasionally I will add a person whom I don't really know if they are a friend of a friend. Do I really know them? I would have to say no. We go through life with lots of acquaintances, but few true friends. A true friend doesn't care if your house is a mess! A true friend doesn't care if you live in a trailer or a mansion. A true friend loves you enough to tell you the truth. A true friend cries with you. A true friend will care enough to call because they think something is not right. They can come over anytime, day or night and it will be ok. I can not see one of my dear old friends for months or even years and when we do get together, it is like we just take up where we left off! I have another sweet friend who will pray for you if she knows to. If she tells you she is praying for you, she definitely is. She and Jesus have the sweetest friendship! She loves my family like her own, and I hers. I think that if you live your life and can say that you have a handful of real friends, you are blessed.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goodbye, Shelley.

A friend of mine died early this morning. We were not best friends, but I still considered her a friend. Her son just graduated from high school in May and she owned a local restaurant. She and her family were members of our church. I have been thinking about how fragile life is and how none of us is promised tomorrow. Her son just returned from army training 2 days ago. I will just bet that he didn't realize that he would only have those 2 days with his mother. Her daughter just gave birth to her 3rd child on Thursday. I'll bet she didn't think that her baby would grow up not knowing her maternal grandmother. Shelley wasn't very old, not as old as I anyway. She should have had many more years to play with grandkids and watch her son finish college, get married and have a family of his own. I know one thing, though; she knew Jesus and she is with Him right now. Her family will see her again when it is their time to go. My heart goes out to them, though for how much we want our loved ones here with us. I still miss my folks, but I wouldn't want them to come back here and trade what they have in Heaven for this temporary life. Right now, I know that Shelley is the lucky one. Her sweet family is who needs our prayers for comfort.

If I knew today was my last day on earth, how would I live it? Would I gather my family close and have fun, or sit around and cry? Would my loved ones have regrets? Did I tell them enough that I loved them? More importantly, did I show them enough how much that I loved them? Did my life make a difference for eternity? Did I miss an opportunity to help someone who needed me? My boys aren't home right now. Will they come back? Same thing with Elizabeth; will I see her again? Did we leave each other on good terms? Right now, I can say yes. I saw her yesterday and I gave her a hug upon leaving. I think that I will send her a text and tell her I love her. Boy, she will think that I am losing it for sure! I really have no doubts when it comes to my boys. Both of them are so loving to me. Even Patrick, the shy one is not ashamed to tell me that he loves me-even in front of his friends. I know these aren't my normal thoughts. I guess we don't really think of our mortality until it hits home. Tell your loved ones over and over that you love them. You can't make them love you more, but you can do your part. Pray for them every day. You can't spend your life worrying if you will ever see them again, for only the Father knows that. Just live your life every day as if it could be your last.

Lord, please be with Andy, Nick, Larissa, and Amber and their families. I know that Shelley's untimely death will be so hard on each of them. I know that only with your love and comfort will they get through these next hard days. Guide them in the decisions that they will have to make and give them the strength to do the hard things. Surround them with your love and with loving friends to help carry this burden. I am so glad to know that Shelley is in your arms right now and she is not in any pain. Thank you for wiping away her tears. Show me what you would have me to do to help this family in their time of sorrow. In Jesus' precious name I ask this. amen.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Hot,-- way too hot!

Yes it is hot. It is August. It is Mississippi. It is hot. I thought the other day; I know why there are more churches in the Bible Belt-We already know what Hell feels like and really don't want to experience it for eternity! I think that I came up with that on my own. woo hoo!

I am really not liking being fat. I really am not liking the south beach. I really am tired of working at this. Okay, I am not as fat as I was last summer, which is a good thing. My knees are truly thanking me. My clothes are smaller-by 6 sizes-another good thing. It's just that I have lost hundreds of pounds over the years and I am so afraid that I will revert to my bad habits. I want fried okra. I want tortilla chips and queso dip. I want a bacon and tomato sandwich on nasty old white bunny bread! I was so disappointed last night when I stepped on the scales and after 2 awful weeks on phase one of the south beach only 3 pounds gone. I guess I should be thankful that they were gone. Lord help me not to give up and revert to my bad habits. Help me to realize that food is fuel and I should eat to live-not live to eat.

Really enjoyed "The Book of Eli". Finally got to finish it yesterday afternoon and it was really good. you gotta watch to the end, though.

I really had some deep thoughts to write down, but they have left me. Perhaps I am not in the pensive mood that I was in earlier.

A sweet friend asked me recently why Sid and I seemed so happy. I have really been thinking on that. Are other couples not happy? I am not sure. I know that when I agreed to marry Sid I really meant my vows. I promised to always love him and never forsake him. I still mean them. I think when you give someone your promise, it should mean something. Til death do us part doesn't mean, "til I find someone better". There have been studies done on different reasons why marriages last. Commitment. hmmm. Big word, means a lot. Both have to be truly committed. Not living together before getting married was another. Marriages have a much higher risk of failing when a couple lives together as husband and wife without being married. It breaks my heart to see young couples "trying each other out" to see if they can live together. It is not the same when there is no commitment to stay. Sex before marriage was another reason marriages fail. hmmm. Sex was a gift God gave to married couples. I know that I am old fashioned and outdated, but God's word is still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and he knows what is best for us. He knows that a sexual relationship carries tremendous emotional attachment and should not be taken lightly. Is our marriage perfect. HA HA! Absolutely not. why? because we are 2 imperfect people! Do we argue? Oh yeah! I guess it would be very boring if we agreed on everything. It is only through compromise that we learn not to be selfish. I can finish his sentences and he can sometimes finish mine. Through the years we have learned each other pretty well. He is a wonderful man and a great father. I have never heard him utter a curse word and he is not a womanizer, smoker, nor drunkard. He puts up with my moods, which nominates him for sainthood. I trust him wholeheartedly. He loves God more than he loves me, which is the only way that a relationship will survive. Jesus has to be the most important thing, for if one doesn't know the unselfish love of our savior, how can one learn to truly love another person? I believe he loves his wife as Christ loves his Church. I guess those are some of the reasons why we are happy. We are content with our circumstances and with each other. We find time (not often enough) to have date nights! I treasure our mini "honeymoon" trips that we started doing when Liz was about 7th grade. I guess that has been about 12 years now. We haven't made a trip every year since then, but we try to! On our 25th anniversary I surprised him with a weekend at the Alluvian. Even though it was only in Greenwood 20 miles away, we had a great weekend. My sister sent champagne and we ate at Lusco's for the first time ever. We exchanged silver bands and privately ;) renewed our vows for at least another 25 years! Great memories. Last year we went to Natchez and stayed in the historic Eola hotel and walked everywhere. Saw some really pretty old buildings and ate some pretty great food, too. It was so much fun-no kids, just us! Loved the tour of the Old South winery there! Yummy! Muscadine wine is my favorite! The sunsets over the Mississippi River were breathtaking. One year we went to Vicksburg. I really enjoy the historic places! I have been trying to come up with somewhere to go this year. It has to be close! Our anniversary will be on a Saturday, the actual day we were married 28 years ago on August 21! Too bad we don't have any of that awful dry cake left to celebrate with!

I must go and feed myself and my "little P-man". I love that little guy so much. He has been such a blessing to me! I don't want him to grow up and he is doing just that anyway!

SO many words for someone who couldn't find any words earlier! until later.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where has the time gone? Does it seem that everything is going in fast-forward these days or what? Couldn't believe I haven't written in almost a month. Patrick starts back to school next Thursday, August 5. He has been at school at least 3 times a week since school let out last May. He has had weight lifting 3 days a week all summer, plus summer ball, and last week was band camp all week from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. He seemed to think that band camp went well. I am glad. I hope that the new band directors can boost their spirit. Lord knows they need it.

Jon has been to New Orleans for the AWS CWI seminar and exam. We are still praying for good results from it. He said it was the hardest thing that he had ever done in his life. He did put out a tremendous effort toward passing it, and I sure hope that he did. It will be so wonderful for him to have that certification and responsibility. It was nice to see that he will work hard for something that he wants that badly.

We managed to get in a last minute trip to Florida and it was so much fun. Seafood, sand, beautiful water, bicycles, ice cream.. you know, all the things that spell summer fun! It was nice to get away. Sid is off this week and working on QEIII's car. I think that he found the oil leak at last! Now...Mama's a/c compressor seems to be on it's last leg, so let's get proactive now, ya hear! Mama don't like to be hot! You know the old saying, "when mama's not happy, nobody's happy!"

Went to James Paul's wedding. Very nice, very pretty. It's just so hard to believe that one of Jon's oldest friends is married. He has married off 4 friends so far this year. Yesterday we got an invitation to Kaitlyn Carson's wedding. Sweet sweet girl. She and Jon have been friends since 4th grade. Never a gf/bf relationship, just really good friends! I am glad to see her so happy. Have never been to a wedding in a Church of Christ. They don't believe in instrumental music, so it should be "different"~! Sidney's cousin belonged to the Church of Christ, but they were married somewhere different. It's been a few years and a few husbands ago, so hard to remember!

Have been enjoying getting to know Julia Mounger! I think she might just straighten Jonathan Sidney Morrison out,( if the damage that I have done to him is not irrepairable! ) She has been down from Missouri visiting her Mississippi family for the past couple of weeks and participating in her sister's wedding. So beautiful! I think she and Jon looked extremely great together. what do you think?

I have 2 sock monkeys to make and can't get motivated to do it. I feel like I am dragging around 50 pound weights on my ankles. May be the diet..... NO CARBS=NO ENERGY!
Tons of laundry to do, always something to clean up. No help...go figure. Ok, I guess enough venting. won't do any good anyway. ;) I guess I am off to see what I can get into. Until later....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

At first Patrick said he wanted to go to the world series, or at least he said he'd do whatever the others wanted to do. After I had told them we'd go, he changed his mind and said he'd pitch a fit if I made him go. Well, I would sure hate to see that. ha ha. To tell the truth, a week in Bentonville AR was not on my list of favorite things to do, but I was willing to go for the boys. Patrick never missed a practice, never missed a single game, always paid his part, and guess who always got to sit on the bench? To top that off, the coach added 2 extra players to go to the state with. We didn't set any records with them, either. They say they have figured out a way to make the sitting out more equitable, but they said that before and it was better for a while, then back to business as usual. I guess the poor fellow felt kinda like a second class ball player. It's been like that since the 3rd grade when he made all-stars for the first time. Truthfully, I am a little happy for the break. We have decided to join my family in Florida during that week and are really looking forward to doing something different for a week!

We put our sweet Jon on a plane yesterday. He loved it. Heard from him this morning and they were on the way to the zoo in St. Louis. I hope he has a great time! Patrick said, "I'm gonna fly, too." I said,"sure sometime you need to go somewhere to fly, too." He said, "I'm going to fly the plane!" Hmm... I think he'd be a great pilot!

Canned 7 qts. of tomatoes this morning. Hung out clothes on the line. Love the smell of sheets dried in the sun! No plans this weekend, which is very nice for a change. I have absolutely nothing that I have to do! Not even having Sunday school tomorrow, just the 4th of July community worship service at the Tabernacle. We never go. I will miss not being in church on Sunday, though. Might have to go anyway.

made a key lime pie today. patrick made a request! He requests so little that when he does want something special, I try to do it for him.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I had been wanting to get rid of the ugly light fixture over the dining room table for a while now, but just hadn't found one I liked. Well, while wasting time at the Lowe's in New Albany waiting for a ball game to start, I found one that I really liked and bought it. Monday night I decided I would install it. I had installed fans before, so I figured it was about the same. I just had not installed anything on a tall vaulted ceiling! I had my P-man stand on the dining room table and "un-install" the other one while I put the new one together. Can you believe it? I guess they don't want to pay someone to put a light fixture together, so I have to do it for them. It took all 3 of us, (Jon, too!) but we got it hung and working. Looks pretty nice! Surprised Mr. Sidney when he came home from work! Today I installed a new water valve in the toilet. Isn't my life exciting? While I was in there, I saw way too much dirt in the corners so I got down on my knees and cloroxed the floor, the toilet, the shower and the sink. Stinks to high Heaven now, but it is clean!

I have been oh so busy this week. I haven't finished my "to-do" list all week. OOPS! I didn't get around to slicing up the ham today. I know that they probably needed it. I didn't get my cheese straws made either. I made a quadruple batch of chicken salad, broccoli salad and fruit salad that Sugar Mullins ordered for a "going-away" lunch for Debbie McClain who works in the chancery clerk's office. 2 batches of bread, one white and one wheat, cherry cobbler, black beans and yellow rice, cooked breakfast for a couple of people and heated up biscuits to go for 2 more. cooked 2 turkeys, took Patrick to weight lifting, went back and got him, went to Mexico for lunch and came home to work here. I'm tired. Tomorrow we are feeding a group that is in town for a funeral. I am making chicken spaghetti for them. I will also have our Baptist men for breakfast, and have to do the lunch special for the shop, which is taco salad on Thursdays. The girls started to freak and get that "deer-in-the-headlights" look, so I quickly said, Look, since we are having a huge group, I will stay late on Thursday! That relieved them immensely, (until they have to split their tips with me!!!!!) I couldn't have finished it with out Julia today. She came in at 9:00, which I know is a great sacrifice for an 18 year old to get up before noon on her summer vacation! She chopped 2 huge bags of broccoli florets, and 6 bunches of green onions for the broccoli salad and de-boned and chopped the chicken that I had boiled for chicken salad. Dayna came in at 10:30 and started washing up the dishes that we had messed up this morning. I believe that we messed up every bowl in the shop. I know I need more BIG bowls! The best one that I have actually belongs to me personally. I brought it to work, because I rarely use it at home and when I need it, I just bring it home with me. Betty has looked for another one like it, but can't find one as big. Julia passed her food safety test, so now I can leave the girls at lunch when Betty isn't around. YEA!!! One person on duty must be serve-safe certified and that person was me or Betty. Tammy is certified, but out with back problems and can only sit. The only thing about leaving them there to work together is that when you have teenage girls, you can have major drama! I will hear about it later, I'm sure! Oh well, makes for an interesting day.

I must go finish I guess. I don't know why, it'll only get dirty again!!! I kinda rather go to my sewing room and make a monkey! Yeah, I think I will do that, the dirt can wait!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Well Tomorrow starts the state championship USSSA tournament for the under 14 AA's in New Albany, MS. The boys had a practice this afternoon and hopefully will be ready to roll tomorrow! I hope so.

The summer Tigers finished up summer league play yesterday at the team camp in Grenada. They played 2 games. One against South Panola and the other against Grenada. Patrick got to play in the second game and got an out! He didn't strike out, but didn't get on base either. Oh, well, maybe next time.

The garden is producing pretty well this year so far. It has been so very dry, but I have installed 2 sprinklers in the garden, so it is keeping it going fairly well. I got a 4 hour "rain" in the garden this afternoon! I have put up 25.5 qts. of beans so far. We just picked our first red tomatoes yesterday and had tomato sandwiches. Very good. I fried some okra yesterday at lunch, along with fresh green beans, corn, cucumbers and cornbread! love some summer time veggies!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another weekend at the ballpark. Lost the championship by 1 run. What a heart-breaker. Patrick says they aren't playing next weekend. He wasn't playing anyway because they were supposed to play in New Albany and he and Jon are going to be in Meggie and BJ's wedding next Saturday night. BJ lived with us 11 years ago when his mother kicked him out of the house because her husband didn't like him. He was a senior in high school and Lived here with us for about 2 years. Patrick was only 3 when he moved in with us. The boys loved him like a brother and He asked them both to be in his wedding. I thought it was very sweet. Patrick's first wedding! I'll have to get a picture of both my boy children dressed in their monkey suits! I'm sure they will be very handsome!

We went to "Mexico" after the ball game tonight. It was so very very good! I never tire of eating at El Cabrito. Hunter came along with us. When we got there, there were 3 more "gators" eating as well.

Last week work was kinda easy. I had no trouble keeping up with food demand. We tried a little something new last Wednesday. We made chicken Parmesan and Italian squash pie with fresh blackberry cobbler. YUM. Betty will be back one day this week- Wednesday and then be gone again for another long stretch. She is going to Milan so I need to get her the Italian phrase book that I've been in possession since January!

Elizabeth went with me last Monday to watch the Tigers play against Bayou Academy at Delta State. It was neat! Everybody got to play. Patrick played left field in the second game and got a hit. Dark brought out the mosquitoes. I guess I have lived in the hills so long, I had forgotten how big delta mosquitoes are! I told Liz that I had seen hummingbirds that weren't as large as these mosquitoes! It was fun.

Patrick has had a good time this week spending time at Hunter's house and hanging out with him after weightlifting. They went swimming a couple of days. Fun times.

It was so hot today. I know it had to have hit 100. The behind the plate umpire fell out! We had to give him a break and let the umps swap places and cool off.

It is 11:00. I guess I'll get ready to go to bed. I'm sure to have reflux if I don't go right now and take some acid reducer. It really sucks getting old!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a great weekend!

This weekend has been so very nice. We spent all day Saturday watching Patrick play baseball, which was very nice (for me, anyway). Sunday we went to Sunday school and church and then ate a sandwich and got the boat ready to go skiing. Elizabeth came home and even behaved herself pretty well. We all skied. YES, EVEN ME~! I got up the first time on one ski. It was so fun, I couldn't believe that I got up the first time, being that it has been several years. I guess, too, that losing a few pounds really helped a lot. Jon had plans afterwards, so it was just Liz, Patrick, Sid and I! Sid grilled out some burgers and it dawned on me that even though the next day was Monday, I WAS OFF! what a great feeling! We cooked out some ribs and pork chops, made baked beans, cooked cabbage and homemade strawberry ice cream. Really did enjoy it. Liz left around 1:00 to meet her fella. Sid and I cleaned out Jon's home away from home and got it looking good. I guess 2 years in cramped quarters didn't hurt Jon too much. He didn't even damage the camper too much. It cleaned up pretty well.

It hurt going to work this morning. Not literally, though I was a little sore from the little bit of waterskiing that I did Sunday afternoon. I just didn't want to get up and go cook this morning. Tomorrow will be very busy, I'm sure. A local supervisor is on trial. Court house should be full. I guess that I will get up and go in very early, then leave to take Patrick to weight lifting at 8:00, than come back to work. Hopefully Sidney can wake up and go get him around nine. I was very tired this afternoon. I had to take a little nap, but now am feeling much better.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Where have the last 2 weeks gone? Lets see, school has been out for Patrick since the 14th. We attended WHS's graduation on the 21st to see our "honorary son" Jeremiah Burns graduate. Patrick has been working out in the weight room since school has been out. Jon graduated with honors from EMCC. Jon started to work at Anel on the 17th as the welding instructor. He loves his job, but has been a little hard on him since he has been used to staying up really late and sleeping late most mornings. I think that he only had one 8:00 class this semester. Of course stupidity has made it a little hard on him as well. He had an injured butt and foot the first week. This week he has an injured knee that looks horrible and has fever.

Elizabeth came home today and we went water skiing this afternoon after church. Jon and CJ came out with the jet ski, but it quit in the middle of the lake. We did a little taxi service and got him in to the dock. they both did a little skiing with us. I skied for the first time in years-got up the first time. sure glad that I have dropped a load of weight since last summer. Patrick has helped me by making me lift weights, too. We all skied and had a great time. Jon left after we got home to visit with friends and Sidney cooked hamburgers for us for supper. Really good.

I am so glad that I am off work tomorrow. Sid is off, too, so we can just be lazy and think about our veterans. I am missing one very special veteran myself. Daddy has been gone almost 13 years now. Sid's dad has been gone 6 years. Thanks guys for your service and sacrifice. Love you very very much. Miss you bunches. I will cook some ribs in your honor...

Friday, May 14, 2010

What a week. I have put in a record 40 hours at Miss Sippy's this week. We have been so busy, and also shorthanded. I am more than ready for the weekend. Gator baseball tomorrow at noon. Hopefully we can play this tournament without any problems.

Picked up my baby after school today for the last time as a junior high student. He doesn't have to go next week because he is exempt from all his final exams. Time has really flown since he got started in school. We debated sending him to preschool because I was at home and didn't know just how much he'd learn anyway at K4. He told us that he had to go to school because he had to learn. WE both looked kinda dumbfounded and said, well alright then! We sent him to the Presbyterian kindergarten here in Carrollton because Elizabeth and Jonathan both went there. It was a good little kindergarten. It is closed now. He loved kindergarten and loved going most days. It was funny, though, one night he told us that he wasn't going to school tomorrow. I just kinda brushed him off. The next morning I got everyone up and dressed. Took the big ones to Winona, came back to Carrollton to drop off Patrick and walked him to the door as always. Well, he said, remember, I told you I wasn't going to school today. I tried to leave him and he pitched a snotslinger of a fit! Miss Judy (Bankston), the director told me later that he stayed mad for a while and she'd never seen that side of Patrick! Still to this day don't know his reasoning behind that little episode. the next year was K5 and we switched him to Winona Elementary. He had the teacher that to this day is his favorite teacher of all time. Mrs. Susie Austin. Susie was fun! She had a playhouse in her classroom built like a little loft with a slide. The kids loved to play in it on rainy days. Patrick has always loved animals and Mrs. Austin had 2 parrots, Taco and Buddy. They also had bunnies and turtles and other animals in the classroom. First grade was Mrs. Lester, second, Mrs. Bourne, third, Mrs. Forsythe. The end of year awards programs for the little elementary students were always held in the pod. Each teacher gave her own awards for her classroom. Patrick usually brought most of them home. Fourth, fifth and sixth grades were a little different. They started switching classes and this changed things up a bit. There was a little competition for those end of the year awards. Each teacher only gave 1! He still brought some home! One year he got the award for the second highest average in the whole grade! He still is in the top 4! He could be number one, but doesn't want to put out that much effort. He started band in the sixth grade. Loved his band director, Miss Dee Dee Pitts. Miss Pitts was a big kid herself! She had pet names for many of her students and really made band fun. Patrick was "Mater"! Patrick started playing the trumpet. He loved it while Miss Pitts was there. He even moved up to a "silver trumpet"! Seventh grade moves him to the secondary school, which houses grades 7 through 12. He liked being at the big school, says he has a little more freedom. Wow, no more reprimands for "reckless swinging", leaning up against the building during recess, or coming in from recess with his shirt half out! No more recess. :(! Eight grade was good, except for the band thing. Miss Pitts got a better job at a school on the coast and in comes Miss Tullos. Not good. Nuff said. While in 8th grade, he played jr. high football, which he wasn't really interested in, but it got him into a weightlifting class instead of accelerated reading. The weights really helped him this year for baseball and he was able to make the jr high team this year. He didn't make it in 7th grade and was really upset about it. He still plays tournament ball on the weekends, their team is planning on going to Arkansas in July to play in the USSSA world series. This year he got the American legion award which really made me proud. It is a citizenship award, the criteria being: Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship, and Service. It is given by the local American Legion Post.
Right now he is passed out on the couch-resting up after a big week. They finished state testing yesterday and today was exam review day. I don't know if I can get him up to go walking or not!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I had a really nice Mother's day weekend. Between ballgames on Saturday I transplanted oleander and my flowering pomegranate bush that had been rooting in the keg for 2 years. When I pulled it up, half the dirt in the keg came with it! I tried to cut grass, but of course we can't have anything that actually works when you turn the key. Somebody left the gas on and flooded it, so we had to take out the spark plug and change the oil because it was full of gas, then we had to charge the battery before it would even crank. Sid did cut it after he got back from Starkville with Jon's camper. It was time to move it home, since he is out of school now. Anyway sprayed a little round up around the fences and flower beds and the electric fence around the garden. I sure hope that the electric fence works this year. I did it just like the man at High Grade told me. Knee level. Our ball game that evening was delayed until almost 10:00 and we didn't get home until very late. I, for once, did not set my Sunday alarm and as a result overslept and missed Sunday school. Once a year ought to be alright. WE took our time getting moving Sunday morning as we had a ball game at 12:30. won that game, but were disqualified for letting Jake pitch 1/3 of an inning too much. So sad. So, we went to El Cabrito for supper, all 5 of us! Liz even spent the night and stayed all day monday. She and Jon came by Miss Sippy's for lunch and then sent Jon off to Margaret's house! He made it, even though he just knew that he would get lost. Margaret called me tonight to tell me how much they enjoyed visiting with Jon. I know that he is enjoying them too. She told me that Jon is going to Knox's scrimmage game in Gulf Shores Thursday night. That is good, because he is going to Gulf Shores Thursday anyway! This time to start his vacation with his friends. I pray they will have nice weather and great attitudes!
I got my mother's day present in by UPS today! The kids got me some reebok runtones, in guess what color????? YES, PURPLE! and black! Love them. They feel so good.
Tomorrow night is GA recognition night at church. The little darlings will get their badges and show their parents what they have learned this year in GA. YES! School's out for the summer!!!! ha ha ha
Patrick is exempt, so he will get out this coming Friday. I think that this is the earliest that he has ever gotten out of school. They are graduating a week earlier than usual, too. They usually don't graduate until the Friday before Memorial day, but this year it is on the 21st.

My mama will have been gone 13 years on May 22 and Daddy on July 23. Almost 2 months to the day apart. I do miss them..... :( Sigh.......

I found out today that an old friend has breast cancer. I hate cancer. later.....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I can't stop tonight without bragging on the other son. Patrick has always done well in school, always won many awards, gifted classes, Beta Club, you name it. He learns extremely fast and forgets nothing. He is very quiet to those who don't know him. Sometimes he is quiet to those of us who know him extremely well! A deep thinker. I got a call tonight (recorded message) from the principal of his school inviting me to awards day this Friday at 9:00 am. I then text messaged my boss and told her that I would be attending. She replied, "k". I told her from the start that my family is first and this job would not stop me from attending any important function that happened to occur during my regular work hours. She understands. I am glad,because I like what I do, but I can be happy at home, too! I was very happy at home for 17 years! anyway, I am proud of the P-man tonight!

I wish Liz would tell me something, but I never hear from her unless she wants for me to help her with something. I'd brag on her, too! I know that she has worked extremely hard this year and has slept little, fighting deadlines and trying to schedule working, observing the classroom and attending classes. she has done it on her own, with no financial help from us, so there I am very proud of the independent young lady she is becoming. I am very proud of her, too.

I love my kids!

My oldest son finished another semester of college this week. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to go to kindergarten, He didn't want to go to first grade, nor fifth grade. He just plain didn't want to go to school. I wonder sometimes if we had just left him alone, would he still be under the sycamore tree in the back yard pushing the big yellow tonka dump truck through the sand? It's funny how things work out. Coincidences? I think not. One thing we have stressed throughout his young life is to trust God with everything. He always works things out for the best even though we might not see it for a while, or maybe never in this lifetime. I know he has prayed for direction in his life and God has pushed in this direction. How do I know it's God? Well, I didn't think that he'd be able to pass the state tests required for high school graduation, particularly algebra. He has always hated math and always has done poorly. God put in his path a wonderful dedicated teacher, Pam Burns. Pam kept Jonathan after school every day of his junior year to help him. She tutored on Tuesdays and Thursdays for anyone, (and gave extra points on those days!) but she worked strictly with Jonathan on the other 3 days. I know some days he hated her and hated math and hated not being able to come home at 3:00. Well that April came and with it the state algebra test. I had been praying for him all year, and so had Pam. the time had come. I begged God to help him and just really didn't think he'd be able to do it. Well, I was driving on 82 towards Winona one afternoon worrying and fretting over that boy and a voice spoke to me, not audibly, but very real just the same. It said, "You are assuming he will fail." I got chills, because I knew at that moment God was chiding my unbelief. I told him that I was so sorry, that I knew that he was bigger than I was giving him credit for, and from that moment on, I didn't worry about that test. Fast forward to August, just before his senior year. Pam called me from the school. The teachers had already gone back and the students would be returning in a few days. She said, "I'm not supposed to tell you, but...not only did he pass the state algebra test, he scored proficient." Is God not awesome, or what????? proficient is just under advanced! This child showed a remarkable talent for welding as a young teenager. When he was able to take vocational classes at school in the tenth grade, he signed up for metal trades. He excelled in it! They asked him to represent the school at the skills USA competition that spring. He did not do very well. He didn't pack the right stuff and left some stuff out of his tool box and when they got to the competition, the welders were not at all what he was used to. they were ancient crackerboxes. He didn't give up, but took the second year class as a junior. Again he was asked to go to the skills USA competition and took first place in the district. The competition was held this time at Mississippi Delta Community College instead of Greenwood high school and the equipment was much more advanced, like what he was used to at Winona High. Of course, he was more mature and prepared better and knew what to expect. As a result of his first place finish, he was awarded a medal and a scholarship to study at MDCC. His metal trades teacher wanted him to train for the state competition with the welding instructor at Anel Engineering there in Winona. He worked with Ben Lewis for several weeks preparing for state. Ben recognized his talent and asked him if he wanted a job. Of course he jumped on it! He started off making twice what his buddies at the grocery store were making and doing something he loved. He worked after school from 3:30 to about 7:30 and they were very understanding concerning his school work. If for some reason he needed to miss, there was no problem. No one checked on this, but they think that he might have been the youngest welder in the state at 17! He continued to work through the summer and after school his senior year when Maury Hull approached him with a proposition. He wanted Jon to further his education. Jon just figured he would go to work after graduation so he was not too sure about this. He had the scholarship to MDCC, But Maury wanted him to go to East Mississippi Community college. East apparently was recognized as one of the top welding schools in the southeast, maybe they whole United states. They were the only community college who offered an associates degree in Welding and fabrication technology. MDCC only offered a certificate. Maury told Jon that MDCC couldn't teach him anything, he was more advanced than that. Maury told Jon that Anel wanted to help him with his education and pay for it. Jon and I went to see the school and talk to Mr. Gary Gammill, the instructor and his advisor. Jon immediately liked Mr. Gammill. Mr. Gammill pushed Jon to do things he didn't really want to do, like finish related studies and take the tests so he could get a diploma. He let Jon work for him after school building trailers to make extra money. Jon still worked some at Anel on Fridays before they cut production. After a while, he wasn't able to get many hours in at Anel, but Maury kept in touch to let him know that they were still there. All this time, Jon was praying for direction and he told me one day that I guess I'm supposed to be a welder, cause too many doors are opening up. I told him maybe for now, but maybe it is just a stepping stone to something bigger and better that he couldn't imagine just yet. Well, my sweet boy is starting to work there in a few weeks as the welding instructor for the Komatsu tank line. He will welding, too. He still is not too sure about the job, since he wasn't crazy about the starting salary. A plus, though is that they will pay for him to get his CWI certification, CWI being certified welding inspector. That is something that he can take with him regardless of where he works. Another test for me to fret over? I think that I am through fretting, or does a mother ever completely stop? I am trusting God to handle it because he is much better than I at working out things for the good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Don't think that I won't be praying for him, though! That I will never stop doing for sure. I am so proud of this boy. He has accomplished so much that I never thought that he would do. Now he is feeling a little sad that it has come to a close. Maybe not...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where has the week gone? It has been a gorgeous week. Sunny and cool. love it! Patrick and I walked 2 miles tonight around Carrollton. I really prefer walking on the asphalt to gravel. He actually ran the last mile. I couldn't run a mile, if I were being chased by a rattlesnake, but I did mix a little running in with the walking. Fun. He took me riding on the backroads in the old chevy. He sure loves that truck. When we got home he went straight to the shop and started sanding on it. Told me he had no homework, so we watched csi tonight. He took the state algebra test yesterday and said it wasn't too bad. I guess we'll find out in august how he did. I'm not really worried about him! Since he's in the 8th grade, he'll still have to take the Mississippi Curriculum test next week. They have a band concert this Sunday afternoon. He says it won't be pretty. It was very nice last year, but there has been a change in directors and none of the jr. high kids care for this person. She is mean to them and belittles them. Very disappointing.
Jon has 2 tests on Tuesday and will then be finished. We'll have to get his power cut off and Sid wants to get his service off the pole, since we bought it and he put it up. I think there is a $300 deposit involved as well. I believe Jon will miss Mr. Bolin. He was very good to Jon. I know that Mr. Bolin's grandson will miss him as well. JOn said that Cody would just come over and want to talk. He probably needed a male role model. I think that he told me that Cody is about 12 or 13.
It has been a very tiring week for me. My legs have really hurt me. I had to work 3 days all day and I'm kinda used to coming home early wed-fri. I had to lie down yesterday afternoon and rest. That helped a little. It hurts to stand up for 8 hours straight without a break. I guess I'm getting old. Isn't that what old people do, gripe about their aches and pains?

I have to plan what I am going to cook for Sunday. This Sunday is Sr. Sunday at our church. We honor the high school seniors with a lunch and a Bible. I'm thinking potato casserole and lemon pie. Strawberry pie might be good, too, but then I'll have to make pastry. With lemon, I can do a graham cracker crust. I don't know. Something will jump out at me before then! I hope Linda Perkins brings her crunchy slaw. It is soooo good! I won't have to cook much and there will be tons of food. then we can go to the band concert without rushing to clean up the kitchen.


Monday, April 26, 2010

What a nice night! Beautiful round moon shining in a sea of blue. Sixty degrees and free air conditioning tonight! Patrick drove me to Carrollton in his '82 Chevy! We walked 2 miles around the town and came home. Had some weird guy in a green jeep station wagon circle us about 6 times. I don't know if he was investing in the oil companies or just weirding us out! Patrick decided to pick up a large rock, in case he tried anything. I'll bet he would have pegged him with it if he had to! The creek was really rolling tonight, I'll bet that last Friday it would have been lethal.

Jon's camper was intact when he got there this afternoon. Unfortunately, his teacher, Mr. Collier suffered tornado damage to his home this weekend. Don't know how bad, but I sure hate it for him. He and his family are alright, though.

Sid just sent me the UPS safety tip of the day: SEAT BELTS! Too bad Jon didn't heed that! He got a seat belt ticket leaving school today. The boy just won't listen.

had a good day at work, slow though.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crazy boys...

It has been a good weekend all in all. Friday was really nasty weather and was forecast for Saturday as well. Saturday morning I heard a BOOM and sat straight up in the bed. I guess it was about 6:00 am. I went back to sleep and got up about 9:00. NO bad weather yet, not even a raindrop. I could hear thunder booming in the distance, but it never got bad here. Unfortunately, Yazoo City was devastated. Margaret texted me that afternoon and asked if Jon was at home or in Starkville, because that very same mile wide tornado was heading straight for starkville. Thankfully, he was home, but there was still the worry of "will he have a home Monday morning when he goes back to school?" We watched the and tracked the tornado heading northeast of starkville and Jon's house is southeast of Starkville. Mr. Bolin hasn't called to tell us the camper has gone, so hopefully all is well. I'd hate for him to have to commute for 2 weeks til school is out! The bad clouds cleared out mid afternoon and turned pretty. Jon went to a grill shower for a good friend of his that night. He has known James Paul since kindergarten. They moved next to us sometime afterwards. It is hard to believe that they are old enough to be grown, finishing school and getting married. Sure makes me feel old! I remember having James Paul, Adam and Jonathan in Sunday school when I had the first through third grade class. James Paul would get up in the middle of the story and just start walking around. One day he just raised the window and climbed out. Strange child. I remember one afternoon they came in the house with blood pouring from JP's head. "Miss Belinda, can you fix my head, I don't want mama to find out." They had been "pond jumping", which involved bicycles and really steep ramps and dirty hill ponds! Somehow he had cut his head on some part of the bike and needed stitches. Hmmm. what to do. I told him that I could super glue it, but that I would have to pour alcohol in the cut to kill the germs, since they had been in a dirty pond. He said ok. I poured a bottle of rubbing alcohol over that cut and he never even flinched. Jon said, "mama, he don't have any nerves!!!" We glued him up and Terri was none the wiser... I remember another time when he was riding our small 4-wheeler around the yard and just rode it off into a gully. He did manage to jump off before it went over the edge. Good thing, or he probably would have died. I remember the time when he and Jon went fishing in Mr. Bennett's pond around the road from us and a neighbor caught them with beer. They weren't very old, maybe 14 or 15. Seems the old Indian guy at the BP down the road didn't mind selling to children. I'm sure that if I thought about it long enough I could come up with some more JP stories. ha. I was told to write everything down when they were young, that I would forget. I guess at the time I thought, well, I'll never forget this! I'm glad that Ricky Wheat helped them make the you tube video, "The Hills of Carroll County". I laugh every time that I watch it. My sister can't believe that I'm not crazy, with all the junk that the boys have pulled over the years. I told her with boys, you sometimes just can't look! I wasn't looking when Jon ran over Patrick with the dirt bike, either! It was memorial day, the Monday after we buried Mr. Morrison and the boys were riding down in the back pasture behind their grandparents' yard. Patrick was on the little blue 4-wheeler and rode the wrong way up Jon's landing ramp on his big jump. Jon didn't see him until he was in the air and about to land on him. There was nothing he could do but hit him. Sid thought Patrick was dead. He was slumped over the handlebars and out like a light. Grandmother came and got me and by the time we got to her house Patrick was rolling around on the ground crying. I asked what happened, and did you have a wreck. He just screamed no, and cried. I thought we better take him and get him checked out. I took him to the house and put him in the tub to wash a little of the dirt off him and took him to the ER. They did a cat scan and said that he was very lucky. He had a motorcycle tire print on his back and up his head. Patrick said he was sleeping so good til I woke him up. I just asked, "Patrick, when did you wake up?' He told me he woke up in the tub. Chills went up my back. apparently he was still unconscious, but fighting. Poor Jonathan was so scared. He was crying, scared he had really hurt his little brother. It wasn't his fault, though, Patrick shouldn't have been riding backwards on the ramp, but little kids do things like that a lot. Didn't we all think it was cool to run up the slide? Time does fly when you are having fun.

Friday, April 23, 2010

finally friday!

Right now Patrick is asleep in front of the TV with Savage Sam playing. He is just worn out! He got out of school early and has been to South Pontotoc high with the baseball team. they were back before dark. Despite the bad weather, they did play and won. I think the game was cut a little short, though. He wanted to take me riding in his truck, but I told him not tonight. I'd hate to get around the road and the thing quit and a storm brews up!

Sid and Jon made a trip to Greenville this morning to pick up a refrigerator that Grandmother is buying. They got it delivered and Sid headed to work. Jon headed to Winona.

I managed to clean a little more today. I have a clean kitchen now, and 2 loaves of freshly baked wheat bread. Patrick ate a sandwich on it and I made a piece of cheese toast. Pretty good. I did get a big stack of papers organized and put into file folders. I just wonder how long I need to keep 401k statements?

We are enjoying the little kitten. She is so much fun, so frisky. Bobby and Tonie came by tonight. Bobby likes teaching the cat to fetch paper balls. He has a cat who use to fetch things, but not anymore, he's only 17!

I worked this morning. baked 3 batches of bread, a triple pot of tomato & roasted red pepper soup, baked cookies, and mixed up more cookie dough to put in the freezer. I got caught up, I guess.

I am looking forward to not having to get up early tomorrow. I probably will wake up at the same time, but I won't have to get up!

Sid should be home in a few minutes since he went in early. Glad he's getting in before the storms hit again.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today was interesting. Got to work this morning and starting cutting up potatoes for potato salad and celery for chicken salad. I just sharpened my favorite knife-razor sharp. Tammy is washing dishes. I made a point of placing the super-sharp knife in the open where she wouldn't grab it unaware. She gets it in the dishwater and slices the end of her right index finger off. I have never seen anyone bleed as much as she did. We tried to get it stopped. I got a band-aid and a finger cot over it, but the finger cot just filled up with blood. Locked the door and drove her to the Carrollton Clinic where they just wrapped a bandage around it and sent her to the ER. Got back to Miss Sippy's where Betty took over and drove her to Winona to the ER. Only 2 stitches, but I swear she needed a blood transfusion after all that. I had to go in the bathroom and clean the sink and dump the garbage. It looked like an axe murder had taken place in there! They got back about 11:00. I was prepared to stay late, since I wasn't sure she would be able to work after all that, but she did. I haven't heard how that went! I told her that I was eligible to give blood again and let me know if she can have O+!

So, She managed to chop 2 cans of water chestnuts, wash some dishes and cut her finger off! Pretty productive morning, I would say!

Despite all the excitement, I managed to finish up before lunch. My good buddy and former coworker Aaron showed up and wanted a sandwich. He helped me finish washing dishes and he washed lettuce and chopped green onions and tomatoes for taco salad. He is such a good friend. He tried to pay for his food, but I told him NO!!!!! I owed him more than that! I hope that he will stick with school now. He has brought his GPA up and will start his surgical asst. clinicals in the fall. He is so smart and such a hard worker. He is very creative.

Patrick gave me an update on Joey Carpenter. He is off the ventilator and is talking. Praise the Lord! What a miracle. He sure came close to leaving us with a leaking aneurysm in the heart. they worked on him all night. I sure prayed hard for him and his precious little family. they have a 2 year old daughter and a baby on the way. Only 34 years old. I think his wife is 25, around the same age as Elizabeth. God is good--All the time!

Patrick took me riding in his truck tonight! He sure loves his Granddaddy's old truck. Granddaddy promised that truck to every grandchild, but Patrick gets it! The others wouldn't want it anyway. Granddaddy did a pretty good job of beating it up before he gave up his keys. Patrick has cleaned it out, probably had close to 500 pounds of junk in the back! He wants to get the dents fixed and holes patched and get it painted before he starts driving. It should be ready in a couple of years!

Well, Patrick got to see his brother tonight. He didn't get to see him at all last weekend. They missed each other at every turn. They really do love each other! I hope that they will always get along.

Well, tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Short Wednesday!

Today was short Wednesday for Patrick. That means that he got out at 1:30 today and the baseball coach let them off! It was also progress report day. He has a little work to do before end of year grades. 3 B's... Never before! I feel sure that he will bring them up, though. He has a replacement grade to turn in tomorrow in Algebra, which was his lowest grade. Sid and I picked him up and we all went to El Cabrito for lunch. Sure was good. The salsa was especially good today. I like it hot!

I got in a size 14 pair of shorts yesterday!!! Yea! I am so excited. Excited over a 14, you say? YES, when 9 months ago it was a 20! Praise the Lord!

I pulled some weeds today, just had to be outside. I need to work inside, but not my favorite thing. I wish that I was a good housekeeper, but it is just not the case. I have to psyche myself up for it, like start now thinking about scrubbing those toilets and bathtubs and sweeping and mopping. Sometimes it helps to buy a new gadget, like a swiffer or something! or maybe a new garbage can with extra large yard size bags, or maybe a dumpster? hmm.. maybe not. I have lost my mind, I guess!

I promised Patrick that I would try to get on up and bake him some biscuits in the morning. He loves biscuits and even leftover ones, but fresh are best. I wish that I could eat about a half dozen or so, but NO NO NO!!!!! I passed the donut place in Greenwood yesterday and for a brief moment I almost caved, but I did not...Good thing that there's not a Shipley's real close! I'd be a goner!

Liz called and thought she had messed up big time. Her lesson plan was not on her jump drive and wanted to see if it was on our computer. It was. only thing, when I tried to email it to her, I couldn't find it. I found it in word, but when I tried to find it to attach it, I couldn't find it anywhere. She walked me through saving it somewhere else and I finally did it! She only had like 15 minutes, since the computer lab closes at 9:00, so she was getting a little antsy! You would think, since I only have 1 left in regular school, that I would be getting out of the homework business, but NOOOOOO! I had to teach Jon his online microcomputer applications class last semester, and he is just not self motivated enough to do online courses. I stayed on his butt the whole time. I learned a lot about the computer, though. Looks like I could remember how to find a file! ha ;) It seems that college is so much different from when I was there. Our teachers actually taught the class. There was no blackboard to find assignments on and turn them into. We did the work on paper and turned it in to the actual teacher. we went to their offices to say the prologue to the Canterbury tales and turn in research projects. Sometimes I wonder what the teachers purpose is in college anymore-email assignments and blackboard. Tests online, that are timed and if you are bumped offline, you have to call them to get them to reset the test. toooo stressful.

enough of a rant, I guess. I am glad that I am not a student, no I take that back. I love to learn things, I learn something new everyday. I learned a better way to make broccoli salad so that you can save it. I learned a better way to make biscuits recently. I learn from others. You can learn so much from others, that is, if you are only willing to listen and try new things. I learned from a co worker a better way to cook sausage so that it is not so dry and hard. I learned the hard way that milk really doesn't make me throw up! I was trying to throw up when I swallowed the crown that had come unglued from my back tooth. I drank a whole glass, because I used to not be able to swallow it, it made me gag. Didn't work this time, the ipecac syrup worked only too well, though. miserable. I learned that my parents really weren't trying to ruin my life! It takes having some of your own to realize how hard being a parent really is. No handbooks, just trial and error. Made lots of mistakes, but again that is how you learn, right? Don't know if I got it right, yet!

I have been accused of being a little wordy. Ya think?

Well, I reckon that I will go get a bath and go to sleep at a reasonable time for a change! Gotta get up early and make those biscuits! Then got the Baptist men's breakfast at Miss Sippy's!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

I miss the P-man. He went to Nettleton today with the baseball team. It is the first time that he has been able to leave school early to travel with the high school team. I didn't go because there was no junior varsity game and I know that there is not a chance that he will get to play, plus I didn't want to drive back from Nettleton by myself late tonight. I told him to give me a call when they are about 10 miles away and I would come get him. OH, I'd better get a nap! I hope that they win and have a great time.

OK, Sid is complaining, there is nothing to eat here! I started some pork chops and peas, but it won't do him any good today! I had planned on cooking last night, but Elizabeth came home and I helped her work on school stuff until 11:3o last night. I was exhausted, since I had been up since 6:00 am. Patrick came home last night and crashed about 8:00.

Talked to Jonathan yesterday. Anel offered him a job as a welder/welding instructor. They want for him to take the CWI test. Certified welding inspector, makes him much more valuable in the workplace. IF he decides to take the Anel job, he will start to work on may 17. they wanted him on the 10th, but he already had plans. I'm glad that he is going to go to the beach with his friends. Maybe he won't back out on this trip. I just hope that he will behave himself. Wow, less than a month. I'd love to go back to the beach again this year, but our traveling baseball team is planning on making the USSSA world series in Bentonville, AR this year. Arkansas just isn't Panama City Beach! Why can't they play on the coast?

I can't believe that a week from this Saturday is May. Patrick will be out the last week of May. If he keeps up his good grades, he will get out a week early and not have to take any exams. That's what I would like!

I think that Sid has a week off the end of May. He will probably want me to order his lift before then, so he can spend that week installing it.

I think that I will lie down for a little while. I need to go to Greenwood in a little while and am NOT looking forward to it-except for going to see MR. SIDNEY!!!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hi Julia! Hope we can meet you the next time you come south. Thank you for being sweet to Jonathan. He is my little sweetheart! (Even though he would rather spend time with his "winona family nowadays!) JK!

Well, today was a good day. I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up hurting about 3:00 this morning. Took a prescription pain killer and it just didn't even cut it. 4 ibuprofen and a heating pad and 3 hours later I went back to sleep, but had to get up for Sunday school this morning. Bro. Gary had a really good message this morning and I felt as if God was telling me to not doubt, but to clear my mind and trust with my heart. I guess you had to be there. Came home and grilled some burgers out for lunch.

Sid and I attended our first "Hill Fire" production and it was wonderful. I laughed, I cried! It was so good.

Went to survey the damage to the "race car" this afternoon. So sad, such a waste...... But, of course, I'm a girl that "just don't get it"! We came home, picked up the P-man and Jeremiah and went to El Cabrito for supper! Yummy, as usual. The best Mexican restaurante anywhere! Muy bueno!

home now and Sid is watching the country music awards. YUCK! I absolutely hate country music. Give me some classic rock anyday. gone are the days of Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, Journey, Rush, Yes, ELO, Ted Nugent! They live on on 102.5 the TIGER! ha ha. Love love love it!

We went to Charlie Ray's for some awesome BBQ last night. Sat around the fire pit afterwards with 2 of my favorite guys- Sid and the P-man. Muscadine wine and cheese and crackers. Beautiful night, clear and crisp, stars like little diamond studs on a navy blue velvet cape!

We have had an awesome spring this year. Most years it goes from winter straight to summer, with absolutely no spring. the flowers have been outstanding and my pink rose on the fence is about to burst into bloom. It only blooms once, but it is soooooo worth it!

Got a big day tomorrow. Catering job for the kidney clinic in Greenwood. They want lasagna with homemade garlic bread, salad, and Miss Sippy's mud cake. That on top of whatever they ran out of on Saturday that I will have to cook. Hope not a lot!

Guess I'll go visit with my tall one, since he came home for a while.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I drove to Ethel yesterday afternoon to watch the Jr. high's last baseball game. We won both games. Patrick played third base and got several hits. It was such a nice day to play baseball, (and watch!) Tonight they (8th graders) are moving up to the high school team, so I will be going to Winona soon to watch them play.

Jonathan finally came home. He had been helping build a race car and they painted all night. I guess after a nap, he'll be gone again.

Why don't they put pockets in yoga pants? They are so comfy,but I have no place for my car keys or phone, and I hate to carry a purse.

Sidney taught the new kitty how to eat. The poor thing was starving to death.

off to dry my hair.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I can't believe it's been over a year since I wrote on here. I think it's because I discovered "Facebook" and pretty much addicted to that! It's been a great year. Since I wrote last, Jonathan has received "outstanding welding techology student" at EMCC for 2 years in a row. He also received some scholarships which has helped with school this year. Patrick received awards at school last year, Liz is still plugging along, trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel of her education. We took the most awesome vacation ever last year at Seacrest Beach florida. I highly recommend it! So beautiful, so restful, so safe, so quiet. We ALL went and had a wonderful time. I don't even remember a fight. Hmm.. surely not! I think I posted over 300 pictures on facebook! Patrick made the jr. high baseball team this year. They played their last game tonight in Ethel, MS! They won both games in shutouts. He starts playing with the high school tomorrow night and will play summer ball with the high school as well. Patrick received a superior at State Bible drill competition at Emmanuel church this past Tuesday. Sid and I are still about the same, I have lost some weight, so that is good. I have decided that I WILL waterski this year! I probably need to work on my upper body strength first!

On a sad note, Earl, the best cat in the world went to Kitty Heaven last Wednesday. He leaves behind a family who loves him and misses him very much. We have adopted a new kitty, but it doesn't have a name yet. Very sweet, though.

We have the garden planted and some of it is up now. I have declared war on whitetails and have installed an electric fence to help with that war. I am tired of feeding deer, when I am running out of green beans and mustard greens. I still need to plant the okra, but Sid says we need to wait until we hear the whippoorwill, then it will be warm enough for okra.

We had a pretty cold winter for us. Never did get a proper snow, though. This spring, however, has been the nicest that I can remember in a long time. The flowers are beautiful and the weather is outstanding. I wish it would stay like this year-round. I suppose I would get tired of no fluctuations, but I'd like to see!

Jonathan says I need to write in this more often, but I never knew that he read it. Maybe I'll try to keep up better.